Torghast is ruined. GJ Blizz

No point in talking to these forum trolls, they just say the same thing every thread :roll_eyes:

I have no skin in this game and I still think that’s utterly hilarious coming from you.

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This is so gold coming from you.

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If anything they should add a few more floors to make it more challenging, 6 doesn’t seem like enough. Torghast has been one of the most well received parts of the expansion.

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and they keep paying, that’s the best part! paying for the privilege to complain here!

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Do tell, which way is the way you really feel?

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I stand by my opinion then, and I stand by my opinion now. Folks keep posting old threads as if this invalidates current opinion, but my stance today is supported by a lot of people. A surefire way to know you lost an argument is going back and reposting old threads :yawning_face:

Have you seen the $ increase for Canadian players.

You were right, Blizzard does listen to our feedback! #MakeAzerothExpensiveAgain

I like when my ability to clear Snoreghast is reliant on a single rng anime power because it lets me do 40k sustained dps as opposed to the 5k sustained dps of all the other useless hunter powers. :slight_smile:

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If there are a bunch of threads on the issue, Blizzard is more likely to take notice. If there is a single thread, it can easily be derailed by a simp, and Blizzard comes in and locks it.


This GD community is slightly concerning, nobody is forcing you to do Torghast runs, specially on a more difficult layer. If you don’t like it then maybe its not for you, but you shouldn’t be trying to ruin it for us players that do enjoy it. From everything I’ve seen a lot of the community has had very nice things to say about Torghast and its a big upgrade over the BfA system.

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Ive seen the opposite.

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Stopped reading right here. I agree with you. You’re entitled.

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Once you clear a layer, you never have to do the lower ones… it is solo content (or group)… it doesn’t punish tanks/heals like horrific visions did when they started… and it will most certainly get easier as you gear up…

Not sure what you were honestly looking for, I like it.

My only gripe was a server disconnect on my solo level 8 run at the final boss with 50% to go that wiped my whole run. nice.

If you hadn’t pointed that out, his Obvious Trolling wouldn’t have been obvious. I mean, he goes from saying the white knights are suffering from stockholme syndrome to saying its “the best ever”?

Yeah, that’s trolling to get reactions.

Do I believe Torghast can be fixed? Yes. There’s just too much bloody potential there for huge amounts of fun factor. I went through Layer 1 and was looking forward to a slow gradual increase in power and difficulty. But, then I started noticing that even on Layer 1 bosses are poorly tuned.

And even if they were well tuned, the problem is that they’re extremely stingy with gear. It’s like pulling teeth to get gear this expansion. And that’s not going to encourage people to stick around. Slow gear progression. Poorly tuned content. Lackluster story. Forced Content. Forced Content with zero mobility. The list of flaws are numerous.

I think the biggest issue wit SL wasn’t a matter of “they didn’t spend enough time” but rather they didn’t think things through enough. They didn’t think about the fact that all this Railroading, this early in the expansion, along with Limited Rewards is only going to drive players AWAY from the game.

And, I think anyone who has enjoyed WoW (more or less) over the years does not want to see players LEAVE en masse. We want to see Blizzard listen and Fix things so that Everyone can have fun.

Because right now, I don’t see what there is that will keep the Casuals around long enough to see any of the meat of the story.

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Dearie, you have to use abilities you haven’t had to use in quite a while: interupts, stuns, etc.

Heck, i just finally died to my own stupidity because I was thinking everything else so far had been easy. (I’m on the Jania quest.)

My only issue with Torghast is that there should be more floors per layer, 6 is not enough. It would give a chance for some of the weaker characters to get some more powers and for players like me who enjoy clearing the floors to get more enjoyment per run.

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There’s only so much you can do when your toolkit doesn’t have enough RAW POWER. And not every class is flush with interrupts, stuns, etc. Some in fact have almost no realistic CC.

Torghast needs an overhaul. Because right now, I would NOT encourage any Casual player to play Shadowlands because of the current iteration of Torghast. And if you drive the Casuals away, that’s a lot of lost money.

That was nine days ago. In nine days you went from “SL is inexcusable” to “This is literally the best state of the game”.

If you switch up this rapidly, I think the last thing you need to be talking about is Stockholm Syndrome because there’s gotta be some type of bipolar going on

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Torghast on a rogue is easy, I just bring a Druid tank and a balance Druid with me

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