Can we ask for more privacy features in forums to feel more secure?

Hey hey hey, my tacos are not allowed to drink! You get back here D:

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since when electric chair is not a death penalty?

also as community council you really ruining your reputation in doing what you do now.

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Drink fast little tacos…drink fast…

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No, I can assure you their reputation is fine. You keep tarnishing yours even further, however.


I trust her and feel safer with her than I do you. You make me feel very unsafe and concerned.

I’m calling the cops, you better run! D:


That’s a really good question. Would you like to talk more about your quote from this post then?

Would you like to expand on when the death penalty would be appropriate here?


Out of curiosity: Why do you keep bringing that up? The mod already deleted the original post.

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because people have zero arguments against such features and trying to bring up personal and unrelated stuff into an argument also provoking fights, then false flagging you and accusing of vile things.

Previous 3 topics and this one ,are perfect example of it.


They’ve shown they can’t be trusted with anonymous posting if that’s what they’ll say when they have a character name attached to their account.

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Because, I figure that is a good indicator if someone is advocating for something in good faith or bad.

If someone who has said terrible things wants anonymous posting, I wonder why that is. I think that context is actually pretty relevant.


No, you like to call out other people for vile behavior but never attribute it to some of the terrible things that you’ve said.

It is also relevant to the current discussion of anonymous posting and those types of posts are why so many of us are against it.


Since original post can be provided, all of this is nothing but a witch hunt. False one.


If it’s a personal account of abuse caused by ANONYMOUS POSTING how is it unrelated to the topic of requesting anonymous posting??

Please explain your logic.

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You refusing to acknowledge people’s numerous posts doesn’t mean there aren’t any arguments against it. If people had zero argument against it then there wouldn’t be so many replies. You would never have needed to make any of these to begin with if there were no arguments against it.


What do you mean? You can clearly go to the link and see your unedited post. Denying it doesn’t mean it’s fake.


They want to pretend the quotes aren’t real while also not denying what they said in the quotes.


People have the arguments, they’ve just dismissed all of them.

It’s almost like they are… trolling or something.


Excuse me, miss?

I’ve provided several articles, examples, screen captures and other various items throughout the thread.


So, in otherwords, you refuse to take any responsibility for your own actions, even if you made a real life threat… No wonder you want anonymous posting, so you can do it again.

In the end, you have fully shown your true colours.


People check qualifications before considering someone’s opinion? Shock.

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