This thread is dedicated to sharing World of Warcraft roleplaying guides, addons, articles and other resources for the roleplaying community.
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= Archived Guides
= No Longer Updated

Guide to Why RP?: or Why we talk funny: A helpful guide for novice and veteran roleplayers alike that covers the basics of roleplay. Written by Adnaw of EU Roleplay Forums.
Roleplaying FAO: A list of frequently asked questions and answers regarding roleplay in World of Warcraft. Written by Cannibal.
How to Roleplay in World of Warcraft at All Levels: A guide on how to roleplay in World of Warcraft with little-known facts, troubleshooting & more! Written by Daggersedge.
How to Actually Roleplay in World of Warcraft: Getting Started: A video guide for new roleplayers about how to get involved in roleplay in World of Warcraft. Video by Inquisitor Aura on YouTube.
Adding Realism to a Roleplay Character: A guide about how to invent goals for new characters. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: Ten Commandments of Roleplaying: A concise guide for roleplay etiquette by David Bowers. This guide covers topics such as godmodding, meta-gaming, maintaining lore accuracy, and other do’s and don’ts for roleplay.
All the World’s a Stage: Roleplay 101 – The Basic Mechanics of Roleplay: A guide about different types of roleplay and how to get started with your character. Written by Michael Gray.
All the World’s a Stage: What’s My Motivation?: A guide about how to built a realistic and relatable character. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: What Does Your Character Know?: A guide to help get your character into a “realistic” frame of mind about themselves and the world. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Fashion and Roleplay: A thoughtful guide about character clothing in roleplay, and the useful tools for outfitting your roleplaying characters. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Who is Mary Sue?: Learn more about what makes a Mary Sue. Written by Anne Stickney.
Wowpedia: How to Roleplay: A series of how-to-roleplay guides by Wowpedia.

The Conversationalist’s Handbook: A brief guide that addresses concerns about starting conversation in roleplay, with tips on how to face it. Written by Geordan of EU Roleplay Forums.
Roleplay Guild Recruitment: Advice from a former guild master about the ins and outs of roleplay guild recruitment etiquette. Written by Gorelah of EU Roleplay Forums.
Money: An article that inspects the lore surrounding currency in World of Warcraft, and provides examples of some canon exchanges. Written by Wowpedia.
Political Systems of Azeroth: This guide examines the various systems of government in World of Warcraft (updated as of Warlords of Draenor). Written by Drevv of Argent Dawn (EU).
The Drama Mama’s guide to handling in-game harassment: A guide for best practices (including Blizzard’s recommendations) for those who are suffering from harassment. Written by Lisa Poisso.
[Essay] On the Application of Power (in roleplay): An informative article about power and how to navigate conflict in roleplay. Written by Dampierre of Argent Dawn (EU).
The Three Great I’s in Shaping a Great Community: A roleplayer’s guide to the Three Great I’s that shape and mold positive communities. Written by Tazkram of Argent Dawn (EU).
All the World’s a Stage: When You Just Can’t Find the Roleplay: A guide about learning to take a more critical look at your characters, and how to become more involved in the roleplaying community. Written by Anne Stickney
All the World’s a Stage: Getting Emotional about Roleplaying: A guide about the cavalcades of emotions that go into roleplaying and how to handle it IC and OOC. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: Odd Man Out: Is your unusual story or odd character conflicting with your roleplay teammates? Feeling like the odd man out? This article looks at what could be happening. Written by Robin Torres.
All the World’s a Stage: Intimate relationships between characters: A guide that elaborates on the intricacies of roleplaying romantic relationships, with useful advice about setting personal boundaries, communicating out-of-character, and being courteous. A highly recommended read for all pursuing romantic relations for their characters. Written by Michael Gray.
All the World’s a Stage: Playing the villain: An interesting take on how to roleplay villain’s in the World of Warcraft universe. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: How to keep your realm’s roleplaying alive: A considerate guide that discusses cooperative roleplaying efforts to stimulate roleplay on realms. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: When Roleplayers Quit: This guide is about how to handle the abrupt, unexplained, in-character loss of a roleplaying friend, and best practices for when you feel ready to quit as well. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: 3 Red Flags that Your Roleplay is Getting Out of Hand: This is a guide about the importance to setting boundaries with others in roleplay, and about how to deal with complications between IC and OOC as they arise. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: You can’t be a vampire: Tips about how to approach someone who is derailing your group’s roleplay by playing a far-out character. Written by Michael Gray.
