Blizzard, what is your vision with Torghast?

They don’t want people in groups to be able to have an easy go of it either. I’ve been doing it in a full group most every week since people in my guild want to and it still scales to ridiculous levels. A full group of 5 with a tank and healer still took a stupid long amount of time to clear a layer. The problem is they’re artificially increasing difficulty through HP and just making it a gear check not a skill check.

Also, side note, why the hell does trap damage scale with more players? In 2-3 players you can live if you get hit by a trap, but with 4-5 players the traps one-shot you. HAVING MORE PLAYERS DOESN’T MAKE ANY ONE PLAYER ABLE TO TAKE MORE DAMAGE!


Layer 5 last boss was not “cake”. I’m 190 VDH and died 5x before I was able to narrowly kill him. It’s actually insane to think casters and non-plate melee should even stand a chance vs this overtuned piece of crap.

I can’t argue with you… I despise that place, but I don’t want challenging content removed from the game. If they cut it to 3 floors it’d be too long.

I’m able to complete up to layer 6 on my 191 mage.

Given I get the right anima powers.

I saw a change where the anima powers don’t change the even when you reset torghast now.

But they supposedly did - since it was marketed as an ever-changing environment that would scale from single player to groups - specifically so that solo players would be as viable as groups. Obviously the “screw what we told people, let’s do it this way.” decision was made. Thankfully, those are the types of decisions that can be changed - if they feel like it.

Well…he had this to say about SL in general:

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You have to do everything right and gear to cap to beat it solo… (lol sorry inner GD elitist coming out)

It was supposed to be a rise in difficulty with powers being varied, some fun OP things that you can overcome solo, 2, 3, 4, or 5 player.

Not quite. For a fair amount of players.

They made it worse.

Welcome to Blizzard’s design world.

LOL @ Blizzard.

And for that matter why can’t we drag mobs into the traps? Some potentially fun game play and strategies there.

Starting to look like visions. Great at the start but then as you progressed to 5 masks you get the feeling it shipped without those later difficulties being tested.

Doable but so damn annoying with all those affixes continuing to go off while out of combat. Waiting twice while heading up the mage tower ramp. Every door becoming a dangerous mob with affixes dropping fire and bouncing you every where.

So much out of combat nag nag nag.

And now we got it in Torghast with anti afk mobs and never ending sparkle cones shooting stuff on the ground.

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Is this a cry for help? Is he being held hostage or something?

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Blizzard’s vision for Torghast is the troll the sweaty try-hards trying to over-achieve.

Half the problem with Blizzard’s communication with the community is an unclear vision of what they have in mind for the game.

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The terrible thing was Blizzard realized we were almost having fun and had to put an end to it.

as far as i can tell, i got bad starting powers and they are the same on every layer of everyone i start, downside is they are awful, and the ones after that are awful, i get a bunch turn into a mawrat, or generate a shield for looting mana, you know things that don’t help you kill anything as a tank, it’s just great loosing to the first spamcasting mob in the place cause my only option as a power is got get a buff for dispelling a buff, and they don’t have a buff, so i just get to die. neat.

I think what happened is they realized we are collecting ash a lot faster then they had planned for and we got a ham fisted and rushed reaction from a team that’s probably suffering from a lot senior staff being on long needed vacations.

Would they come clean and admit that? Doubt it.

artificial gating of legendary crafting…

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To waste your time and keep you on the game longer.

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Torghast is absolute garbage now. I consider myself a fairly good player and to die to a pack of 3 large maw rats on my 196 ilvl tank is absolutely ridiculous.

The vision behind Torghast was to create an experience that both casuals and hardcore players can enjoy. Ion and the Dev team listened carefully this time around to perfectly craft the most balanced system, as someone who enjoys to challenge not only their skill level by gear level can do the higher layers and those who don’t wish to be challenged can do the lower layers. Both types of players can earn the legendary, and this way this is the most fair i’ve ever seen in WoW as far as rewards go!

You are by far the biggest blizzard shill I have ever seen in my entire life.

Or option B is a low grade Troll.

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