Just play destro lock

My name is Oxoxxoxox on Illidan, I sit in the middle of the map with a holy priest in 2v2 arena at 2500 mmr. I just hit elite today 10/19/2019. I am extremely proud of my class of how it’s doing with it’s 150k chaos bolts. My next step is to hit glad in 3’s which I don’t think is even possible because destro is extremely balanced now.
My holy priest sits there and casts greater heal the entire game and doesn’t do anything else. This is the most skilled comp to play and I recommend anyone who is struggling in 2’s just log holy priest and destro lock and it’s easy 2400. I promise you. I can’t above 1800cr on any of my other characters so this is what I can only do.



This was typed on an Iphone wasent it?

Yea it was how did u know.

The new line between holy and priest lol every time i try to type something long on mine somehow it will “press” enter instead of space mid type and go to a new line and capitalize that word even though its the same sentence. I swear its hidden juju behind the newest ios lol.

Carry on. Im overjoyed when i face destro holy priest in 2s. Its a very fun in depth composition that makes the game extremely enjoyable.

I didn’t even press enter. I just typed it normally.

lol thats the point nobody presses enter it randomly decides its going to a new line its super annoying.

Fixed it! Hope you enjoy <3

Sometimes ur playin destro lock on ur iphone and u just gotta make a quick post


Trueeee. I probably could of typed this out on my pc while my holy priest cast greater heal non stop

Why nerf warlocks when demon hunters exist?

They both need nerfed. Their self healing is out of hand, plus mana rift shouldn’t be a thing. Demon hunters were fine in legion without it. So I don’t see the necessary reason behind it.


i agree and I think its also a very boring ability.

nobody wants to win games on mana.

we wanna go out there and chop heads off

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Ok, this actually inspired others to repeat this cancer and its happening at 2.2, 2, 1.8 all the way down to 1.5

The only way to win that is to line till 80% dampening. It’s just the way you’re forced to play. The destro is too tank any pressure you put on him will be out healed with a single gheal which you can’t stop cause of hpriest immunities or cuz you used it on lock. Just not worth being out there till high dampening when gheal heals for like 20k and maybe you can kill the lock with wings.


I don’t know where you are getting this from haha. I’m playing holy, not ret this season.

man must suck not having a windshear HAH


TRUE. I wish I did or grounding

still same strat no matter who your partner is.

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i love facing destro locks esp with holy priest.
Line all game long wait for 90% dampening win with double tap rapidfire though pillar, use trueshot for short CD rapidfires an channel though pillar.


Sounds about the right way to play against destro cancer, just cancer them around the map . why even fight them, just run around until its 90% dampening.

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