All the World’s a Stage: You can be a vampire: A guide about exploring unique character concepts without breaking the World of Warcraft genre. Written by Michael Gray.
Role Play: How to handle player housing: An informative guide about how to cope with the non-existence of player housing in World of Warcraft. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Roleplaying partners and you: A quick guide that looks at the ins and outs of social etiquette between roleplayers and their roleplay partners. Written by Anne Stickney.
Unusual and Exotic Role Playing: A guide to conceptualizing and building unique characters, such as dragons. Written by Kersia of Wyrmrest Accord.

All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a human: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying humans in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: Humans and timelines in roleplay: Learn a little more about the history of humans and how to navigate the, sometimes, confusing timeline that surrounds them in lore. Written by Anne Stickney.
How to be a Human Ranger Guide Within WoW: A brief guide to roleplaying a human ranger. Written by Dalforas of Wyrmrest Accord.
Dwarf Roleplaying: A guide to dwarves and their many clans in roleplay. Written by Bjora of EU Roleplay Forums.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a dwarf: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying dwarves in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s A Stage: Plot points for Dwarven roleplayers: A quick introduction to dwarves, how to roleplay them, and tips for character plot points. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Dwarf lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your dwarf in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Dwarven Language Primer - An RP Guide: A Dwarvish language guide. Written by Throren of Wyrmrest Accord.
Night Elves
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a night elf : A brief guide that takes a look into the life of night elves and offers pointers for roleplay. Written by David Bower.
All the World’s a Stage: Plot points for night elf roleplayers : A reflective guide that covers important World of Warcraft plot points that have impacted the night elves. Written by Anne Stickney.
A Night Elf Roleplaying Guide : An indepth guide to night elves, including references to canon lore and citations. This guide was originally written by Melyria of Moon Guard, but has been updated and maintained by Feyawen of Wyrmrest Accord.
All the World’s a Stage: Plot points for Gnome roleplayers: A reflective guide that covers important World of Warcraft plot points that have impacted gnomes. Written by Anne Stickney.
An undead’s guide to… Gnome RP!: An introduction to gnome roleplay. Written by TheMaelstrom.
Draenei Information: A brief guide to draenei lore. Written by Naiyu of EU Roleplaying Forum.
Draenei Information: An in-depth guide to draenei lore. Written by Naiyu of EU Roleplaying Forum.
Role Play: Draenei lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your draenei in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: Plot points for Draenei roleplayers: A reflective guide that covers important World of Warcraft plot points that have impacted draenei. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to roleplay a worgen: A brief guide that takes a look into the life of worgen and offers pointers for roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Purity of Essence - A Wolf Cultist’s Guide to Worgen: A thorough and easy-to-read guide that explains the elaborate lore surrounding worgen lore and how to roleplay them. Written by Raedolf of Wyrmrest Accord.
Worgen Lore - Ask Me Questions! : A resource for all things worgen. Written by Raedolf of Wyrmrest Accord.
Role Play: Worgen lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your worgen in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
The ins and outs of pandaren roleplay characters : A beginner’s guide about the ins and outs of pandaren roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
How to roleplay a pandaren : A beginner’s guide to roleplaying pandaren of any class or profession. Written by Wowpedia.
Know Your Lore: The Pandaren : An introductory guide about pandaren lore in World of Warcraft. Written by Anne Stickney.
Know Your Lore: The mysteries of the pandaren : A guide that explores the history and culture of the pandaren. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: The origins of the pandaren : A speculative guide that looks at the possible origins of the pandaren. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: The Shado-Pan (pt. 1) : A look into the unique lore of the pandaren Shado-Pan. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: Taran Zhu and the Shado-Pan (pt.2) : A guide about the history of Taran Zhu and the Swords in the Shadow. Written by Anne Stickney.
