Diablo 4, or wait, diablo 3 remake?

The sad part is that Blizzard is a company and they make things ina way that make them lose less time or save more time and get more money. What I mean? Diablo 4 is CLEARLY a d3 remake Control C control V situation. They instead of thinking and creating new things, they take the easy path that is just CTRL C CTRL V. So many years waiting for this game. The game looks amazing, sounds amazing, the game feels nice. BUT feels the same as playing D3 with some new content and better audio and graphics.

1 - Skill tree, basically the same as D3 but instead of the option to choose 5 runes to enhance your skill now you can choose 3 and it is in a tree format.

2 - Now instead of BLOOD is called OBOL. Same mechanic.

4 - every NPC in the city, they do the same as in d3 they have the same menu, with the same options but with just an update tab with something new.

5 - the feeling of killing monsters, even the monsters spells like the pink ball that has a bean and deals damage from special mobs, they have it here, just changed the graphics. Also other boss mechanics are the same, most of the monsters are the same.

The caches we had to farm in D3 now its the same but u deliver it to a tree and get a cache.

Basically when they presented the game, they sounded like they created a lot of new things but 70% of the game is the same.

Its really sad, because instead of playing a game that I feel like a new game, just feel like Diablo 3 with A BIT more content, better graphics and audio.


New things:

  1. Open world
  2. Pvp
  3. Pvp zones
  4. Thank god rifts are gone
  5. Imprint suffixes on other items
  6. Pick up sticks
  7. No levels with d**ks drawn on the map
  8. Saturation doesn’t burn my eyes
  9. Dungeons
  10. Public events
  11. World boss events
  12. Public pvp events
  13. Legion events
  14. Paragon system that doesn’t suck

I guess it’s time for you to return to your happy place, D3!


I think D3’s endgame is better than D4’s endgame in its current state


The time I spent on D3 was not comparible to D2 but I can sincerely tell you I do not miss grinding rifts to fuel greater rifts to grind rifts to fuel greater rifts to run nightmares to run rifts to fuel greater rifts.

Doesn’t change the fact that D3 has better endgame than D4, I don’t care that you don’t miss grinding D3.

How is it better? I am interested in your expansion of thought instead of just repeating that.

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Let me see… Doing GR’s 24/7 until my eyes pop out VS having NM dungeons + hell tides + world bosses + random stuff (including pvp, not my cup of tea tho)…

Yep you’re right, D3 endgame is WAY better :upside_down_face:


Edit: And only 10+ years from now to add stuff with expansions and so on! :partying_face:

Edit 2: Cant wait until seasons start, kill some trash mobs, get 2 parts of my set, do some random crap, get another 2 parts, some more crap, finish my set and get bored in 3 days because nothing to do :melting_face:

Yes – D4 is very similar to D3 in function and form. But don’t be surprised if you see lots of people coming into this topic talking about how they hated rifts, or technical terms/jargon are different from D3. Even though many of the systems are side grades to what we saw in D3, and follow very similar rules in how player power is developed.

A lot of the core ideas from D3 were put into D4. If you’re not completely brain dead and overly focused on technicalities, you can see it all over the place as you play the game.

It is not a matter of ‘being brain-dead’ and not seeing the similarities in the systems - why change some of it if it is good and working?

Why are so many of you trolls and attempt to antagonize people for no reason? Gtfo lmao.

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Diablo 4 is built on the Diablo 3 engine from 2008.

Diablo 4 is pretty much Diablo 3 with some open world mmo-lite activities.

The itemization and most systems are basically diablo 3 2.0 with a slight variation.

Its actually extremely disappointing, I’m about lvl80 and tbh im quite let down. Diablo 3 at least they tried something completely new from Diablo 2 to advance the genre/series. Even tho D3 was an absolute failure as a game, D4 in comparison feel like a cash grab repackaging of Diablo 3 in order to save money and time for a quick initial sales profit boost.

Sure i still had many hours of fun recently but when i take a step back and look at the overall picture its not looking good.

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What would be the problem with using that engine? Would you rather them take more years to develop and learn a new custom engine just for the sake of it being ‘new’?

Tell me the game isn’t beautiful. What more would you like to see? ffs lol

i disagree it looks and plays every unlike Diablo3, in fact I think that is some peoples issue with it.


Diablo 3 its the worst arpg in the story. Its a completly diffent game the pacing its totally different.

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How is this Diablo 3 remake if it has new story, different graphic style, classes, endgame etc. Meanwhile new Fifa releases each year. Go complain out there. I don’t know what new gameplay you expect. Want it to be turn based or racing game or what?

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I believe the opinion that D4 is a D3 remake is probably one of the worst opinions. I just dont see, in any function or graphical way, how this correlation can be made.

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Ok so the only content that is relevant in D4 once you reach WT3/WT4 are Helltides and Nightmare dungeons.

Let’s compare Helltides with Rifts and Nightmare dungeons with Grifts.

D4 Helltides:

  • Low density
  • Low reward
  • Very punishing if you die, you lose 50% of your cinders
  • There is a level 72 boss roaming around that takes 20 minutes to kill and has very low reward
  • Have a mystery chest that is semi rewarding and annoying to find

D3 Rifts:

  • Fast paced
  • High reward
  • Not punishing if you die
  • Is available 24h a day in comparison to 12h a day with Helltides

D4 Nightmare dungeons:

  • Doesn’t have a leaderboard
  • Low density
  • Low reward
  • Is a combination of all the most annoying WoW M+ affixes and then some
  • Have a glyph leveling system
  • Have annoying objectives like slaying all the mobs in the dungeon which most of the time are scattered all over the place

D3 Greater rifts:

  • Have a leaderboard
  • High density
  • High reward
  • Have a gem leveling system, this is equivalent to the glyph leveling system in my opinion
  • Have one clear goal which is to finish the grift in time

Thank you for going in-depth. That was worth reading.

You know people complained about those “pros” like legendaries dropping too often, game being too fast paced and simplified.

Yes I am aware but as of right now, D4 endgame doesn’t produce any dopamine.

There hasn’t been a single Shako or Grandfather drop confirmed.

Funny how differently people view things. As I’ve played through the campaign and in to endgame, I keep coming back to how many lessons from D3 seem to have been lost.

D3 gets dumped on by this community constantly, but the truth is it ended up as a really great ARPG. While I enjoy D4 and am excited for what its future holds, I think as things sit today D4 has a long way to go before its at the same level as D3.