How to ruin your good mood real fast... :)

Just queue up some 2v2s and face back to back to back destro lock/ rdruid as an arms warrior. oh boy, you’ll go from happy go lucky to **** everything! :rage:


Feel like as arms vs a destru in 2s you’d have a pretty good chance at beating them? Maybe I am wrong, I avoid 2s

Sure. If the lock didn’t do over 2 million self healing and the resto druid did another 2 million. Feels like i’m facing two healers with one of them being able to one shot you if you lose focus.

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That’s because ur not qing withme u absolute FREAK

  • be tuesday morning
  • have a whole bunch of chests to open across several alts
  • dont get a single upgrade in 8 different chests

makes me cry every time

Yeah, I’m trying to climb, about to hit 1900, right around 2kmmr and then 3 different rdruid/destro teams last night as I play with a war. All 3 ended horribly. Tried pillaring till deep damp twice, didn’t work. Tried head on, nope.
Think destro aggravates me more than any other spec atm
Well, destro with dh right behind it.
Right rdruid/dh last night. Dh didn’t land a single kick or rift, just tunneled me from start to finish. And I just die deep damp to unhealable damage.
Juked every kick, missed every rift and still lose. Rooted behind pillars, played it pretty good I thought but with their survivability couldn’t land a kill and they just win on damage, no skill.

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yeah it sounds like u did everything right, however that doesnt matter if the dh outgears u by 15 ilvl

sorry mane welcome to world of gearcraft

most ppl who are doing arenas are like 442+ and the difference is giant.


Hell it doesnt matter if the DH under gears you by 15 either.


There’s literally no way to beat a destro lock in 2s due to their self healing. Sometime it feels like i’m hitting a training dummy. It’s actually the only class i’ve seen who can do upwards of 2 mill self heals. it’s stupidly broken.

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this /10char

pve geared tank trinket dh is unstoppable
but 417 dh will still do 25k dps

Heres how to beat them in 2s.

Mount up with your partner. Game starts. Find a pillar. Stay on mounts. Run run run on Mount in circles until about 50 percent dampening. The more the better.

THAN start the game.

that sounds terrible… :expressionless:


It’s the only way ! Haha

So take their aoe damage they use and just let it tick as we pillar, with pet hitting us till dampening ramps up and we are sitting at 60% health or so if we don’t get caught by a coil?
Tried all that and by the time we actually get to play we are already almost dead. :frowning:

Karma for PvEing!

he’s not exactly wrong, damp is the way

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you willing make yourself depressed 8 times?

DH is the most WTF class in the game at the moment. The amount damage, mobility, cc (AOE cc at that), healing and dodge is just off the charts OP!!! No other class has literally no weakness like them. Hell a plate wearer can’t even stand up toe to toe with a DH right now. Can someone please tell me WTF the PvP devs are thinking? This makes ZERO sense to have a class like this in the game.

you’ve gotta go in and out to bait things. run out get infernaled run away. run out get root root coiled just reflect and leap away. now when they have non of those u come out with instant cc on their druid with bash or probably just fear and storm bolt on lock. dothat about 3-5 times in the game and you’ll piss them off enough to either leave or spit on you when they still win cus rdruid damage

also unless you’re trying to get it out of the way, if u see him trying to coil or has havoc up just avoid his los at alll cost. the bigger the gaps between his coils is less healing he’s doing in the game and it’s honestly the only reason you should die