Blizzard has put an insane amount of quality and care into SL and the community

I’m a total whale in this game. I like to spend hundreds on WoW tokens to get the best transmogs and high level gear. It seems like the games in fine condition for those who play it. I felt like I was raging out and hating on this game a lot. But it doesn’t seem that way. Whenever I feel strongly about the game in one way or another, I feel like it gets shut down completely. I was really angry about the game because I kept dying and I kept getting ganked. I complained and said this game sucked on the general and trade channel. I honestly thought thats what people do. It seems like those two channels are non stop toxic places. But the second I complain about WoW sucking and using a narrative like “Blizzard doesn’t even care about it’s big spenders, they just care about the quality of the game. They don’t appease the people who just wanna pour hundreds into their terrible game.” I got reported and instantly banned for one day. So it seems like people REALLY like this game. I dont know, i guess my foundation for wanting to play the game was shaken.

Is blizzard really chasing the bottom line and being a money hungry organization? I highly doubt that since even a whale like me can get seriously raged out at this game.

I’ll tell you what’s going on that people will deny - bfa was so bad, and a lot were disappointed that classic didn’t live up to what they expected out of it. So these people NEED shadowlands to be good. They need retail to be better than classic and better than bfa, they want their game to be considered good. That’s the phase were in right now.

Mood swings. I get them too.

The gaping hole in this story for me is the part where you imply that Blizzard suspended you for criticizing them. That’s not generally a thing that happens, which kind of leads me to believe you may have gone on a significantly more vitriolic rant than you’ve lead us to believe and possibly said some things that aren’t polite to say to others.

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Rule number 1 , if you want to rant don’t use Trade or general to vent . Hit the suggestion box in support option and go crazy .

People that defend SL have stockholm syndrome lol, their brains have become so numb from grinding the same borrowed power mechanics for years that they can’t understand why people who never bothered playing those expansions would find this one tedious and boring.

The only credit I can give SL is maybe the questing and zones feel great the first time around, but the end game so far is just a reskin of previous expansions and they took ideas from other games (Torgast) but never bothered implementing it properly either.

Not to mention the time gate mechanics are extremely heavy handed and it seems like Ion or whoever is the game dev now wants to force casuals to get into rated PvP and M+ when only a very small portion of neckbeards actually give a $$$$ about those game modes.

Unless they overhaul and fix a lot of the current issues like anima grind, useless mission tables and all the other myriad of broken and $$$$ed up things, I don’t think SL will last that long for a casual player.

Honestly, I think the biggest problem in this game is that the community reacts badly to anything that slightly puts them outside their comfort zone and they force the devs to adapt the game to them instead of adapting to the game.
One example of this is the huge ammount of threads complaining about the Maw, even tho it is not a required content for progression. I think the greatest problem that WoW has been facing since WotLK is that blizz is dumbing the game down in order to catter to people who dont like to play the game. LFR, LFD and Titanforging are the biggest examples of it.
I just pray that blizzard dont nerf the maw just because some guy that wants to finish the game in 5 minutes and go play anything else is complaining in the forums.
I think that lately most of the players are too spoiled and too entitled.
People who really love wow is suffering because of the wrath babies for 10 years already.
I loved content like mage tower and pandaria challenge modes because they were everything that wow fans loved and wrath babies hated.

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I’m gonna be real - I don’t understand the point behind this post.

First and foremost:

You being a whale and this point are completely irrelevant to one another. No one else knows this about you, and speaking personally, I couldn’t care less. I kill everyone I find in the open world. None of this matters.

This is also totally irrelevant to anything. You spend that money because you want to. You aren’t owed anything as a result.

As I said, I don’t get the point behind this post other than you possibly implying that Blizzard slapped you with a silence because you were complaining about them. Which isn’t the case. I complain about Blizzard all the time, and have never once been silenced.

/Notices at the OP guild name.