Know Your Lore: A brief summary of the Pandaria campaign : A brief guide that offers players insight into the events of the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria storyline. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: The August Celestials : A guide about the ancient celestial beings revered by the pandaren. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: Pandaria and the Sundering : An article about the history of Pandaria from pre-sundering to the present. Written by Anne Stickney.
Pandaren roleplay from 1-85 : A guide about roleplaying a pandaren while leveling up, from 1-85. Written by Anne Stickney.
Pandaren roleplay from 85-90 : A guide about roleplaying a pandaren while leveling up, from 85-90. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Pandaren philosophy in roleplay : A guide about lore and the unique ways to play a pandaren in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Void Elves
The Void’s Vainglorious Vagart - A Void Elf RP Guide : An introduction to the void elves and how to roleplay them. Written by Marrowburn of Argent Dawn EU.
Know Your Lore: The Void Elves : An article pertaining to void elves and the lore surrounding them. Written by Anne Stickney.
Lightforged Draenei
Role Play: Roleplaying a member of the Army of the Light : An introduction to Lightforged Draenei, the Army of the Light, and how to roleplay as a Lightforged. Written by Anne Stickney.
Dark Iron Dwarves
The Thaurissan Compendium: Records of the Dark Iron : A thorough exploration of the Dark Iron culture and societal norms, from the crafts and hobbies of various Dark Iron Dwarves to their settlements, organizations and clans. Written by Thane Thormil Blackforge.
Kul Tiran Humans
Thornspeakers RP Guide: A brief introductory guide to Kul Tiran Thornspeakers. Written by Grumdil of Wyrmrest Accord.
RP Guide to Tidesages: An introductory guide to Kul Tiran Tidesages. Written by Moroedd of Wyrmrest Accord.
A Roleplaying Guide to Mechagnomes : An introductory guide to mechagnomes. Written by Fonck of Argent Dawn EU.

How to have “Lok’tar” at Orc roleplay : A rough guide about orcs, what they are, their history, culture and everything in between, including how to roleplay them. Written by Tazkram of EU Roleplaying Forum.
Know Your Lore: A guide to the orc clans of Draenor : A succinct guide to the many orcish clans of Draenor. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: Orcs and timelines in roleplay: Learn a little more about the history of orcs and how to navigate the, sometimes, confusing timeline that surrounds them in lore. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Orcs and age in roleplay : An article about orcs and aging your orc roleplay character. Written by Anne Stickney.
Dark Ranger roleplay - a guide and general advice : An introduction to Forsaken Dark Rangers. Written by Ferdinande of EU Roleplay Forum.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be Forsaken : A brief guide that takes a look into the life of forsaken and offers pointers for roleplay. Written by David Bower.
Role Play: Forsaken lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your forsaken in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s A Stage: Plot points for Tauren roleplayers: A quick introduction to tauren, how to roleplay them, and tips for character plot points. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: Tauren and timelines in roleplay: Learn a little more about the history of tauren and how to navigate the, sometimes, confusing timeline that surrounds them in lore. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Tauren lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your tauren in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Tauren and age in roleplay : An article about tauren and aging your tauren roleplay character. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s A Stage: Plot points for Troll roleplayers: A quick introduction to trolls, how to roleplay them, and tips for character plot points. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Troll lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your tauren in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Trolls and age in roleplay : An article about trolls and aging your troll roleplay character. Written by Anne Stickney.
Blood Elves
All the World’s A Stage: Plot points for blood elf roleplayers: A quick introduction to blood elves, how to roleplay them, and tips for character plot points. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Blood Elf lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your blood elf in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Blood Knights: A guide about the history of Sin’dorei Blood Knights and how to roleplay them. Written by Anne Aerilen of Argent Dawn (EU).
Time is Money: A guide to Goblins in Cataclysm : A thoughtful introductory guide to goblins, their culture and how to roleplay them. Written by Gorelah of the EU Roleplay Forum.
Goblin Roleplaying : An extensive introductory guide to roleplaying goblins, with some fun tips about goblin culture. Written by Ignix of the EU Roleplay Forum.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a goblin: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying goblins in World of Warcraft. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Goblins and age in roleplay : An article about goblins and aging your goblin roleplay character. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Goblin lore and character development: A guide about lore and how to develop your goblin in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
The ins and outs of pandaren roleplay characters : A beginner’s guide about the ins and outs of pandaren roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
How to roleplay a pandaren : A beginner’s guide to roleplaying pandaren of any class or profession. Written by Wowpedia.
