Is there a Community Wishlist yet of features we like to see?

If you have something you like to add to a list of features for the game why not right?

I would like to see Random matchmaking dungeons for Nightmare+

AH Was something else another person mentioned.

I apologize if this has been done i just didn’t want to necro an old post, lol

at the moment the only thing i realy want is the option to zoom out.

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My own omega wishlist

Table of Contents
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occulist = Occulist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖
x25. Sage Vendor = The NEW Sage Vendor turns your duds into thuds! 😱

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Yep there are about 200 posts with things that people want all over the forums.

  • Nerf Vulnerable and crit
  • Redesign affix buckets
  • Nerf overpowered skills
  • Make Rares Great Again. They should have the potential to be BiS, instead of just crafting materials for legendaries
  • Add higher rarity sigils for NMDs to offer reasons/risk/rewards to do NMDs outside the optimal ones that the current overabundance of sigils leads to
  • Add a sigil system for all endgame content (Helltides, Whispers, Events)
  • Add the Condition-Effect rune system that was previously announced
  • Make each enemy more challenging, more unique to fight. Aka. make combat more tactical.
  • Add the campaign as both something viable to play through on a new character (lvling as fast, or faster, than skipping it) AND make campaign replaying into an endgame activity. Sigils for capaign replays could be used here too (higher difficulty, and some modifiers affecting the whole campaign. And no, not a bubble following you around the entire time! :P)

They really need to make a sub forum for fixes/features where Blizzard devs actually interact with the posters.

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Yes there is but the problem is there are like 3-4 separate groups and sadly think only one thing will fix the game and everything else is just a mask to temporarily entertain people until they figure out that their suggestion did not work. That being said will try to summarize the greatest trends & mistakes IMO

  • Trend/Mistake #1 - more power = better endgame

No, the goal is not to make the game easier to beat/climb/level-to-100… Also speed farming should not be a thing as far as I’m even concerned, they really need nerf things down and allow all the other options that aren’t the current strongest ones to thrive/compete somewhat

  • Trend/Mistake #2 - QoL additions will fix the problems

Not really, there is a bigger problem that fixing small inconveniences. This isn’t much of a trend here on forums but definitely is a huge trend across the “pros”. Ok, let’s say Spider webs get a nerf or barricades get removed. What essentially has been done by doing that is just increase the incentive for “speedfarm” (which again, should not even be a thing, especially not at the endgame tbh) as well as dumb down the game itself and cater to those “speedfarm” expectations even more

  • Trend/Mistake #3 - Adding new content will solve the problems

Not necessarily. I mean it can and it will but only if a condition is well met and that is - make alternative content to rerunning NMDs over and over substitudedly-viable… If NMDs continue to be the only source of Glyph upgrades - nope, adding new content won’t fix that problem

  • Trend/Mistake #4 - Need more content after lvl100

Absolutely not, the problem with this is that completely trivializes and reduces importance of the 1-99 stuff… Another form of this mistake is “add a new power mechanic unlockable at 100”… Again - not only same mistake but it also goes in the wrong direction of things by empowering people to “powercreep” the endgame even more

  • Trend/Mistake #5 - Target-farming at the endgame will fix the game

Not really - perhaps Shako and The Grandfather will “exist” in the game, but that’s just adding one bit of satisfactory completion goal to the “hardcores” and still ignorring all the problems along the way before

Namely, some people have stated that game becomes boring much before lvl60, and I tend to agree, they should figure some ways out how to make the game feel different at lvl20 vs at lvl60 vs at lvl80 when revisiting a certain/same spot

Perhaps this takes a longer time and effort to figure out but it’s safe to say/assume that unless this gets done the game will feel like too “top centric” or too “grind centric” without having a substance throughout it’s progression overall

Aaand like those are the 5 biggest mistakes I can think that even community (sadly) regardless if casual/hardcore/semi/pro repeats them over and over… I’m sorry to say but all those 5 things above aren’t the way to fix the problems with the game tbh

