Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

What purpose does the like system serve really (outside of affecting trust level, which is actually pretty silly) with or without dislikes?

Originally a like was supposed to be used on a helpful or trustworthy post so that players would know if they could trust the information in it. Now it’s purely about popularity I guess, but its essentially useless.

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Yup. This is why I had started a couple threads to try to get the “flag” turned back into an actual report function with better wording for what should and shouldn’t be reported. Right now, it’s all vague and can easily be used as a dislike button.

This is the topic I started last year on it. And I had one a year before that, as well.


Yes please. I got a notice saying a post was flagged… I could not figure out which post it was. Before I could look, the post was unflagged. I was very confused.



Actually you can, it just doesn’t let you edit it until about 5 minutes have passed. And once you’ve made an edit, it will unflag the post. However, it will notify all users that the post they flagged was edited which usually just causes them to flag it again regardless of if it was “fixed” or not. Once it has been flagged a second time then you are not able to edit it.

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Blizzard should be embarrassed by this forum and the way its moderated… It really is a terrible system that encourages bad behavior and trolling.

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I thought this the way posters were un burying their posts on their own these days?

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Okay, I understand what you’re both saying. My hearts are either an “agree with you” or thanks without cluttering the topic with more of me speaking. If I disagree strongly I might reply, if I feel I have something to contribute or would like the conversation I reply. And many I just ignore if they don’t jive.

I realize that’s just me and people abuse the system.

I do think you should know why and when you’re flagged immediately. And still wish that using alts isn’t the way to go.

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I’m talking about in their future posts. If they know exactly what they said that resulted in a forum suspension or post removal in the past, then it will make it easy for them to skirt the line between what’s not violation and what is, in future posts. So by not letting them know exactly what was a violation, will cause them to instead be mindful of all future posts and be well within the line of not a violation versus violation…

I’ve never been able to once it’s hidden. Unless something changed. :woman_shrugging:

I think you bring up an excellent point about the definition of words here. Evil defined = to serve ones self at the detriment to others. How does one determine who is what?

Through their actions; If society chooses to reward that behavior there will be more of it. Who decides? IDK, good question, perhaps a group of intellectuals that can debate in a public forum without consequences.

This used to be a thing in the ancient world & what ignited modern civilization. Good ideas prove themselves & bad ideas do not.

It is up to the individual to decide for themselves what to accept or reject.

I don’t think it’s changed, I was able to do it just a few days ago. I usually takes 5-10 minutes before the edit button reappears, and some refreshing the page. Also might involve having to post new things elsewhere.

Not that I’ve ever needed to edit anything or cared to, but I’ve never seen the edit button on a hidden post.

it will always be backwards until they ban people for themselves. letting the community easily flag everything and getting people banned is absurd. i can report any forum and it will flag their post …

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And here we go again… something else flagged and no idea what or where. :roll_eyes: :woman_facepalming:

Edit: nevermind. It’s my original post here. LOL Nothing about that is against CoC.


so you got modded for saying something inappropriate? sounds about right to me

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lol I just wouldn’t worry about it. You know people flag everything here.

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You know some might say that wishing death on people for their forum actions is pretty bad too


I didn’t said the death penalty. YET

Maybe there’s a cultural difference but in America saying you want someone to get sent to the electric chair is saying you want them to die. We still have I think around 10 states that use the electric chair for the death penalty so it’s still fresh right there in everyones mind. If I recall a lot of countries don’t have the death penalty anymore so it could be a cultural thing.


Nope! Because all of my posts were restored. Nice try, though. :kissing_heart:

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