The Unofficial Saurok Playable Race Discussion Megathread! 🐊

Gonna make this post in both my megathreads with the usual slight edits to make it fit the theme of the megathread this gets posted in.

The WoW Community Council forums are now up. You can see them here:

Based on my understanding, only those part of the council can post there. There is suppose to be a minimum of 100 people, with them getting cycled out every year and opening applications again around that time.

As for my own thoughts on it, I need to see what is done with it before I can really give my opinion on it. I need to see long term commitment and actual evidence that what people are posting is being listened to. Not just there of course, but also other parts of these forums as well. There has been great feedback in general across different places on the internet on different aspects of the game, and hopefully it all will get consideration as well.

If I see any posts of interests there that relates to here, I’ll be sure to share them. As for me, I opted not to apply as I want to see how the whole thing is utilized before I consider such a thing. I’m hoping good things come from it as opposed to it being a PR move, but we’ll see what happens as time goes on.

And if anyone on the council is reading this, if you could put in a good word for the race request megathreads in general, it would be greatly appreciated! You can see a list of them here within the San’layn megathread:

Hoping for the best for the WoW Council, but will keep expectations tempered as usual. :meat_on_bone::crocodile: