Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

I don’t need to know what it is when it’s reinstated… I need to know what it is when it gets flagged. lol

The forum system is a bit backwards in that respect.

(testing for editing)


you offended people.

we won’t tell you how, or why, but you need to know that it happened.

i mean… it could have been anything you said in the last couple of years, but… clearly you knew it was offensive.

don’t do it again, you big meanie head.


Blizzard’s standard response to something of this nature is that it’s up to us to evaluate what we’re putting on the board. Most of us are fairly intelligent and can figure out where we’re trying to be overly edgy or may be in areas where we might annoy someone.

The forum isn’t going to parse every word we type. Use some judgement.


Funny you should mention that. My last forum silence was over something I had posted about 4 months before it was flagged.


I feel like you might have missed the point.

When something gets flagged, we receive a message that one of our posts has been flagged. This message gives zero indication of which post that was. That’s real dumb. They should fix it.


99% of people that get a timeout for being offensive knew they were being offensive and posted it for no other reason.

my only complaint is that the time off of the forums isn’t permanent .


I made a post recently asking for an option for fresh BG’s, that was flagged. Not only was it flagged, but Blizzard decided to remove it for whatever reason.


To be honest, the system flags on a multi report so you could be flagged for anything you say. its flawed but indi dev company =)


literally every other forum software which has ever existed, points the poster towards the offending post.

a buried post doesn’t give you a “time out”.
you just get a notification to say you were naughty, and more often than not, the post is restored.

i’ve had a misunderstanding with dialect, and had no idea that a word which is perfectly asinine where i live, is considered bad in other parts of the world… so i guess i’m that 1%?


i got this almost exact message on my second vacation. but they had deleted the post that got flagged so even though they told me that it was “the 5th reply on xyz thread” it was nowhere to be seen so i had to ask like 5 times until they finally told me what i had said.

like i get that we need moderation, but you have to actually tell us why we are getting moderated instead of just saying “don’t do it again” because otherwise we have no idea what we can’t do again and will probably end up doing it again and getting another vacation.


I’ve had two posts flagged for extremely silly reasons recently, and both notifications linked me to the supposedly offending post. I’m not sure why other posts would be different.

yeh sounds like it.


It’s still doesn’t help that 1 person can bury a post also using alts.

This forum software sucks… and blizzard pays money for it…


The confusion is that the forum notification is vague.
They send the information of the post you were flagged for to your email account.

People aren’t reading the email Blizz sends that details which post you were flagged for, and then blaming Blizz cause they don’t read the emails.

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Eh. That can be a little tricky. Selective application of the ToU has meant suspensions have gone out for threads that don’t look like they break the ToU at face value. Adding to the complication is other threads of the exact same tone and subject matter not being affected.

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How can we learn from our mistakes if they don’t show us what we did wrong?


I don’t know if I ever got flagged but I’m still drinking so fat lot of good that did me if I did…hic!

As someone who gets flagged all the time it would be very nice to know what is about to go grey before a mod removed the stupid flags


No they don’t.
They email you if your account is silenced or suspended and they state the reason and even quote what you said.
But they don’t do the same when your post is flagged or deleted without penalties.

I know because both happened to me several times.

Earlier this month a post of mine got flagged for trolling and all I got was a forum notification saying it was reported by the community.
The flag was reviewed by a mod and the post was deleted, but once again it never told me which post it was, all I got was a notification saying my flagged post was deleted.

Before it was deleted I hunted for my previous replies for hours until I found it was a reply I made to a post about the ugly tree mount calling Blizzard incompetent for not being able to properly deliver it to players.
Had I not put an effort to find which post it was, it would have been deleted and I would never know which one it was.

As for actual silence bans, also earlier this month I got a 24 hour forum suspension for getting pissed and insulting someone (I deserved) and for that I got an email telling me why and in the email they quoted the phrase that got me punished.