Feels like Diablo 3 DLC?

I’m enjoying the game so far - can’t wait to try the Druid out - however, I feel like i’m just playing a Diablo 3 DLC pack, as there doesn’t seem to be any considerable changes to the mechanics or graphics of the game like there were in D 1, 2, 3. I love Diablo 3 and played through it on multiple platforms many times, but I guess maybe call it a DLC instead of a new game? Either way i’ll still play. Also, i’m only lvl 4 so far, so not sure if the game opens up in some new way yet.


Imagine assesing an arpg after playing for 20 minutes


“im only level 4” lets go right to the forums!


Except D3 has a UI that’s much easier to navigate and skills aren’t squeezed into a giant PDF file. I hope they redesign the layout of it.


I played a few hundred hours of D3, and Im enjoying D4 rn. Of course, it’s somewhat similar as they have taken the lessons learned from all previous Diablo games, but to me, this game feels good and unique.


No changes to the mechanics or graphics? Are you sure you are playing the right Diablo?


People are playing with rose tinted glasses right now. I see the same issues, in that it’s too much like a repackaged, PoE like (graphics), D3.5.


Doesn’t feel like Diablo III that much, if anything I’d equate it more to Path of Exile.

I have played several hours so far and definitely doesn’t remind me of D3. The GUI is built for a console and needs a PC like mode with a bar. The mini map can be improved. As far as the gameplay, they talked up the defensive moves like dodge and the characters feel very stiff in their movements. My level 11 sorceress got blew right through by the Butcher (Diablo 1 style) because my character wouldn’t move and still did no damage to him with a focused build.

I do love the graphics but I skipped the dialog to save for the game coming out and basically followed the map. I’m still feeling out the skill tree to see if I like it better.

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Arent people always comparing the diablo games to poe and telling blizz how great poe is and blizz needs to learn blah blah…then when they do it people complain? Kek

Diablo 3 always felt like a Diablo Arcade game to me. High speed. Legendary Loot Showers. Timers…

D4 feels like they took Diablo 2 and put it on Lost Ark’s game engine and PoE’s passive/skill trees, but kept the dark and gritty D2 atmosphere and D2R graphics. Which is good to me!


This is more like Diablo Immortal Lite.

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there are way too many similarities. it is a sequel but hes right, it feels more like a D3 expansion than a brand new game.

Can’t believe that there are still people, and after playing D4, they still go with this…idiocricy.

Dude, go see a doctor. You definitely need glasses.

And no changes to mechanics?! Yes, very considerable changes to mechanics, unless you tell me what exactly you mean by … mechanics?

Completely agree, diablo 3 was bright, it was colorful, it was extremely fast paced, loot was easy to get, the difficulty scaling was toned way down making it incredibly easy… All in all compared to d2:lod, it felt like a complete direction change… Don’t get me wrong I played it and I don’t mind it, especially after it matured and end game seasonal play got sorted out. But in the end d3 didn’t feel like a sequel to d2.

I have only played a few hours, but I very much get d2 vibes from d4. That alone peaks my interest, I’m disappointed with no plate armor clad paladin/holyknight/sword&shield class, but I imagine they will be added later in dlc just like monk in d1 or assassin & druid in d2.

Anyways I’m excited for release, and I know ill get the wolf backpack… So no complaints from me.