"Tanks Have it Too Easy in Torghast" They Said

Maybe if you could read more than a sentence you’d understand. Take a good long look in a mirror.

I love what I see, and thankfully, I am blessed that it appears nothing like you.

Vanity thy name is indolence.

I did it. I’m a prot paladin tho. My dps went pew pew

I dont believe what you are saying is true. First time I tried Layer 6 I didn’t pass the second floor because of the powers I got. So I tired again and got all new/good powers and it became easy again by floor 3 all the way to floor 6 boss. Final boss was still challenging at the end.

So then…which is the trolling part here:

These, where you say that people defending Blizz are like hostages defending their captors…

…or your recent 180 to be being one of the defenders?

If I had to make a guess this guy is actually Ralph. Same posting methods of supporting blizz one day then hate them the next. Only thing missing is a vehement hate of 1% elite tryhards

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May be - but this guy, based on his comments about nerfing Vault loot to 1/month and it being fine to have to have raid-level gear for Torghastly kind of cater to the 1%ers so…ah hell, who knows? lol :wink:

Every time I’ve been in the same layer more than once in a week on the same characters the two starting powers at the entrance were exactly the same every time.

No idea how it works exactly in terms of the rest of the dungeon, but that’s what my experience has been. I haven’t repeated the same layer many times to test it though.

They wanted you to feel the oppressive air of Hell. It’s a stupid design philosophy, but one that’s become more common lately. You aren’t supposed to necessarily enjoy things, but to be more immersed in the mood by being unhappy or frustrated. It’s done more in indie games.

so you chose to be in a defensive spec for the loss of some dps and now upset because mobs take too long to die?
this is like me waving a hundred dollar bill in my hand at night in a backstreet then blame the government for being robbed

Apparently more health and damage is the concept that many games consider as “fun” and “challenging”.

Take a look at Monster Hunter Iceborne for example.

If everybody knows the game that is, lol.

Yeah but MHW also adds new mechanics. Blizzard does with mythic raid bosses too for that matter. Just adding health and damage though is boring, and health in particular adds no difficulty unless there’s a timer of some sort, it just makes it tedious.

So Blizzard really is a small indie multi-dollar company :frowning:


I think they want to self-identify as one… although they also want to milk us for hours in a time sink like a “free” service. It’s complicated.

Yep, and as a consequence now Tanks are punishing DPS for that by kicking them that much quicker in LFD runs. Don’t say it won’t happen, because it already is. Case and point. I was healing on a WQ and the Tank (Druid) asked me to remove 2 dps that were doing less than him citing them as and I quote: “—the same sort of scum that cause Torghast Tanking to be harder”.

I refused and so he left the group after calling out the people for the bad damage. So yeah… :+1: Congratulations on your ‘amazing’ accomplishment DPS folks. I suspect this won’t matter to most tanks, but it will matter on your dungeon que-times and those LFR runs.


Newsflash we NEED tanks to go and do the dungeons. YOU want another 3 month dungeon drought because Tanks get peeved off and boycott joining Dungeon Groups.



Oh, you words are so true.

A-hole tanks never ever called for kicks until Torghast happened…
But now… oh noes! what have we done? We suddenly made some tanks turn into jerks!? It was never like this before!


To be fair, Iʻm sure many players are more tolerant than this but a-holes will be a-holes no matter what the circumstance. If Torghast is the tipping point for a tank to turn into a jerk, well, they were always a jerk to begin with, just now the mask is slipping.

There wasn’t any intent in sarcasm. People are angry, people are less inclined to tolerate other people. In an ideal game they would work together to achieve things as a group that they could not alone. That is the core of a MMORPG experience.

Yet when you have people who perceive that their experience has been made more detrimental because others continued an ongoing campaign of screaming and nonsensical ravings, not unlike a infant on a temper tantrum; you can expect those people will be far less conciliatory or prone to forgive errors, they otherwise might.

Ulrelated, but this is also a core reason I’ve always been against PVP affecting PVE, and PVP servers in general. It brings out the worst of this nature. You can claim it doesn’t happen, but it does. It is just the nature of some humans to push through anything that gets in their way.

…Even if they don’t realize what they do will only spite or detriment them ultimately.