Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Interesting observation. Thank you for sharing.

well it is your choice.

considering in previous 3 topics people openly edited my quotes and missquoted me X’th time. yeah , it never happened.

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Of course not my dear. Anytime something is brought into the light, you deny that.

De Nile is not just a river in Egypt it appears. If you click on the arrow beside the quoted text, the post going to it is removed. That means either a mod removed it or you deleted what was said yourself.


When I was in the 6th or 7th grade the teacher ask if anyone knew what the golden rule was and a classmate answered “Do unto others before others do unto you”. :rofl:

That attitude seems to be widespread today and not just in games.

Careful. On the first thread I said how players who made threats of violence against other players should be banned as that is what the rules and human decency say.

But that was a deleted post because it was flagged as “harassment” against people who made such threats. Really making stretches protecting the guilty, wouldn’t want to hurt the feelings of trolls now, would we?


No problem. But apparently editing and misquoting person is not quite a violation. there is a note in previous topic from moderator about this. I invite you do more research.

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Bro, everybody knows what you are about now.

Nobody edited your quote there back in 2021. Quoting ain’t misquoting lol.

We all know your intentions lol.


One of my Christmas movies, The Little Troll Prince, had that stated as the TROLL Golden Rule, so maybe it is more accurate then we think.

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Let me fix that for you.


Oh I have.

Myself linking a post is not a violation. It also appears a mod was tired of your posting around that same time frame.

If you would like to keep going, we can do so. The argument against anonymous (full or partial) posting and hiding armory holds no bearing to the search function on the forum.


Kind of like when you removed the part of my quote about being told to off myself so you would look good by saying I blocked them just for a difference of opinion? And that I’m RUDE for blocking them?

Yeah, okay.


damn the plot thickens lol

also no offense but the way you talk and finding this stuff i cant help but imagine
you with a pipe and some sherlock holmes outfit as a worgen lol. the visual is grand


They don’t answer legit questions, this is more about parroting out the same lines. That makes this thread not a real discussion. They ask for our “Thoughts” but ignore them.


Even if that was in jest, that’s probably not the best thing to post on the forums.

But if we had anonymous posting, we could ignore the name of the poster and focus on the content of the post itself!

Yeah, the content of that post was absolute garbage and we will get even more of that if anonymous posting is allowed


Oh I have just the picture for the occasion. I thought of that too. I used the aid of artificial intelligence (skynet as some call the service) to render a photo.


Sherwolf Howlmes


At your service, my lady.


stalking posts and armory is exactly the reason people want more privacy in these forums.

People not focusing on the topic itself or a suggestion ,a discussion, but going personal on OP.

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Maybe dont say horrible things


You seem upset that your poor behavior is being put on blast. You can fix that by being a nicer human being :slight_smile:


Why it does tie into the overall conversation. I shall explain.

Being presented with examples of horrible posts, be it by you or otherwise, showcases the need to not have these things you desire expanded upon.

The intention was not to go after you per se but to provide examples into why anonymity within the forum can be quite problematic.

It has been asked to show proof well I provided the proof using the tools that any user here has access too… the search function.