Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Wait, what?

Okay, that makes me legitimately irritated.


Indeed. Don’t forget the electric chair comment either.


Yeah, I clearly missed that too. I’ve only been paying partial attention to this mess.

Would… Would that be considered a death threat?

I don’t really know the full context of the situation and I have a hefty chunk of toons on ignore now so this is all surprising to say the least

It would be considered a real life threat, yes.


It’s a quotation from some time ago in another thread. The post itself appears to be deleted and or removed, however, the comment was quoted by another poster with the original poster following up with “yet” after the quote.

woops wrong one

Translation: Fully anonymous.


Obviously its alright when they say and do such things.


With the way the current forum software works from my understanding, partial would not be possible with the way they are describing.

The only way to get what they are wanting is full. If we were to have full, there would need to be a liability waver and or a special section of the forum to have it.

i thought some of us agreed that partial like btags saying moondoggie#82xxx or w/e was okay?
so why suddenly ppl are backing out of that?

I’m not backing out of it. I think I might of made my comment in the other thread, I am up for either way.

EDIT: Here

yeah i meant since op is askin for partials i thought that was what she now meant
but in that case everyone wins. we still got names here and our btag out but it’ll be near impossible 2 find/add anyone bc of 3 combinations is like 1k possibilities so it’s not like ppl
will suddenly add someone or really do anything to it so i’m ok w/ it still.

works like
moondoggie#92- - -
then the stuff we got rn as is below it.

the main issue is the fact that we dont have 1 indentifer
even just a normal forum name would work, and the fact that characters are like “their own” accounts when u switch is weird…yet when 1 get reported, the entire account is locked.

i dont understand how the forum works and why they separated it like that and that
is why i think no big changes will work unless they rehauled the forums. this is different than other forums bc we have actual characters to switch.

sorry for formatin on phone still its rough lol

Who remembers how Cogshanks worked on the old forums?

The old forums was developed by Blizzard and every battle net account had a unique 6 digit id number (if I remember correctly). This was setup way before RealID and BNet ID was a thing. Anytime someone made a post, the post had the id number embedded via a cookie. It was invisible, you had to look the HTML and CSS code to find the cookie and look at the cookie code. When the gentleman that designed cogshanks, put 2 and 2 together and was able to access the cookie, and publish the results on his third party site.

Back then you could inject code into the old forums to make Custom Profile Pictures, and he wrote code to inject all the character names, that posted, for that one ID code.

People complained to Blizzard, and Blizzard was like “meh”, and said it was fine as it wasn’t posting real names an sensitive information as that is not available from the forums (still isn’t today). it lasted til Blizzard went with the Discourse forums software.

Also here’s Blizzard API policy which the forums do fall under…

The Cogshanks people did allow an opt out option, but if you was a serious troll, by their standards, it would be denied.


She doesn’t want partial, she wants to be fully anonymous by hiding her character name and armory. She’s just dancing around the words to make it seem like she’s open to the idea of partial anonymity which - fun fact - we already have.

Thus, her suggestion is null and void.


okay i still thought my suggestion was fine though lol and i was just discussing

Partial btags is a fine suggestion.

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see, this is the MAJOR problem with cogshanks… people who are not legally or officially associated with blizzard are making decisions regarding it.

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Well that “cogshanks” no longer works from my understanding.

As it stands we have full anonymity actually. What the OP is asking for is already available.

And I’m quite certain they are already taking advantage of that fact.


Yeah I’m not too bothered about what we get. Full btags, partial or a new username, all are fine to me. So long as we can still switch characters under one name and no anonymous posting (and tacos) I’m happy c: