I made a thread a year ago about this and I’m going to reiterate it once again after everything I’m seeing today in the Torghast and loot threads:
My lovelies… this is getting out of hand again. So let me explain something very simply:
- If you find a post is against the rules, you flag it.
- If you dislike a post, just don’t give it a heart and then respond with your dislike.
Say it with me now…
Flagging is for reporting something that’s against the rules. Flagging is not for dislikes.
We all have a voice here and we all have an opinion. But false reporting is only going to get the people doing it in trouble-- not the people that are being wrongly accused.
Let’s just all get along, mkay?
Please also remember that if you abuse the flagging system, you can get yourself a vacation! We don’t want that!
These are some of the things that were discussed a while ago in a very constructive discussion about how we could change the options to make sure they cover all of the CoC, but sound more serious and not as nonchalant so that people will hopefully not abuse the system:
I think the icon needs changed to a little symbol called “report.” And the options should be as follows:
- Language - extremely offensive language
- Harassment - bullying
- Code Violation - against CoC
- Incorrect forum - needs moved to correct one
And at the bottom of that in bold, it should say:
Reporting is for code violations only and should not be used to disagree. Any misuse will result in disciplinary action.
That may help to clarify what we should be using it for and maybe more clearly define the reasons. It also still covers everything, but encourages people to read the CoC. These options are a bit closer to the old ones we had. Maybe it’ll help!