What the Heck Happened to Torghast and whose to blame

Oh ive seen it for awhile now, i’d mute him, but is almost fun watching the answers they come up with. Like at this point I do not even think he is trolling. I think its a desperate, and sad attempt to get some green text or something.


wait you can ignore people? teach me your voodoo senpai

“Who is to blame”

OP, you asked this in the title, so I’m going to answer you.


They are literally the only people who can actually change the game in that manner, and considering the community was actually pretty annoyed already by how boring and slow it was before, it’s not like they listened to the community on this one.

Blizz makes these decisions, Blizz is to blame for everything in the game.

Scroll up a couple posts, I explained it.

If it’s someone that has their profile blocked, you need to go into your preferences and type their name in manually.


It’ll be on their activity page. I just did it myself. Top right hand of the page :slight_smile:

Or 9 days ago when he had this to say…


Yeah but that thread still has this gem:


the sooooooound of silence!.. ty lol annnd hes gone


It wasn’t on an end boss. It was a floor boss.

:rofl: I love this. The greatest entertainment of my day as I level my lil’ gnome mage.




Some classes have it better than others. Class knowledge only go so far.

I find it interesting how this dude is using the same gear, race and class that another troll that used to do the same thing, makes me think it is his alt but he was this stupid.

I screenshotted both posts, for posterity’s sake - not the kind of thing you ever want to let disappear from view. :wink:


The end boss’ hp TRIPLED from last week on my resto sham (same layer, was layer 6). While I agree that running it as a healer was a pinch too easy, it was “fixed” to make me run like L3 or 4, and be done for the week. I hex, I wind shear, I totem appropriately (roots, slow, stun, etc), and it still felt like I was in a place tuned for a full group.

“It’s solo or group content!” is now “It’s group content unless you don’t mind not maxing out one of the many system currencies we’ve rolled out”. Which, well, I can afford my R3 legendary and that should last for a while. Skipping Torghast and The Maw entirely except to further the main storyline on my main, and to get my main-alt’s legendary when ever she hits max level.

I’m actually really concerned that the devs don’t seem to care about the reputation they’ve given themselves, the fun detected memes and the pendulum metaphors and the consistently expressed views that they’re way out of touch with the playerbase. I know at least two other entire classes are very disgruntled with Torghast.


Was it the way I described the buff? I know End bosses have it. Never seen it on floor bosses. But if that’s the buff I described, then yeah, its frankly a stupid design. Because its effectively an Enrage timer, and a very short one at that.

This is not true, most players have been able to complete Layer 7 and 8 with ease this week. There is also a gear check involved, having a strong item level is important to going up in the Torghast ladder! This system rewards effort, and I think this is a great thing

Let me see your source.

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Having some funny, hypocritical posts for posterity is always a plus, especially if you’re having a bad day and need a laugh.
However, I won’t lie, I was simping pretty hard for Torghast last week but this nerf really made me salty. I’ll just have to run it with my homies now. :relieved:

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Yeah, it was exactly how you described it. Floor 2 of the run. Didn’t even have a chance to get good anima powers. I could get it down to half health before it started one shoting me.