I'm Just Playing Diablo 3 With Different Graphics

Most of the skills are the same, just renamed. The gameplay is exactly the same, just primary skill and spenders. Dungeons and cellars are just like the random locations in Diablo 3, and so are the world events. Then they added Diablo Immoral mechanics on top of it, such as the legendary system, world bosses on timers, world tiers, etc. I mean, I get it Blizz, you only had a Warcraft mobile game releasing this year, so you had to throw something else out for your shareholders, but it shows.

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You are clearly blind if you think this is Diablo3. Dont be stuck in the past.


If that were true, then how did I type this and read your reply? Also, how is recognizing that the game hasn’t evolved in gameplay for over ten years is demonstrating that it’s ME stuck in the past? I don’t know if you’re trying to be ironic on purpose or not, but either way it’s fully on display here.

Just wait until end game. It’s a lot better. You’re making a judgement based on level 20 or 25.

Yeah maybe give it more time the systems appear to be way different than D3. Fyi I hated post ROS D3.

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No you’re not. This is much worse than Diablo 3.

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Not true. Diablo 3 is actually fun to play.

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Can we please stop using this response? If early game isn’t fun, there is no indication that a game will suddenly flip a switch and become “good” in the end game. How many people are actually going to stick around to find out?

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In Diablo 3 bosses are CCable. That alone makes D3 vastly superior and different from D4.

No, Diablo 4 is more like a visually lamer version of Lost Ark.

A Diablo game plays like a Diablo game? :astonished:

If this game was actually just D3 with updated graphics why do so many D3 fanboys feel the need to complain about slower gameplay and loot not raining down from the sky?

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To be fair it is called Diablo 4, which comes right after Diablo 3.

*But you are wrong

Eh not really. It is way to based on wearing a set.

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