Has the Community Council run out of ideas?

Then let people play the races in either faction. Dissolving the factions from the game is not the answer.

That’s what people thought Allied Races were going to be in the first place - Defias Humans for Horde, Grimtotem Tauren for Alliance, etc.

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How would you even quantify this? This is meaningless.

It’s not rocket science. They only need to remove the faction restriction. People look at this like it is a complicated system - but in most cases it’s just flipping a switch or adding the ifelse condition.

Adding skips to older raids is more complicated than this.

Don’t pretend you had not your fun harassing and mocking Alliance-players during BfA. I was here, reading as a guest, when you posted.

edit: I knew I forgot something:

Yes, the reason is “feature for the next expansion”

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What are they doing. I don’t see much discussion going in the community council. Was disheartened that the first PvP topic I saw was related to world PvP.

In their defense - some of those ‘suggested ideas’ were woefully terrible.

No! If they’re willing to link to this thread.

No, it’s not my idea.

However, it would help WoW immensely.

There has been several discussions about the heritage armor, it would be great if they could bring the topic to the council as well.

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Another great Council posting which dives into the small things:

General Discussion is all they need.

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I forgot this was a thing.

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Yeah well so did Blizzard.

At least I’m in good company.

Least they’re not trying to spam Btags for the forums.

So is the Community Council like my city’s Heritage Commission? A place for people to offer suggestions that those in charge will likely never entertain, but pretend they might for the sake of optics?

So you had to remind us, despite it being right there on the forum Lists:

I award you the Honorary Necro Lord of the Day Award.

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I wish Blizzard would push RP more.

This is an MMORPG. It could have been like a big Dungeons & Dragons thing. Instead we have these arena tournaments and RACING FOR SPEED GO GO GO dungeon runs.

It seems so far away. I still consider WoW to be my D&D virtual world… even if the community isn’t all that into it.

Yes! Finally.

No. We didn’t.

Blizzard realized that many of them quit the game after their ideas are ignored. Personally I don’t know why folks bother it’s obvious the devs are gonna do whatever they feel like despite backlash.

As a UX designer it’s downright painful to see the developers sitting on a wealth of actionable feedback that’s actually based on the needs of the users.

It’s data, both quantitative and qualitative that’s literally being left to stagnate. But this is precisely what happens when you have developers doing the job of designers. It’s happened where I’ve worked and it’s the exact point where things go –and continue to go– down-hill.