You mean to get it pinned?
I don’t think there’s a way for a community to get anything pinned these days. I got mine pinned by opening a ticket and asking if it were possible to, so I think Feya would have to be the one to do so and request it be pinned.
Fey I noticed some typos:
An Tailor
Goblin Elf

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Responding to myself here to add something:
From what I’ve seen, if you’re active on the forums and have shown good behavior/good faith or whatever, Blizz will likely pin it if its clearly something helpful to the community. I see no reason why they’d decline a request if Feya put one in for this!!! -crosses fingers-
It’s always great to learn about guides that have inspired others. I took the liberty of inquiring with the SI:7, and with the help of a few agents we managed to pull this particular guide out of the void. It has been added under the Goblin section and marked archived. Please enjoy, and please don’t ask why I’m covered in slime. 
Shaha lor’ma, Master Shadowfern. I’ve gone ahead and fixed these. 
-scoots post back to the top-
I’m still looking for more guide to add to this compendium. If anyone knows of any lost guides from the old forums, or newer guides that have only recently been shared, please post a reply with a link in a [code] block. I will add them to the list 
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Just stumbling upon this now and wow! Feyawen, your formatting and presentation skills with every thread you make are second to none. There is so much good information here I could get lost in it!
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I am deeply impressed! I had grabbed the joystiq/engadget links for my own site a while back but I just fixed the URLs and slapped them up there. The summaries you’ve included here are awesome, plus all the other resources – this must have been a ton of work and thank you SO MUCH for doing this! Totally adding this link at the top of my old one.
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Thank you @Feyahni & @Tyranthera!
I’m still on the lookout for Dark Iron Dwarf (specific) guides, as well as Pandaren guides. Of course, all guides are welcome. If anyone has a favorite RP guide, please do not hesitate to share it and I will add it to the list.
I plan to beef up this compendium over the next few days 
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Bringing this back to the top because why not.
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I just wanted to come out and say that I absolutely love you for putting this compendium together. This is a perfect post for people looking to broaden their RP horizons, no matter their supposed “skill level”. Doesn’t matter if you’re a total beginner or a veteran RPer, there is something here for everyone, and you’ve done us all a great service by making this post.
This is a paramount resource, ambitious in its scope. A commendable effort and job well done! When I initially stumbled across this here, I sent its weblink out to new and old RPers on Discord.
Your inclusion of “All the World’s a Stage” as a source took me back to the time when it was the
pre-eminent reading for newcomers and aspirants.
As for other possible additions to this compendium, I would recommend having a weblink to Cannibal/Cannibeans’ catalogues on WoWpedia:
I’ve journeyed through the mists and found a surplus of pandaren guides. They have been installed in duplicate under both factions.

In addition, I have added four (4) new guides under the Community section:
- Money
- Political Systems of Azeroth
- On the Application of Power
- The Three Great I’s in Shaping a Great Community.
New guide(s) have been added under the following races:
A new profession guide has been installed:
- A Sailor’s Walk: a “guide” for nautical roleplay
One new class guide has been added for:
One additional resource article has been added:
- The ultimate guide to Warcraft lore in print
I took the liberty of adding the available catalogs, and I have placed them under the Professions section of this compendium. Thank you so much for the contribution, Felswift!

YAY!!! So glad this got pinned! 
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Thankyou for adding the question thread here! The link appears to be broken, though? 🥓 Worgen Lore - Ask me questions!