Diablo 3.5/Immortal 2.0

You can slap a really cool aesthetic and dark themes on it, but when it comes down to it, I see the unfeeling corporate lifelessness sticking out from underneath. You really needed to change everything with this release, make it hard, gritty, punishing and you didn’t do that. The item system is bland, I don’t care about the items or the characters i’m equipping them to and its all just meh. Story is kinda cool but definitely trying to hard to be like D2(following a FEMALE demon across sanctuary? So much different!).


Great …

…so how was your sandwich ?


Post vague critique… get thumbs up from people that got a key from a chicken sandwich that are just here to crap on the game regardless of the quality… :poop:


People will call you dumb but the core gameplay is very similar to Reaper of Souls. There is a fresh coat of paint, and the world is different, but the moment to moment gameplay is very similar. Loot drops feel the same. Monsters feel the same. Elites have the same abilities. Dungeons really feel like a mix between bounties and Greater Rifts.


The thumbs ups are actually from people who didn’t got their sandwich, let alone a copy of D4. Whoever have a Battle.Net account can actually Thumbs Up , but can’t post.

And most are the haters lurking the D4 forums in search for the “i told you so” posts.

This are your usual trolls. At most they throw the same “D3 , Immortal” line, like our OP here with little to no solid feedback.


Scrap the game and developer, try again, thats my feedback. Do a FFXIV.

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Yep, people have become so bitter that they just create threads to :poop: on the game, for those ‘told you so’, moments.


You didn’t told me how was your sandwich.

…and if you call that feedback, please go and play…whatever you want. This is Diablo, not “Do a FFXIV”. For that go to WoW forums.


Why are you commenting? Are you helping? No? Go away XD

Why are people so defensive of this game? There are a lot of similarities between this and Diablo 3. The combat is nearly identical for one. Legendaries drop every 5 minutes. Dungeon objectives are ripped straight out of bounties. Enemies scale with level, lack of a sense of progression while leveling up. Salvaging mechanics are nearly identical.


I can do as I wish, doesn’t it suck to have no power over people? What an intelligent person you are to take the time to respond though, I’m glad I wasted your time and energy XD

This forum is full of fanboys.

D4 really feels like Immortal.


D4 is for the masses so you have to adjust your expectation. If you want something truly hardcore that wld only come from an indie.

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Basically a straight mechanical rip, toning down the arcade/loot piñata parts to make it seem like its a different game. But intelligent people can tell what they have done here.


I don’t mind if this is exactly like D3 with better graphics, I mind because this is much worse than D3, and eventually it will devolve into a microtransaction ridden garbage of a game, nothing I can do about it anymore, but sadly, it is heading that way.

Here is some of my predictions:

  • Leveling will be much more drawn out (but not more difficult) to prevent people from easily starting new characters
  • Skills will be locked so you can’t easily respec
  • Respec potions will be sold for real money
  • They will slowly add things to the game that make your player stronger and sell those too (but will never sell actual items for money)

Dungeons are exactly like in DI.
The world map even looks like it’s ripped straight out of DI.
Skills are pretty much D3 (come on, it’s D4. Be a bit more creative).
Live-service is a mix of D3 and DI, with way too much DI MMO stuff.
Paragon is directly taken from POE.


I mean, this right here is the proof that most of you are under drugs or something.

But …I kinda give you that. Is Blizzard mistake for releasing Diablo Immortal and not only that, but they copied the UI, Font Text, etc from D4. That was just greed. And because of it, it gave people like you …ideas to go deep into … conspiracy theories like …respec potions will be sold for real money.


So you did got a beta key by ordering a sandwich :)))))))))))))


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Look at me, still not caring about your opinion and doing what I want! Please keep replying though, I’m enjoying you taking time out of your day to do so!

Do you really think I care about your opinion?

I will still play D4 no matter…what “opinion” you have LOL

Hope it was a good sandwich ! :)))

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