More like Diablo 3 resurrected. I have been playing Diablo since D1 was in beta and I wonder what happened. Diablo 2 was by far one of the best sequels to any game I’ve played and was excited for D3 before it was released and let us not forget about that colossal disappointment not to mention before D3’s expansion it felt more like a demo than a game (the first expansion not this one). I read somewhere that the devs were trying to make 4 more like D1 and D2, after playing the D4 beta I question whether any of them have even played D1 or D2
Diablo 1 and 2 are shrouded in nostalgia, the games do not hold up to modern standards. There’s only so many times you can kill Baal or Pindleskin and continue to have fun.
Having extensively played all of the Diablo games as well, I believe your opinion on D4 is one of the worst.
If youre having trouble distinguishing D4 from D3, you may want to consider the possibility of health issues rather than game issues.
I played d1 in beta and I think d4 is amazing. Can’t wait for full release.
You can’t recreate the past.
As for this feeling like an extension of D3, outside of combat…that would be a no for me.
Trees are still a bit too simple, itemization is ‘okay’…but all still better than D3 was when ol’ Jay boy butchered the franchise. Rose coloured glasses were never on…he just used that to validate his nonsense with where he went with the franchise.
Haven’t seen any unicorns or butterflies yet. This story is leaps and bounds above D3. It’s grim, grimey, a few cringe moments with ‘but mommy’ stuff…but far superior to what they did in D3. Miles above in that regard.
The environments thus far are much more menacing. Is there anywhere in D3 that felt menacing? Nope, not a one.
It’s a reboot…thank goodness. Blizz has a lot of work to do but at least the compass is pointing in the right direction. D3 never was until the first xpac. Still never got to where it needed to be imho though.
Just to clear up any confusion what I mean to say is that D4 is what D3 should have been. However, I am not a fan of the skill tree or skill progression. Overall, I think they did a good job.