Diablo4 = Diablo2.5?

Can’t get why people keeps insisting in this when it’s so easy to prove that’s built upon D3:

  • D4 events, cursed chests = D3 events and cursed chests. Same “kill X waves”, same “escort X guy”, etc.
  • D4 Tree of whispers = D3 bounties.
  • D4 Nightmare dungeons = D3 GRifts.
  • D4 Glyphs = D3 Legendary gems.
  • D4 Jeweler NPC for upgrading gems = D3 Jeweler NPC for upgrading gems.
  • D4 Occultist NPC for rerolling 1 item affix = D3 Mystic NPC for rerolling 1 item affix.
  • D4 Legendary powers = D3 legendary powers.
  • The compilation of those: D4 Codex of power = D3 Kanai’s cube.
  • All uniques streamlined to standard 4 rolls + legendary power + [implicit roll] (slot depending) as an evolution of D3’s Loot2.0’s “4/2”. Oh, yeah, all but Razorplate.
  • Item numbers scaling with level like D3.
  • Latter item tiers always making previous item tiers obsolete like D3. No chance of some low level items being useful, they’ll always be replaced.
  • “+ to X defensive skill on helm” “+ to Y spender skill on gloves”, “+ to Z utility skill on pants”, …
  • D4 item caches = D3 item caches.
  • D4 mob level scaling = D3 mob level scaling.
  • D4 cooldowns = D3 cooldowns.
  • D4 generators + spenders = D3 generators + spenders.
  • D4 town portal without item and castbar = D3 town portal without item and castbar.
  • D4 items dropping already identified = D3 items dropping already identified.
  • D4 6-skill bar = D3 6-skill bar.
  • D4 Boring optional secondary quests with standard “gold+items” rewards = D3 Boring optional secondary quests with standard “gold+items” rewards.
  • D4 inventory with same-sized items = D3 inventory with same-sized items.
  • D4 item icon (shape, colored background) = D3 item icon (shape, colored background).
  • D4 salvaging, crafting, veiled crystals, etc = D3 salvaging, crafting, veiled crystals, etc.
  • D4 no stat requirements for equipping gear = D3 no stat requirements for equipping gear.

Not judging if those features are cool or not or should be present in D4 or not (that’s another story), just stating in which game it’s mostly based.

Denying that D4 was built over D3 and pretending it’s D2.5 is a very disrespectful act aimed at spread confusion and misinformation. Only has visuals and a skill tree.


LOL who cares great game. ARPG’s might not be for you anymore? D3 was never bad sept the loot. And the Devs never playing end game when they released it. This game is a baby. They will have cycles like POE as LE is copying this as well. 2 Expansions are being worked on at same time so they can cycle. Base games been a blast cant wait to see where it goes

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Idk feels like a mix between d2 and 3. But I don’t care whether it is or isn’t 2.5. It’s fun in its own way. Soooo who cares.

It’s crazy how d4 has brought no innovation… everything in there is from D2, D3, Lost Ark or PoE…


Nice off-topic, bro.

Because almost everyone wants to forget about Diablo Immortal - which really is Diablo 2.5!!

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Totally accurate lore-wise, can’t say much in other terms, as I haven’t played D:I.

At first glance I don’t have the feeling that Immortal is any similar to D2, but can’t make bold statements about that.

Base game for what? You can’t be talking about D4?

It’s itemized more like Diablo 2. And after the story there really isn’t much reason to level to 100 other than you can. The overall theme is more like Diablo 2 as well. These are the only things that make it feel like Diablo 2.

It’s not disrespectful to say this game is Diablo 2.5. it’s just not accurate. In the logical sense of what 2.5 actually means.

please show examples how it is itemized like Diablo 2? Cuz imho all D4 itemization is D3 itemization with some boring + random skills and even this is strongly tied to a specific slot
i even gonna say that this game itemization is even worse than it was in D3. If this game somehow rly had D2 itemization it would be great.
Imho only 1 item that a bit remind itemization of diablo 2 is shako but only for + to all skills.


No, it doesnt scale with level in WT3 and WT4. Item Power is what says something about stat ranges in WT3 and WT4 and all items will have item requirement at the level you are when its dropped.

skills + items was a Diablo 2 thing that was not in Diablo 3.

Items powers are not synergistic combo pieces that equate to the powers of God. I’m strong in my character but not every price is Lazer focused on one particular build.

In Diablo 3 your gear matter more than your skill choices. That is not the case in Diablo 4.

My gear doesn’t define my character nearly as much. I changed from hota to rend to whirlwind and back to hota. The only thing I changed was my spender skill and I was just as strong with ever build while wearing the same gear.

Side bar. Also Diablo 3 you have to identify legendary items by hand or with the book in town. They are not auto identified like the are in Diablo 4.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to just drop that without backing it with reasons in a thread that offers evidences of the opposite.

“Innacurate” means just making a mistake. When it’s made on purpose, it’s lying, and lying is disrespectful.

If you look at the length of the list, it’s obvious that there’s no room for overlooking so many things.

Preferring one game or another is legit. Lying in order to manipulate in favor of your interests is disrespectful.

Yeah. Like. Saying it on purpose but don’t know what it actually means from a technical point of view. Which is what I meant by that.

I think you are a mistaken a bit.
The fact that the skill runes were stretched on a pseudo-skill tree does not mean that this is a full-fledged tree. Unlike Diablo 2, there are no synergies and other things in it. And you are very limited in leveling these skills.
Absolutely your entire choice of skills depends on the gear in the same way as in Diablo 3. The only difference is that now the numbers are not 10000% but less, but this is for now.

In Diablo 4, the same system of mandatory items is exact as in diablo 3, they were simply redesigned and called aspects and not sets. Try to play on WT4 without aspects - nothing will work, you will be wiped out. This is absolutely the same system of borrowed powers from the gear as in d3 they just renamed it.

In d2 you could easily clear Hell difficulty w/o any mandatory gear(like shako and etc). and this is one of the key things for a good itemization - you never depend on the gear that will drop to you, it can only make your build a little better. Even those crazy rare items like Griffon’s for example will never make you twice stronger and were never a mandatory for any builds.

So that’s absolutly incorrect.

if they named things from d3 differently, it does not mean that the mechanics of their work have changed

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This post is pointless. The game is fun regardless if the team kept features from past games. If you don’t enjoy it you know where the door is.

No idea what you’re talking about.

Also can’t understand. Could you please mention what of the games are you referring to?

That has a name: skill tree, and I already mentioned it in the OP.

Exactly, legendaries. D4 “nothing needs to be identified” is an evolution of what D3 did with blues and yellows.

actually i think that even skill tree was designed around D3 skills rune system and passives. They just renamed it and stretched on a pseudo tree to create the illusion of choice. E.g. glass cannon now sorc passive which provide you for 15% i believe damage boost on 3rd level and it’s the same that was in D3.

Seriously dude:

If you have no intention of reading, don’t bother to reply.

The game is similar to Diablo 2 in how the story and world is presented. It has more horror themes, darker tone etc.

I think in terms of gameplay it has the combat of Diablo III.

The loot system is overall new. Diablo 2 has a better loot system (if including the expansions and runewords). But D4 could end up better in the long run.