Y'all really need to tell us what was flagged

Probably, but based on my recollection, it’s more like, you are wrong because zyx. That wasn’t the point, I was talking about xyz. You ware wrong because zyx. Same old reply 10 times in a row.

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This is intentional… Rather than tell morons/trolls/griefers exactly what they said was in violation, which will make it super easy for them to just simply censor that one word or phrase… Instead the forum is set up so it makes violations vague which causes morons/trolls/griefers to be unsure what exactly they said or posted that was in violation, so this way it will cause them to censor and/or be mindful of every single post.


Made me laugh.

Cupcake for you :cupcake: !

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We had a report button long before likes and dislikes came along. That’s what the flag option is. I dont think the people flagging are using it for a downvote button, but they want a mod to be aware that whatever post breaks the rules. Can people reporting be petty? Yes. Is it probably more frequent? Maybe. We weren’t aware at all in the past if one of our posts got reported. Now there’s the bury thing once it hits a certain threshold that alerts us. Maybe some players do it more now because they know it can be buried, or maybe it’s the same number of reports as always.

I very strongly suspect that a lot of flagging is motivated by its ability to hide posts. I’ve personally never used it that way but there’s no other reason why non-report-worthy posts get hidden.

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Why would you need to know when it was flagged? I don’t think deleting it at that point will do anything.

Maybe. It’s hard to say for sure if it’s caused an increase in reports or not because we never had any clue if a post was even reported before this, unless a mod actually acted on it.

As for the bury thing and downvotes:

Burying a post is supposed to help combat trolling which sometimes it does. Yes, downvotes should come back or they should just get rid of likes entirely.

They said there was some bad stuff going on in other sections of the forum in regards to downvoting though, and it was apparently having negative effects. So I dunno if they will ever bring it back.


The thing is that report worthy is very subjective. Easy example? High Elf topics. They dont break any rules just for existing except people always cry its spam (multiple threads), but every other topic always has multiple threads and they dont get a high number of reports, because some just despise the topic itself.

There was a fair amount of misuse on GD too, though it was mostly on an individual reply level rather than a thread level. I saw it repeatedly used on well written, constructive, non-inflammatory posts for/against ideas/features just because they were going against the grain of whoever was reading the thread at that point in time.

I have never received an email for a post that was flagged. I haven’t even received an email for posts that were flagged and I received a suspension for and that has been the case for over a year now. They said when I asked ‘they don’t have to send an email’. I am of the impression they don’t care about people improving their behavior they have to meet some sort of punishment quota instead.

Blizz tries to be all “You know what you did” and we’re just “…NO. NO I DON’T.”


Who decides what’s evil? Another set of people with another agenda? What is the reward except for turning us into Stepford wives?

Using Goebbels in reference to the point of this topic is stretching it to almost offensive, almost.
But one has to read your entire post to understand the context. In the real world that doesn’t happen. I think you’re wrong and it’s not has bad as that. Talk to a stranger neighbor, grocery store clerk, the person that delivers your food - there’s laughter and light!

If by society’s tendency to over-correct people/publicly correct (pc) right now is seen as censorship, well then, correct, but the pendulum always swings back to moderation. Or over correct again.

We don’t and never will have a Utopian society. True evil I’ve yet to be see displayed on this forum.

True evil is not idjits, snarky remarks, swearing, calling people names, weird drunk posters, and anyone that gets a flag.

You’re wrong about Goebbel though. I’ve expected to be flagged a half dozen times and haven’t been.

Better communication is what ties your post to Rhielles

I added a edit above to clarify on a point.

Well I would argue that was on whoever designed the system at the start. The thumbs up or down is a very simple depiction of like or dislike, just like how it’s used on other sites. I know that was not what like and dislike were intended for, but a lot of players didn’t I dont think, and it was silly that they tried to make it into a tool outside of expressing opinions at all.

Yeah I think it’s fine to have votes so readers can express their feelings on any given post, but I don’t think it should have any connection auto-moderation features whatsoever.

But you can’t go back an edit a post once it’s flagged to be hidden.

To know what was false flagged again so that I can roll my eyes, instead of finding out after it’s restored. Keeps you guessing as to what post from what month someone decided to get randomly outraged over. lol

And you can’t go back and delete or edit once a post is hidden.



I can’t agree with this though understand your reasoning. But, a person’s emotions seeing for example 3 up votes and 153 down? What ultimately does that solve?

I think a computer program that stops the same person using multiple alts would be more valuable.

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We dont have a vote system that has any connection to auto-moderation. We have a like button and we have a report button, which are unrelated.

I guess if posts no longer got buried it wouldnt be the end of the world, but I dont think getting a post buried is as bad as people seem to think either.

There have been some really bad posts that I am glad got buried though (as intended).

People use the report system like a dislike button. I’ve had many replies I’ve made get reported for trolling and then the moderators unreport it.

Right, but we used to, and I don’t think that system should be restored verbatim.

Agree. Maybe the ability to bury posts should be attached to trust level somehow so if it’s abused you lose it.

Yes, I agree with an earlier poster to follow the EU system. After 30 days locked.


I don’t think it is worth thinking about myself.