Now that the dust has settled

I dont know, what metric have you seen that proves player reception is bad?

There is no such metric, certainly not one available to us and it’s too early for more than signs, but they are there. This is a basic, boring game.

You really need me to list out everything that has been on these forums since launch?
The main ones that affect my enjoyment of the game.

Early Game:

  • Builder/Spender system makes the leveling process way more painful then it needs to be. Until this system gets adjusted it is hard to look at any other early game systems as this one hurts everything.
  • Crafting system, no point in attempting to craft anything outside 1 - 2 attempts per gear due to the cost constantly going up. Leading people to just save their mats/gold for when they reach the end game and find a BiS item minus 1 mod.

End Game

  • Helltides being the only source for the reroll material.
  • Crafting system issues from early game carry over to the end game.

I enjoy the NM dungeon spam and the TP to the dungeon will make it that much more fun.

…Your answer for what’s wrong with Diablo IV comes down to the “crafting system”?

I have fun with it. I am sure many others are having fun as well given the large number of play hours blizzard has publicized.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Those hours will drop off. As for Blizzard, they live on a name.

Yes, of course they will, it happens with even the best games. People always move on to something else.

And Blizzard have used that excuse with Overwatch. The reality is a little bit different.

No, sure what you are referring to but I will take your word for it.

Does 1 person saying that Earth is flat automatically invalidate both him but also everyone saying Earth being round? Because it’s the logic I see you applying there, where 2 opposite opinions about resemblances with D3 not just invalidate both, but also serve you as an excuse to be disrespectful with both.

And there can even be a different interpretation: the game being built over D3, but with some features evolving from that D3 version that ended being an involution.

In my estimation there are two varieties of casuals…lazy and dedicated. I count myself amongst the latter. I have not yet finished the campaign, though I have God knows HOW many hours invested in it. However, once I do finish I intend to keep playing. I also have a preorder battlepass waiting for me, so that is something else to look forward to. So, not all us casuals qualify as ‘filthy’.

Most casuals who havn’t even reached the bad parts everyone is talking about still comment about it though. They talk about build diversity and so on, which works fine if ur still in act 2 and lvl 20-30. Probably why people refer to them as filthy, in reality its us no lifers who play alot and forget to shower that are filthy.

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I got one friend like you as well, quite frankly I wouldn’t call that casual, lazy or dedicated. It’s a game we’re different people. Glad you’re having fun.

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Well, foremost I have to admit it is a true diablo game fitting right in with its predecessors:

  • Leveling is very tedious and boring.
    (Yes, I get plvl where ever I can in D3).
  • Every season you get to do it again or else no new content for you!
  • Finding decent loot to aleviate the painful and tedious leveling process is virtually non existing.
  • My character is -as I would expect- very squishy and weak.
  • In D4 they upped it by freezing your character for eternity so it can die, without you being able to do anything about it. No input works to unstuck your character. Stuck = death.

From a point, i like diablo games, after leveling / leveling high enough to actually efficiently killing monsters. Without struggling or dieing every 5 secs.

Game looks good, spells are nice and fun, nice area to play etc. Also like earlier diablo games.

I do not care about cosmetics, so battle pass is irrelevant to me. Don’t care about any competition or races to lvl100. Don’t have much time to play anyways.

Just let me import my eternal characters and all it has unlocked etc. and let me enjoy the new seasonal content.

Make leveling up smoother, feeling stronger, not neccerally faster. Drop me actual upgrades more often and cut with the junk. And do not stuck my character. It is a dumb, boring mechanism!

The grind in D2 feels good because you can trade or pvp or make new chars/builds with those items…you cant do ANY of that in D4 so youre stuck just literally grinding to grind for grinding sakes.

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Grinding my teeth is more fun than grinding in D4.

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Such as the fact that you can seamlessly transfer worlds is one of the best features I’ve literally ever seen in any game online. I mean that right there alone deserves recognition. Such as that.

there are 1/2 billion reasons why Diablo went right for Blizzard

I agree. It becomes mindlessly vapid after a short while. It’s amazing how empty the content becomes. They should have elite stacks and champion mobs because at least killing those is pretty fun. That’s why D3 NM tiers were fun at least. Now there’s not a whole lot of incentive to participate in NM dungeons or grind better gear 90+. What So you can kill boring repetitive nm dungeons? The nm dungeons don’t have a whole lot going on it’s just the same content over and over

To be blunt, anyone who’s talking about “lazy” vs “dedicated” in the context of a video game that’s supposed to be mostly fun is not adding anything useful to a discussion.