Can you nerf DH and destro already

You nerfed DK only because of 2v2, there was literally no other reason to nerf the class.

Now what keeps you from doing the same to DH and Destro? Is a PvP dev out there trying to get his first combatant title with these specs? Like wtf is going on

It’s somehow ironic how destro got buffed while the only class in the game that could beat destro got nerfed big time

not that I care one way or the other but are you going to make a nerf dh thread every day?


made me chuckle a little


Why? It’s the truth and you’d know if you had some decent experience/knowledge about the game

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DKs were nerfed because of 3s.

Nerfing a class because of 2s is stupid. 2s is, has been, and always will be an unbalanced “for fun” bracket.

There’s a reason 2s don’t and haven’t for a very long time awarded gladiator titles.

If you don’t want to see DHs go play 3s and enjoy the never ending litany of mage/rogue/lock


Uh that doesn’t make sense in any way.

Even before the nerfs, DK was barely represented in tournaments. It was mostly just RMX. No DK comp was able to beat RMX before the nerfs, and yet dk got nerfed while rogues, mages, druids, warlocks and palas weren’t even touched. Everyone who tried to beat RMX/MLD with a DK comp failed horribly.

And yet 3v3 is dead and 2v2 is the only played bracket, even though it has less rewards. Really makes you think, huh?

feel free to post on your 1500 capped dk to prove me wrong but you’re actually wrong, unholy was very strong in 3s and absurd in 2s

Not 1.5 capped, a bit above twice that rating. Also Unholy wasn’t even close to be the strongest class in both 2v2 and 3v3, see my previous comment.

We got it you rerolled destro to get some free rating, but let’s not get ridiculous here.

IDK what AWCs you were watching, but DKs were extremely strong. The Boys effectively qualified to Blizzcon off of their Walking Dead.

Just because RMD is stupid doesn’t mean that DKs weren’t also stupid.

They were also extremely well represented on ladder at the time. They were oppressive both in 2s and 3s.

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ah so now we know you’re lying because it’s a well known fact that dk players can’t count that high

good thing I basically have the same rating on my resto druid

Just type in my name on checkpvp :slight_smile:

you got me there lol

no results on checkpvp btw, ofc I checked before asking you to post on main

Really? My character is the very first that comes up when I type in “Drae”. You have to check the EU section. If my character was on NA I would obviously post on it

who cares brother?

even if they nerf them youll just want the next guy who beats u in pvp to have his class nerfed.

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Most other classes are beatable though. I don’t care about slight counters but these classes literally can’t lose to any other comps

Starting to question your experience if you actually think dks didn’t need a Nerf.

Well, you’re wrong about that one. Warriors are also in a very good spot, WW is also in a very good spot, feral (unfortunately only as jungle) definitely beats lock teams that aren’t mage/lock which is a lot. DK’s are in a good spot and can still farm warlocks and RMX.

The problem is there are outlier specs that are being completely ignored that could help balance out the meta. As soon as you nerf DH/Destru, there is no longer any hope of a counter for RMX and melee cleaves will run rampant which everyone will then, again, complain about. Buff other dead specs for more ladder diversity and go from there.

Destru needs a re-work as to how they are played but people again don’t understand how trash they were prior to demon armor being introduced with basically the same toolkit they have now.

I hate the fact that I’m forced to play a spec I don’t want to play but I also don’t want a spec to be thrown in the dirt.

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Nope, sorry but you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about here.

Not a single DK, Warrior or WW comp can beat RMX.

Just ignore half of what I said but ok. You’re clearly tunnel visioning towards your opinion which is fine, and not abnormal for the forums, I agree a lot of melee cleave variants don’t do great against RMX but the other half of the ladder, as you said, is destru, which they do very well against outside of MLX.

I’m sorry whatever comp you play doesn’t hard counter the entire ladder and that you’re so oppressed by people that you’re clearly outplaying every game only beating you because of their class.

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Uh as I said it’s not about my opinion, it’s about facts. Guess why nobody chose a DK in the last tourny against RMD/MLD, simply because DK comps don’t win against it.

Besides, I don’t want to hardcounter anyone. I just want to have a chance to win and not lose against some random 1.8 rated players that are suddenly on 2.6 now because their class is unbeatable.

Yes I agree, rogues and mages need nerfs