Know Your Lore: The Pandaren : An introductory guide about pandaren lore in World of Warcraft. Written by Anne Stickney.
Know Your Lore: The mysteries of the pandaren : A guide that explores the history and culture of the pandaren. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: The origins of the pandaren : A speculative guide that looks at the possible origins of the pandaren. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: The Shado-Pan (pt. 1) : A look into the unique lore of the pandaren Shado-Pan. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: Taran Zhu and the Shado-Pan (pt.2) : A guide about the history of Taran Zhu and the Swords in the Shadow. Written by Anne Stickney.
Know Your Lore: A brief summary of the Pandaria campaign : A brief guide that offers players insight into the events of the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria storyline. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: The August Celestials : A guide about the ancient celestial beings revered by the pandaren. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Know Your Lore: Pandaria and the Sundering : An article about the history of Pandaria from pre-sundering to the present. Written by Anne Stickney.
Pandaren roleplay from 1-85 : A guide about roleplaying a pandaren while leveling up, from 1-85. Written by Anne Stickney.
Pandaren roleplay from 85-90 : A guide about roleplaying a pandaren while leveling up, from 85-90. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Pandaren philosophy in roleplay : A guide about lore and the unique ways to play a pandaren in roleplay. Written by Anne Stickney.
Know Your Lore: The Shal’dorei of Suramar: A guide to the history of the Shal’dorei, Nightfallen, and Withered by Matthew Rossi of Blizzardwatch.
Roleplaying Nightfallen or Nightborne: A guide to roleplaying Shal’dorei, Nightfallen, and Withered. Written by Anne Stickney.
Nightborne RP Guide: An informative guide that introduces the nightborne and how to roleplay them. Written by Korlith of Wyrmrest Accord.
Highmountain Tauren
Know Your Lore: The children of Huln: An article pertaining to Highmountain Tauren, Huln and the lore surrounding them. Written by Matthew Rossi.
Mag’har Orcs
Know Your Lore: The legacy of the Mag’har: An article pertaining to the Mag’har orcs and the lore surrounding them. Written by Anne Stickney.
Zandalari Trolls
Roleplay Guide: Zandalari: An introduction to Zandalari trolls and the many loa they follow. Written by Skrauhg of Argent Dawn EU.
Know Your Lore: The Zandalari: An article pertaining to the Zandalari trolls and the lore surrounding them. Written by Anne Stickney.
Roleplay Guide: Vulpera: An introduction to vulpera. Written by Skrauhg of Argent Dawn EU.

A Guide to RP Healing: A guide that offers suggestions on how to roleplay a healer, how to add flavor to healing magic in role-play, and most importantly, how to keep magical healing from becoming a two-second cure-all that ruins role-play by making all injuries trivial to cure. Written by Nouala and Auburn of Steamwheedle Cartel EU.
Metals and Minerals: For miners, blacksmiths, jewelcrafters, engineers, enchanters. For those who wear plate or mail, or use weapons. The authors trawled through canon lore sources for information on the metals, minerals, and materials which are crafted into so many of the items our characters use. Originally written by Fyne of Argent Dawn EU, now maintained by Telaryn.
An Alchemical and Herbal Guide for Azeroth and Beyond: For alchemists, herbalists, surgeons, medics, apothecaries and enchanters. For those who use potions or first aid. Greáves has trawled through quest text sources for information on herbs which appear in potions, poultices, and more, that our characters use. Written by Greáves of Moon Guard.
Forging a Blacksmith: How to roleplay a blacksmith in the world of Azeroth. Written by Alryette of Argent Dawn EU.
List of All Minerals, Crystals and Gemstones: A full list of all minerals, crystals and gemstones in the lore, up until BFA. Compiled by Cannibal.
List of All Plants: A full list of all plants, fungi and elemental blooms in the lore, up until BFA. Compiled by Cannibal.
List of All Alcohols: A full list of all alcohols in the lore, up until BFA. Compiled by Cannibal.
