Lock Fear Chaos Bolt Cut damage under fear

Well yeah plenty have said it teleport base line again and reduce some of that tankiness

Pretty sure you can cast spells while using a goblin glider .

I played survival only…

Just soak it with your 400k hp AND your soul leech. Then use chaos bolt for 200k a few times and win. Its real easy.

Chaos Bolts dont always hit for that high damage - usually 60k or so. They only do high damage when buffed by infernal and dark soul: instability and you have to time it just right. But hey, you’re melee and can shut locks down no problem, or at least you should.

Cant do that when I get hit with MC and then blasted with CBOLT and die in 2 hits.

thats why god gave you a trinket

this is the only correct comment in this thread
doggo still dodging paying up that bet?

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Stun. Interrupt. It’s the theme of BFA, after all. Everything a destro lock does requires a long cast /shrug.

dodges even doing a wargame.

This is what’s needed:

-Crashing chaos trait nerf
-CB top end dmg nerf
-Demon armor 50% nerf
-Entrenched in Flame can work only once every 30s

Lol. What happened to him? Thought he’d still be attention starved, trolling the forums.

I still seem him on posts here and there. But he got quiet

Christmas came early!

Also for reference:

^ Some of the wpvp forum crowd getting some love here too. You guys must have really ticked him off. :joy:

This was from a quick 5 min search.

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Pretty sure he got a suspension for making that thread boasting that he killed you


Can you link these so called trinkets ?

Lol. I’d be lying if I said I’m glad I have so many friends, but apparently it doesn’t match the number of people that find him insufferable.

I guarantee you he’s silenced right now but still reading all these threads and probably fuming.


He has liked that post :laughing:

Yup he is reading the forums !!

Well I am going to start another thread why so many stuns.

I’m going to assume that I completely misread your tone and that you are simply posting with an innocent lack of knowledge of what pvp’ers call the ‘trinket’

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