Now that the dust has settled


Anyone with basic knowledge of game development can tell you they ripped the core parts of D3’s functionality and pasted it directly into an updated engine.

Jamming a crappy “open” world into that doesn’t change facts.

Maybe try not commenting on stuff you have no idea about.

It’s cute when people have their own subjective experiences they deem fun but refuse to acknowledge why the game has so many objective problems. It’s called shilling, or maybe you’re actually just this braindead.

How can anyone say stuff like this with a straight face?

D3 had no skill tree, D4 does.
D3 had no respec costs, D4 does.
D3 had runes and greater skill variety than D4.
D3 had procedurally generated endgame content, D4 has static dungeons.
D3 had crafting gear, D4 does not.
D3 saved builds, and let you switch, D4 makes you manually fill it out every time you want to change.
D3 showed you the possible stat changes when you were re-rolling an item, D4 does not.

What are the “core” parts of D3’s functionality that D4 copied? As far as I can see, D4 was developed without consulting the D3 team, and without taking things that worked from D3 and incorporating them. To be honest, if they had copy-pasted, we’d have many more QoL features that are clearly missing from D4.

Hi thanks for asking!

You seem to have missed a few keywords so let me highlight them again. “core parts” "functionality "

This largely relates to the way the game was designed on a fundamental level. How character power works, how loot works in relation to character power, how skills function as a whole, and more.

I’ve already went over this a few times with people so I’m not going to get into more details. I will simply leave you with this example.

In D3 every skill functions based off of a couple factors, Weapon Damage, Main Stat (same as D4)
In D2 every skill functions off of a preset damage variance. (a flat number)

We aren’t talking about the parts of the game that can be changed at anytime, these are large mathematical/logic systems that control the entire core of the game, these same systems they ripped straight from D3’s codebase.

(there is a reason both games loot looks identical, in terms of damage modifier stacking)


So what’s the problem? Skills scale more as you get better gear and better stats?

Calling this a “code is copied directly from D3” is being sensationalist at best.

Seems like you fail to grasp the concept as a whole. These aren’t independent systems, they work together to create the overall design.

Want to know D3’s biggest problems? The way it was designed on a fundamental level left any room for in-depth mechanics, it was SHALLOW. D4 copied a lot of the design straight from D3, what problems are we facing right now? SHALLOW BUILDS AND ITEMS. Shocker.

Just stop please.

Whisper Tree = Bounties

NM Dungeons = GRs

The end game is a copy pasta which was D3’s core.

I was responding directly to a post regarding casual players, so what you said is both incorrect and insulting.

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“one person saying”
Ignorant comparison… since its not just ONE person saying either statements…

Here you go chief, this is just from a quick search and picked from THREAD creators, not even posts within these threads or others threads of people calling it D3 remake/clone/3.5, etc.


It really confuses me why people can’t see the obvious. I guess it’s our mind playing tricks on us to convince us what we believe is accurate because we want it to be so.

Seriously dude…

You start saying that some people thinking that D4 is a 3 clone, and some others saying that it’s not, means that it invalidates both points.

I question your logic of "people saying ‘A’, and people saying ‘not A’ invalidates both ‘A’ and ‘not A’ ".

Your reply is "here’s the proof of people saying ‘A’ ", something I never questioned at all… TO THE POINT OF EVEN ME MYSELF MADE A THREAD ABOUT THAT: Diablo4 = Diablo2.5?

What kind of Chewbacca defence is that?


How is this even remotely a copy-paste of D3?

  • No cube recipe
  • No sets
  • No runes for skills
  • No Rifts
  • No special Gems
  • No Grift keystones
  • No game lobby
  • No Torments, only 4 difficulty settings
  • No bounty caches
  • No crafting or leveling up crafters
  • No free respeccing

They literally removed everything that made D3 fun. EVERYTHING.

Feel free to read what we were talking about to realize he was replying to something absolutely unrelated and accusating me of denying something I have never denied to the point of making a thread clearly stating it:

Hence the part you didn’t quote. Brain dead idiot

The core game is the same with sigils replacing greater rifts and everything else removed

Best launch of any AAA I’ve ever been a part of.

Top notch visuals and sound

Best campaign ever

Game is just flat out fun

Is the game perfect? No.

Will the developers continue to work to improve the game? Yes.

What really went wrong was the hardcore aarpg and D2 crowd lived in denial hoping against hope they were getting the game they but nobody else wanted. Once reality set it it’s been it’s been one forum tantrum after another.

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With this logic you could say they tried making a copy/paste of Hello Kitty Island Adventures.

So then why did I get a notification that it was a direct reply to the comment I left? Maybe a mistake. Maybe I misunderstood something. I don’t know. Or did I reply to him? I post too much on here and can’t keep track. If I’m off base then my apologies. No ill intention meant.

EDIT I drank too much coffee and just got back from the dentist. My brain is scrambled eggs at the moment. :upside_down_face:

ahahahah so damn true

Not 100% sure how it was, just saw a message below his one plus a like by you to his message, so thought you were endorsing his version.

The conversation was like:
Him: “1+1=3”.
Me: “1+1 aren’t 3”.
Him: “Sky is blue, why do you keep denying it? Here are the proofs that sky is blue”
Me: “When was I discussing the color of the sky?”

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Lol. Sounds like a typical forum exchange. :smile: Isn’t the sky actually green though, but we see it as blue due to the reflection of light? shrug

So its a clone/2.0… but “completely different.” ???

I question YOUR logic. Im asking you derps to get on the same page as to whether its a D3 clone or not… because you’re all contradicting each other.