A Sailor’s Walk: a “guide” for nautical roleplay: A guide that explores the seas of Azeroth and the mariners that navigate them. Written by Scurvy of Argent Dawn (EU).
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be an Alchemist: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying alchemists in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Blacksmith: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying blacksmiths in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be an Enchanter: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying enchanters in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be an Engineer: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying engineers in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Herbalist: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying herbalists in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Jewelcrafter: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying jewelcrafters in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Leatherworker: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying leatherworkers in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Scribe: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying scribes in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Tailor: A quick and easy guide to roleplaying tailors in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bowers.

How to Roleplay a Death Knight: Opinionated and direct, this guide is however solidly sourced and comprehensive. Written by Koranith of Steamwheedle Cartel EU.
How to Roleplay a Death Knight in Legion: A quick guide to roleplaying a Death Knight from World of Warcraft: Legion. Written by Anne Stickney.
Role Play: Demon Hunter background and story: An introduction to demon hunter lore. Written by Anne Stickney.
Preservers of the Balance: a Guide to Druid RP: A guide quoting in-game text and the novels, with a listing of citation sources in post number six of the thread. Written by Thornroot of Argent Dawn EU.
Tracking down the ins and outs of hunter roleplay: Another class roleplay guide by Anne Stickney, a major contributor to All the World’s a Stage. This guide covers hunters.
Classy Roleplaying: Mage: An exploration of in-game texts to understand magic and mages in the World of Warcraft universe. Written by Creic of Argent Dawn EU.
Roleplaying a non-pandaren monk: Another class role-playing guide for monks, written by Anne Stickney.
The Monk Roleplaying Guide: A guide to roleplaying monks in World of Warcraft, written by Zen of Argent Dawn (EU).
Yonara’s Monk RP Guide: Yonara’s take on roleplaying monks in World of Warcraft. Written by Yonara of Wyrmrest Accord.
A Guided to Sunwalker RP: A guide for tauren roleplayers who want to play a Sunwalker, a paladin variance that is specific to Tauren culture. Written by Moloak of Moon Guard.
For the Light: Roleplaying the paladin: An introduction to roleplaying a paladin in World of Warcraft. Written by Anne Stickney.
All the World’s a Stage: So you want to be a Priest: A brief guide to roleplaying the various priest classes in World of Warcraft. Written by David Bower.
The seedy underbelly: Roleplaying the rogue: Yet another guide by Anne Stickney, one that discusses characters and archetypes that go bump in the night. Enjoy this rogue roleplaying guide.
Role Play: Shaman roleplay in Legion: A guide to roleplaying with the elements as a shaman. Written by Anne Stickney.
Embracing the darkness: Roleplaying the warlock: A guide to roleplaying a warlock. Written by Anne Stickney.
Why We Fight: Roleplaying the warrior: A reflective and in-depth guide to role-playing the warrior class in the World of Warcraft universe. Written by Anne Stickney.

Adapt: Animated Portraits: A minimalist addon that animates your unit frames.
DiceMaster: An advanced dice roller addon.
Elephant: An addon that tracks and organizes your chat logs by channel.
Emote Splitter: A minimalist addon that lets you paste or type as much as you want.
Listener: An addon designed to make it easy to keep track of your chat messages when there is a lot going on, to help you in a crowded setting.
MyRolePlay: A simple roleplay profile addon.
Total RP 3 (TRP3): An advanced roleplay profile addon.
XRP: An easy-to-use, minimalist roleplay profile addon.

Stories in Publication Order: A chronological order guide for Warcraft Stories, by publication date. Compiled by Fenshire.
Chronological Book Order: A chronological order guide for Warcraft Stories, as they happened in lore. Compiled by Cannibal.
The ultimate guide to Warcraft lore in print: A guide to all canon novels, manga, comics and short stories related to World of Warcraft - in chronological order by lore. Compiled by Blizzard Watch.
Fanfic Guide: Building a Better Story: Some guidelines to give new writers a path to follow, when writing fanfiction. Written by Cannibal.
World of Warcraft: Official Short Stories: Blizzard’s official page of short stories.
World of Warcraft: Official Comics: Blizzard’s official page of comics.