Now that the dust has settled

Nothing went wrong. All 7 players who are mad need to go outside for a bit.

Give me some of that copium

Too much MMO in their ARPG, need to learn about the differences between the genres.

No Mercenaries
No Infernal Machine
No repeat boss fights

Well the thought of ever doing renown stuff again is just exhausting, and when I think about it my interest in playing slows to a crawl.

I also think the endgame has an identity crisis. The carrots of level 100 and incredibly rare items, meh. It also feels slow. I will say, some uniques make exploring builds very fun but…

It’s a real pain to change builds. The actual changing of a build is more painful to me than having to find the items, lmao. I mean, why can’t we save builds? That’s ridiculous! The skill tree is whatever, the paragon board is just obnoxious.

And this is a personal preference but to be honest I find the open world content suffers from the same problem other open world games have - boring events, soulless interactions with the world and outside of the main story doing side quests and side content just isn’t exciting. I seriously enjoyed the campaign, maybe with some minor criticism but once I finished that it just felt like a slog going through this massive world to do renown and other things.

I never want to do renown again.


You’ve called trolls to the ones saying one thing, and haters to the ones saying the other, so stop gaslighting people pretending that you weren’t trying to invalidate both

Don’t whine to me, take it up with the people who are arguing the (/insert generic but opposite criticism) of yours and the OP…

Molecules can’t be a solid and a liquid at the same time… D4 can’t be a copy/paste of D3 AND a “fall from grace from D3” at the same time. kind of cancelling each other out.

Inexcusable for the price of the game, for sure.