12 things that would make Diablo IV a much better game after level 60

  1. Enable target farming for key items and slightly increase the drop chance for key items
  2. When you pick up a Legendary Item the Legendary Item Power is automatically added to the Codex of Power, max roll saved
  3. Make dungeon layouts more daring and diverse and add checkpoints that players can use to quickly teleport back even while carrying an objective item, so backtracking is effortless, increase dungeon boss diversity
  4. Add fun modifiers to the Nightmare Dungeon modifier pool
  5. Add more dungeons as unique as the Capstone Dungeons with cool bosses
  6. Add Leaderboards
  7. Make more builds viable for Tier 50 Nightmare Dungeons
  8. Replace key passives with their own class specialization tree and have players earn most class specialization points from level 80 and up
  9. Enable players to customize or create their own Legendary Item with affixes of choice provided they have gathered enough hard to get resources
  10. Add an Altar of Rites where players can unlock tons of QoL upgrades and a Holy Grail item bucketlist
  11. Add World Tier Stones
  12. Add a much harder alternative to Tree of Whispers bounties with a decent chance on earning an Uber Unique item

You have some good suggestions OP, but a lot of your suggestions would just make the game easier to cruise through, but I’m not sure it would make it better.


Thanks! :+1:

Some will make it easier and some will provide a bigger challenge:

  • The new capstone-like dungeons could be used to fill in the difficulty gap between the last Capstone Dungeon (level 70) and Uber Lilith
  • World Tier Stones can be used to increase the enemy level by 1-50 or 1-100 for every gameplay element like Helltide, Legion Events, Tree of Whispers bounties and World Bosses significantly raising the difficulty
  • Note that World Tier Stones have even more potential as they can be used to change some of the rules for the entire World Instance, like all resistances are set to zero or defeated enemies (even World Bosses) will spawn mini versions of itself
  • The much harder alternative to Tree of Whispers bounties could be end-game tasks aimed at players who can comfortably clear T50-T100 Nightmare Dungeons

Enabling players to create their own Legendary Items will need some restrictions otherwise it will break the game.

  • Suggestion 1 solves the problem where players still need one key item to complete their build and it just won’t drop, even when they find lots and lots of other items with similar rarity. If that drop takes too long, like more than 150 hours of playtime or more than leveling your character all the way up to level 100 that’s a problem.

  • Suggestion 2 solves the problem where you’re using your stash to save lots and lots of Legendaries because of their (near) perfect Legendary Power roll. If we can use the Codex of Power for this it makes life a lot easier for the player.

  • Players are against lots of backtracking and this feedback resulted in dungeon layouts with almost no variety. If you can solve the backtracking issue by adding checkpoints and (nearly) instant travel to checkpoints it will open up all kind of layout possibilities.

  • Most Nightmare Dungeon modifiers will make the gameplay (much) slower without being more challenging. Replacing these modifiers with modifiers that don’t slow you down but actually add more of a gameplay challenge would be great. Adding “fun fun” modifiers is also something to consider, like a rare modifier where lots of Treasure Goblins of different types can spawn.

  • Suggestions 5 and 6 have already been announced by the developers.

  • More viable builds needs no explaining.

  • Most of the current key passives are pretty underwhelming. Turning these into class specialization trees will add build diversity. Also, when you reach level 80 with your character you’ll have most of your Paragon Boards figured out. Having a class specialization at that point is something to look forward to.

  • Seasons in Diablo IV already have the Season Blessings which resembles the Altar of Rites in Diablo III but is much simpler and is only available when playing a seasonal character.

Other than that I’d say it would really help if we could test changes like these, but as it’s a live service everything is being pushed to live straight away. Seasons are currently used to “test” changes, but it seems only safe changes will make it in.

Any changes from those listed above will make D4 better - even if you criticize them.

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I covered some of these. See my table o contents!

