Is there a disconnect between Blizzard and the community?

Okay, that’s just flat out false.
You can go look back at the second week interview done by Preach and Morgan Day if you want to see the communities reaction to alpha/beta torghast ideas.

Either way, my only complaint about torghast is that its far too inconsistent in its difficulty.

What would you like to see changed?

If you think we’re the only ones who would leave… I’m sorry, but you have to realize that the forums represent a smaller community than likely the Mythic raiding community. And the silent majority leave quietly. They certainly did in WoD.

Anyone definitely should quit if they’re not having fun.

This is a game. Not life.

It was very much during BFA, during SL alpha, during SL beta, its not like people said #pulltheripcord after the expansion was launched.

Have you… missed the posts where I said I’m still playing Classic, but that I might just unsub anyway?

Not catering to casuals is different than actively changing the game to require more time investment.

Guess you missed this little gem that somebody posted up a ways in this thread already?


Oh trust me. Blizzard gave up on that too haha

Feedback is rolling in or are you missing it? As you said, the game is designed for the hardcore players and up and dissatisfaction is being expressed. And yes, before you pounce on the statement, it is true that some causals are enjoying the game.

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Again you’re living in the past, this isn’t WoD era of WoW community. A lot has changed to make the game more hardcore over the years, and Shadowlands is specifically designed with those players in mind.

I know, which is why there’s a disconnect between the playerbase and the dev team.

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there’s no brainwashing, someone stated their opinion against yours. I think the game was better in Legion but is still pretty solid now. I’m not even very good and I’m not struggling to do any of the stuff I’m doing. Granted it’s mostly casual stuff and BG’s, but most people on here seems to think it’s impossible for casuals. it’s not, it’s always felt bad until you get geared. I got decked out in honor gear which isn’t even close to best and am now steamrolling everything I do. So much of the stuff is optional too. You don’t need rep for flying, so don’t have to do dailies. WQ gear sucks so you can skip that. You don’t need anything from the sanctum upgrades, so you can skip anima farming. You don’t need any of the multitude of things you normally grind the table for. you can get to mythic dungeon ilvl through bg’s. There’s a lot of things that were dragging the average Joe down that are no longer needed, and even the covenants you can just pick whoever unless you’re really aiming for top level play. I don’t see how it’s possibly not feeling better than it has the last couple years.

Players can do whatever content they want, someone that like pet battles can love the game the same amount that someone that only do mythic raids, and the same with players that only want to do transmog runs of old content, and they dont have to offer nothing to the game, they are paying for a product/service, the devs should actively work for making the longevity of the game organic, not artificial.

Everyone enjoy challenge, but what can challenge a pro pvper is not the same that challenge a mythic raider, a challenge for someone can be beat normal nathria, or complete the rbg quest, or camp that rare mob of old expansions, you cant force people to enjoy thing they dont want.

And Ion and his “Elitist Jerks” ideas have a lot of fault with the current state of wow, but also some good things.

You aren’t understanding what I mean.

They didn’t just one day create all the ideas of Shadowlands.
They were working on them for months before they announced any of them.

The ideas that led to these announcements are what I am referring to.

Sorry for the confusion.

There’s no use in talking to that person, they are an obvious troll.

Make sure to donate your gold at least.


You mean like Azerite Power? OH I mean corruption. OH I meant 8.2 Benthic gear casino. OH I meant Titanforging/Warforging endless loot grind.

SORRY! :frowning:

There is less time investment in Shadowlands than in Legion or BFA.

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More fun power, even overpowered powers, like who cares, its only temporary and some classes already are broken anyways.

More HP does not equal more fun or challenge, so those…whatever they were today were just pointless. CC immunity is also pointless for something that was billed as a single player activity. Many classes cant stand toe to toe with a boss and pew pew.

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You keep making this claim without even trying to prove it. That’s not how it works. There seems to be a dropping participation in hardcore content - which may change in the coming month - and all that can be shown is that Shadowlands sold a lot of copies. What happens after people play it, only Blizzard knows. We won’t know for some time.

Catering the expansion to the minority is a bad idea. There’s no issue with designing systems like M+ and Mythic for the hardcore, but designing the entire game that way is a bad idea.

I’ll need it in TBC.

You do realize that the, “borrowed power” and “busywork” problems started in Legion… right?

Legion at the very least provided fewer hard gates and had more compelling content. But overall, I didn’t enjoy it. I certainly didn’t enjoy BFA and what I’ve seen of SL.

Well, we will never have any idea or insight into that process, but I remember when SL was announced at Blizzcon, and right away there was the question of covenant balancing, being locked and restricted, having Blizz buff and nerf covenant abilities throughout the expac.

And why? Because of the dev team’s history. They have become painfully predictable. I also recall when they made a thread announcing Corruption and asking for feedback, and many replies were like “this is bad, this will cause problems”.

Personally, I commented to keep things simple, which Blizz is incapable of doing anymore.


Exactly why they shouldn’t cater to causals, you’re proving my point.