Torghast Layer 8 Floor 2

This is only really valid if people are having trouble with higher layers in general. I breezed through most of layer 8, but needed the massive barrier I got on the first floor to deal with a single mob, the Empowered Imperial Consular. Even with a huge barrier, I needed to use every CD I had to deal with a single one of these and it’s still close. On top of that, I ran into 3 of them throughout the run, meanwhile nothing else in the layer, not even the end boss even came close to breaking my total barrier.

I largely agree with you that the tuning in Torghast overall is fine, but that specific mob is disgustingly overtuned and it’s been mentioned multiple times for a reason.

I did floor 8 a fair number of times on the beta. I even did floor 8 twisted cooridors on the beta with fresh beta character with 190 legendarys honor set and 226 trinkets. It was never this hard, the 180-250k health(later 280-450 at floor two and so on) floor boss that does more damage then my rogue can do is ridiculous and unnecessary. I did basically everything, I took only defensive options becuase I simply can’t survive tanking one of those adds without cloak or evasion whichever is relevant for more then 6 seconds before cheat death pops. I don’t get enough anima powers by that point to consistently have the dps to quickly kill them while rotating cc either.

I’ve had to kite, not turn in torghast rescue and have them tank by popping vanish, and kite again while rotating hook shot in the hopes of proccing evasion or cloak whichever is relevant. Even on attempts where I can kill one end boss my pure defensive build needs rng to succeed and it takes forever to get rolling early as a rogue. And I can’t see gear fixing this, I had to stop taking maw rat spices because I couldn’t find more then 10 maw rats on the first floor and 20% max health was a drop in the bucket for damage taken, so damage is the only thing that can help. And these mini bosses shouldn’t be mythic level damage checks that require drums potions and a set of heroic gear to cheese, not kill because I’ll still have to do most of the creative uses of mechanics I know to not die.

For context I’m a player who has done all 36 mage towers, at least half of them on undergeared characters when it was relevant or on low geared characters that I couldn’t be bothered pushing to a good item level. I’ve done floor 8 many times in beta and it wasn’t this bad, the end boss buff seems to have gone way too far. Despite this I’ll still keep bashing my head against it and rage about it later because I hate losing, but I know unfair and unbalanced when I see it.

Come on man, why would you think you should be able to do content designed to get you to mythic level gear without already having mythic level gear? :wink:

I’m surprised that one of the key selling features of the game is hated so much. The first forum page is littered with choreghast thread’s.

The difficulty doesn’t bother me. What bothers me is the sheer amount of time it takes. They should take 1 floor away, increase anima powers on other floors.

This game is feeling very chorish with the maw dailies,weekly renown, weekly soul ash, weekly pvp, weekly raid. With gear being scarce you now have to spam content to get geared. Idk maybe I’m being entitled or maybe the the game isn’t enjoyed because it’s turning to be a chore.

I wonder how many people would do choreghast if it didn’t give soul ash

This is completely false. Torghast does not drop Mythic level gear nor do legendaries give as much player power as Mythic level gear. Folks can do the lower layers for more dust to get a legendary and it would take a much smaller amount of time, the folks that are rushing Layer 7 and 8 need to understand that skill and gear level play a part into the challenge and it’s not for everyone.

Shoo, take your continual defense of this somewhere else. Besides, as you so wisely pointed out:

Classic tactic of folks who have zero counter arguments or points to make, they just pull up old posts to justify their loss. :yawning_face:

Hardest level of Torghest, in gear worse than normal raid (less than 445 gear in 8.3), on a floor that gives marginally more ash than the level below it, is difficult.

Bring out the pitchfork.

Careful, folks who hate to face the reality of the system will go digging through your old posts in an effort to invalidate your opinion. Classic GD trolls :roll_eyes:

Honest question: are you related to Ion and how disappointed are you to call him your father?


Just admire all the personal attacks against one person and not a single valid argument from the people that don’t understand what a gear check is.

PREACH! :clap:

In the scope of the patch, this isn’t even fully Normal raid geared. People are still forgetting how early in the expansion it is. We aren’t meant to full clear it as soon as it is available. It’s impressive that you are so far along this early, but considering the max item level, we are all still gearing up.

Imagine clearing a Horrific Vision 5 mask in almost full LFR Ny’alotha gear, because that is basically where you are at.

This is why torghast is broken

A sub 190ilevel lock is able to complete layer 8 on both floors and a 200-+ paladin can’t.

I’m a 191 mage ans I can’t even do layer 7 while my Druid friend in 178 ilevel can.

Why such a huge discrepancy.

There’s very little skill involved you know why?

Most floor bosses I get stuck on are like this

Boss: archer or mage
Hp: 500k
Ability :
archer: uninterruptible ranged AA that does 25% of my hp every 2 seconds and a non avoidable interruptable crit shot that does 50% of my hp
Mage: shadow bolt turret that 4 shots me even when I interrupt, time warp, double ice block, los.

26k hp mage with 5k dps on averge.

This is so boring and non innovative design


Elites in the Maw hit Guardian bear for 600-700 damage
regular non elites on Floor 7 hit Guardian Bear for 1200-1600

Let that sink in

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Torghast isn’t tailored specifically for classes. It’s all random templates with class specific anima powers. No matter if Torghast is nerfed, that Warlock is still going to be bagging the Paladin by the sheer fact that one is a pet class while the other isn’t.

You people are more dense than lead or depleted Tungsten.

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There’s a difference in design between “difficult” and “overtuned”

Take Dark Souls, for example. Dark Souls is considered to be “difficult,” but it is fair. There are people who can beat any game in the Souls anthology without taking any damage, without leveling up, without using weapons, etc.

By comparison, “overtuned” is a mathematical issue. When a boss is too difficult as a result of miscalculation, it is “overtuned.”

Here is a model to demonstrate:
You are playing a first-person shooter. Your gun can do 15 damage per body shot, and 20 per head shot. You can carry 100 bullets on your person. During boss fights, you cannot collect more ammunition.

However, one of the bosses in the game has 2050 health. No matter what you do, you can never do more damage than the boss has health. It’s mathematically impossible. Even if you hit EVERY headshot, you can only ever do 2000 damage. The boss will always have 50 remaining health.

This is a gross oversimplification of what’s going on with Torghast. However, it demonstrates that “difficult” and “overtuned” are very clearly demarcated concepts.

It is entirely possible for Blizzard to make Torghast a fair and challenging experience, but it’s also possible that Blizzard has overtuned certain bosses and needs to re-assess the balance of certain floors.


It’s about anima pwoers IMO for ret at least.

I’m ret and take 23K melee crits from layer 7 boss. Without the right anima powers he almost one shots me. I can take well over 30k damage in less than one second according to my logs. Need a stam buff and a few others and its doable. One layer 7 down, the Sin bolt hitting for 25k is rough layer 8 miniboss, sinbolt plus one melee and you’re dead. I feel if I don’t get a stam buff I might as well leave and restart. Even with 35k-40k HP unbuffed later in Xpac I will need a stam buff to survive layer 8.

Lol you cemistry nerd. (I dig it, by he way…well, maybe not the insult, but the verbiage used).

Did you even read what you wrote?

“It’s not class tailored”

“The warlock is a pet class while the other isn’t”


It sounds like it’s tailored for a pet class by what you’re saying .