Table of Contents
x1. Improvements, Fixes, QoL = 30 Improvements, Fixes, QoL
x2. Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs
x3. Companion App = Diablo 4 Mobile Companion App
x4. Paragon Stones = Paragon Stones give spinach muscled arms!
x5. Obol Vendor = Obol Vendor becomes a conglomerate!
x6. Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!
x7. FLEX = NEW FLEX affix is approved by Arnold Schwarzenegger
x8. Shrines = Expanded Shrine System gives better mojo ⛪
x9. Set Items = Set items get Deckard Cain to stay awhile and listen
x10. Treasure Gremlin = Treasure Gremlins are pregnant with goblins!
x11. Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!
x12. Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
x13. ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
x14. Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!
x15. Legendry Glyphs = Legendary Glyphs make pp into PP
x16. New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿
x17. Eternal Game Modes = NEW Eternal Game Modes are a spicy meatball! 🧆
x18. Events = Event Rarity Makes People Borat I am Excite! 💖
x19. Primals = Octimus Primals! 🕗
x20. Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!
x21. Reputation Crafters = Reputation Vendors / Crafters are a Hikaru Juicer 🧃
x22. Gems = He went to Jared to get this Gems upgrade! 💎
x23. Upgraded Occulist = Occulist covets your gems and is not Adam Sandler
x24. Nexus = Live long and prosper with Nexus. New content for high level players. 🖖
x25. Sage Vendor = The NEW Sage Vendor turns your duds into thuds! 😱
x26. DPS dummies = We Need some Mmmm Crash Test Dummies 🪆
x27. Blessing Vendor = Bless me Vendor for I want to sin. 🙅‍♂️

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Thanks for the great suggestions :wink:
Your list proves the fact that people still care about Diablo and want to “repair” it for the better.
It doesn’t matter that some people will criticize or reject the list. Important is how many things are there to repair it and how much people care about it!

I love D4, graphics, sound, and effects…just simply fixing bugs/exploits/adding features step by step will make D4 great in the future!

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The slower your pace, the more you stop to actually listen to and look at all the details in the game, the more you realize most of the game is done very, very well.

I agree. It will take some time to get there.

Just a thought. In Diablo III there are normal Rifts and Greater Rifts for Leaderboards. Normal rifts have a lot of fun elements, like pylons, shrines, treasure goblin rifts, cow rifts, lots of chests, gold and resource drops. Greater Rifts have, compared to normal Rifts, strict rules like a limited amount of pylons and no drops until you kill the Rift Guardian.

With this in mind if you look at Nightmare Dungeons you might need two versions, one for fun with lots of fun modifiers, events, loot and one with strict rules for Leaderboards. That would fix one of the major issues with Nightmare Dungeons.

Good ideas.
The World Tier Stones…that’s interesting.

Might I add - Actually Adding “Legendary Items” - ie. Something to distinguish a Legendary vs Rare Aspect Taxis as there’s absolutely zero difference in the Base Item itself.
ie. Legendary(or inset name) can have one of, all, other special base propterties.
Sadly they used “Legendary” so a new Item Class name would have to be used for these items or relabeling Aspect Taxis themselves.

Some random ideas for them(I’m not saying add all this to 1 item - just throwing out examples):

  • 5 Affixes
  • slightly higher base stats such as: Armor/Dps values
  • slightly higher Affix Min/Max values. eg. Crit on Rare = 1.8-5% vs Legendary(real) = 2.8-6%
  • can drop higher Item Power and does consistently drop at a higher IP than common Rares(& current “Legs”). *note: there’s appx a 200 ItemPower range a lvl 100 will see in their item drops(which is kind of ridic large imo). Rares/Legs from 620-820 on avg. REAL Legendary(ins name) will drop 775+ with potential for possibly higher ceiling(say 830).
  • Can be Enchanted (x2?)
  • Cannot Extract/Imprint
  • ins ideas if you agree (:

As good as anyone’s ideas are or could be for the game - I find that it would be extremely unhealthy to hold ones breath expecting anything extreme any time soon.
We’ll have to hope they’ve brainstormed as well as parsed the community data and sifted out the nuggets, refined them and are preparing to implement some good additions soon™.


Itemization absolutely needs some work.