Nerf Destro

2 mil passive healing, while getting decimated in mid. playing like absolute garbo. wins
never played pvp before.


You’re not wrong but I don’t think it’s going to change man


No. 10char

The second half of this has me confused, are you still talking about every 14hundo destro or we joining in with the 14hundo assas rogues who gained 1000 rating due to bfa

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i wonder how it would feel if they removed/heavily nerfed their healing, but gave them back baseline demonic circle

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the only issue is the fotm destros like doggo would think it was unplayable


theres a problem with this

if we nerf them they will most likely just re-roll to another strong class.

its a viscous circle of life.

yeah sure the warlocks might start to disappear but that means more demon hunters.

is that what u rly want bro?

Difference is the other strong classes still have to be played well, unlike destro standing middle of the map and lobbing bolts out.


It’s hilarious playing with Destros and they’re like, dude you need to do more damage. Sorry not all of us can facetank the universe and still do obscene damage. Other specs have to run and kite.


desto doesn’t need nerfed if u are dying by desto locks you are playing against them wrong

Whatever you say cupcake

Ah yes, play every game into 70% damp.

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