TLDR section

The problems that exist are more core-based and greater than all those solution proposals… I’m just gonna post the problems with the game here:

(Lack of) Endgame gameplay versatility
(Lack of) Balance of mechanics
(Lack of) Early game gear diversity

And then put a link of another thread where I talk about some potential solutions for those:

And here’s a small bonus that I wrote recently about regarding the “slow XP gain” complaint/issue also:


My take on the 3 main problems with the game are:
1 - Dungeons being small, similar and repetitive.
2 - The entire skill system/paragon system
3 - Itemization, where there is no real difference between rares and legendaries, and uniques are only minorly different for the most part.

I don’t know if they can fix these (as well as many other smaller issues), but they are where my big complaints with the game lie. And I have offered solutions to all of them. Hopefully we will see the devs at least attempting some fixes soon. Although, truthfully I am expecting seasonal band-aids, some small damage number alterations and xp buffs. :expressionless:

to be clear , most of the problems were known in closed beta
they told us , they listen o_O

just look at patch 1.13 and 1,14 alone
they are jokes , take xp away , give more xp
they waste OUR time with this bulls*** and the soon coming out 5 bosses will be a joke too
i know everyone thinks they get the super unique then but we all know , they will f*** it up again

this game is a waste of time and money

i want my refund °° feature


Aspects extract to → (Player)Codex.
Make a Player Codex along side the Codex(Library) we have now. That will go a very long way to making this a better game(for me).

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Think that might be a neat idea but if it’s limited only IMO…

If you can “Player codex” every aspect, what’s the point ? :P, on the other hand if you’re forced to pick from few slots of which affixes to buff-up… That might be something that could work… :thinking:, especially if the “chosen ones” can be a couple of times upgraded also :slight_smile:

Make the aspects in “Player Codex” upgradeable by extracting the same aspects from legendary drops. Every time the Aspect in the Player Codex is upgraded, the stats scale upwards until you hit maximum roll. If it is reset every season, give the aspects 5 levels, if it is reset every year/expansion, give the aspects 10 levels.

For 5 levels, make the scaling linear, for 10 levels, make the scaling exponential. So, level 5/10 will reach approx 75 - 80% of the aspect max roll, the last 20 - 25% can be obtained at level 10/10.

To make it more flexible and give players a choice, allow the players to extract the Aspect like normal and use it for imprinting. The Aspect will not be registered in the Player Codex unless they burn the extracted Aspect and if it is used to imprint, it can’t be used to register or level up the Aspect in the Player Codex. This way, if someone gets a max roll or close to max roll Aspect, they have the choice of using it or burning it to level up their Player Codex. Short term vs long term gain.

This method will also have the benefit of decluttering the Aspects from inventory and also helps inventory management since players will be less inclined to keep legendaries/aspects they can’t use.

Edit: You can even make it so that to imprint an Aspect from the Player Codex, you need to break an extracted Aspect, this way there is a use for Aspects that are already maxed out in the Player Codex. Of course, be reasonable about the drop rate of whatever mats is generated and how many is required for the imprinting.

I’d also like to see an “equipment wardrobe” feature, similar to the costume feature. You can have 2-3 wardrobes where you can swap one set of equipment to another as required. This is an extension of the PvP wardrobe that some people have been asking for. The equipments in the wardrobe does not count towards the equipment that is currently in the player bag. This way, if someone wants to carry wardrobes for different purposes (different elemental resists or pure damage), they can swap out quickly and without sacrificing storage.

Yes. I’d like to see the whole diablo 4 team fired.

Then I wish for activision and blizzard to separate completely.

Then I wish they start making Fun games and THEN think about microtransactions and income ideas, not vice versa. For years they’ve not done a single fun game. its a rigged scam in my eyes. They knew for sure that d4 was not worth no $90 bucks…it was a $10 bucks value at most.

