Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Anyways, time to change it from anonymous posting to BattleTags for the forums.

The OP’s history proves why the forums should never be anonymous, and with how bad other forums with anonymous posting acts, yeah, anonymous posting should never happen. BattleTags on the other hand, are far more secure. And proven to work from looking at other Blizzard owned forums.


You literally said it. So again, either you were wrong, or you said what you said. Those are the two options. Pick one.

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Yeah, I always feel bad seeing people ask for help and getting silence or getting told to “get better.” I try to help whenever I can, but I’m pretty weak so there’s a lot I can’t help with.

People act like taking 2 minutes to assist someone is gonna ruin their day or something :dracthyr_shrug:


Where did I say I wanted someone to off themselves? If you can’t
find it that I said it word from word then stop.

And this is the crux of your argument – you don’t care about the ideas but the semantics and words of the argument. Let’s try to not fallaciously devolve into a semantics argument.

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Most people on the forums don’t say “I’m a world first raider and here are my thoughts” though. They say some pretty generic thing about their feelings about class balance and sometimes someone will be like “You don’t even raid why should you talk?” like we aren’t all playing the same game here.

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this topic is a livin nightmare…


This thread is like a shining example of why we need BattleTags or account-wide ignore.


Ok. Lets talk about the ideas.

What is the idea of fully anon being more safe than what we have now? What is the idea behind that statement? What is the idea that you are not safe now? What is the idea that it would change?

Or…once again.

Are you going to attempt to derail the conversation?

You can dance around the issue all you want, but it’s very simple. You were wrong, or you consider that to be an “opinion” and there’s nothing wrong with that. Two options. No wiggle room. Sorry.

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I support battletags for the forums to prevent people from character hopping to make it seem like there’s a lot of support for their bad ideas.

Vongola#1794 is my battletag.

Did you know it’s NOT personal information? It’s just a nickname and you can learn nothing about me with this information because it’s not personal.

You can send me a friend request, which I can easily deny. That’s it :slight_smile:



You can say that one again. Lets agree to never speak of this topic again.

Get your numbers right. 30 years ago, it was 1994, WoW Launched 2004. That post that was referenced was 3 years old.


I actually want people to be able to change their linked character, for RP purposes, and still have it associated to a single forum entity.

See, and that’s why. You’re someone I already have on ignore on an alt. Thanks for showing exactly why this is a terrible idea and why Blizz is much more likely to either shut down the forums completely or move to a single b-tag like system.

This poor poor thread. It was doomed 3 times (or more) before, and this one further serves as proof of what a bad idea the OP has.


I have the same experience. Wonder why they ask for our “Thoughts” or a discussion on the topic when they don’t answer questions.


Blizzard has said that it is not as common as people may think, but is not rare either. Stop twisting words around.

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Where are we roleplaying on this forum?

Because this suggestion can only exist and seem rational if you ignore how everything works.

Once any discussion actually happens, everything gets turned upside down.

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Because they don’t actually care about the topic. They have proven that they are here to cause unrest, especially knowing that this topic is important to many of us.

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Saracalia#1520 approves of this message.