Actually I think that’s a potential overreaction and it’s a bad idea. However for fixing the issue there’s even an easier fix with a lot less effort overall

1 - Make us able to remove an aspect from a legendary drop (i.e. “keep item” extracting option, that will make those good legendary drops work if they’ve got the “wrong” aspect on them)
2 - If an imprinted aspect matches yours then should be able to swap/upgrade the one that you have. (say for ex. Glacial aspect imprinted on gear does 850 damage, and the Glacial aspect you have is 1.2k - should be able to just re-imprint/upgrade the same one)

Think that will work… And no, don’t think the idea nor goal should be to “collect everything”, that kind of “collection job” where more time played = guaranteed power (and the whole codex be another collectionist “task” where you have Aspect X level X accross the board) isn’t good design in general

It’s absolutely bad and wrong concept - they shouldn’t guarantee us power growth, nor should they encourage “collection task jobs”… They should just fix the annoying aspects of the feature and perhaps fix a flaw

In other words - loot should still be loot (find a new better to use it, not have it somewhere “permanently stored”) it’s just what you can do with it that should be improved instead of giving us some artificial way to “print” IMO

Allowing us to permanently unlock maxed imprints would hurt the loot hunt a lot.

Tbh I also think a big issue with the imprinting is that it results in the best items. It is everything in the loot hunt.
Very well-rolled rares and well-rolled legendaries should be better than imprinted legendaries. Making imprinting something we do to access a base level of powers, with the gear chase being genuine rares and legendaries. Reducing the importance of imprint collecting over time in a season.

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Apparently devs know that but think it’s kinda too “set in stone”, has a few flaws, and think the 2 improvements suggested would work

1 - We should be able to “remove” the aspect from a Legendary item (non-imprinted) and make it rare (i.e. “extract aspect and keep item” option)

2 - Imprinted aspects should be able to be swapped with a better version from the same aspect (kinda like hearts can do, the previously imprinted aspect gets destroyed whilst the new one is imprinted instead)

Think that could work. It will make the hunt better in 2 ways, one is keep hunting for higher roll of the aspect and the other is find a better legendary with a bad aspect and keep it in stash until the aspect that you wanna have drops :slight_smile:

That is still imprinted items being the BiS endgoal.
I’d like to see the legendary with a “somewhat subpar” legendary affix (not an outright bad one), or the perfect rare item, be better than the imprinted legendary with the optimal legendary affix, due to imprinted affixes not being able to roll as high.
Making imprinted items something you use because you really need a specific legendary affix, while rares and non-imprinted legendaries are the theoretical BiS items to hunt for, but of course also much much rarer to get, when you cant combine items to get there.

maybe i missunderstand , but u can put another aspect on an aspect and overwrite it


In simplest words: Extraction process keeps the Aspect and destroys the item, what I’m referring to is the reverse

A legendary that has good rolls but has an aspect that is of no use to you ? - Extract/Remove the aspect and keep the item in a “purified” (rare) form so you can imprint your aspect that you want


I get the idea but don’t think that “upgrading to max” an item that you already use is that bad of an idea tbh.

As long as there are some other ways that character customization is complete wouldn’t mind “maxing out” an aspect or item slot (that’s part of the hunt kinda after all)

I mean sure, it might “drop” the urge to go hunt further for that particular one, but don’t mind it if that big and long journey has an “end” to it tbh, especially if that same end is fair overall

The problem is that every build has the same “go to” affixes to max out, that’s the issue…

Having a Fire Sorc with Maxxed out Fire aspects and Fire-damage affixes is a good thing… However, having to have a Fire Sorc with Maxxed out Crit and Vuln. cause those are more useful than investing into Fire damage & Overtime is what is bad in general

I guess what you’re alluding to is another “tier” of gear that is “untouchable” to modifications above that, right ?.. TBH I thought that’s what Uniques are for :slight_smile: