Torghast harder just Alt F4 No Thanks

No insult needed, hop over to priest forums and inform everyone there that they are incompetent as well - let me know how that works out for ya

I’m not looking for it to be stupid easy (especially at this point in the game - we’re barely into this expansion, I expect this stuff to be a challenge until we get better gear). But it was PLENTY hard enough before the recent maintenance. Not only the difficulty, but the TIME. It was already taking about an hour to slog through a solo level 3 or 4 torghast. Why by all that’s holy does it need to be HARDER? My husband and I tried to take our hunter and rogue through a level 4 on Tuesday and we were like… wtf happened here?! It WAS fun and enough of a challenge before to be exciting. Now it’s just painful, and I don’t especially want to go back.

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I just came to the forums to echo that Torghast is not fun anymore in my opinion and I hope it is adjusted further.


Ya you keep licking those boots, look at how many likes the posts complaining about it have and then look at yours.

My rl friend unsubbed and quit. SL too much for him too.

Well, you certainly have - and recently too:

I mean, there you were just over a week ago, comparing people defending blizzard to hostages defending their captors!


I got absolutely wrecked trying a layer 8, upper.

Achievements aren’t challenging they are just busy work.

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The best thing I ever did was put TupacShekar on mute forever.


It’s not because a game is difficult that it is bad. I do my layer 4 and know that I am not ready yet for 5+. It also make the legendary more rewarding.

There is a large detachement from Blizzard on what difficult looks like. It doesn’t mean higher Health Pools, annoying mechanics and making everyone waste hours of time in Torghast.

Torghast isn’t supposed to be difficult it should be fun ARPG action for everyone that is a different break from typical WoW. In that same breathe if for some strange reason you want make Torghast difficult, you can without slowing down the pace. Sorry a layer should be cleared in 10-15 mins. The clear time shouldn’t be different from layer 1 to layer 8.

All we got here is killing fun for everyone. It went from taking too long before to all the mechanics are annoying, Solo is ruined and it’s a real watching paint dry exhausting painful experience now that takes way way way too much of your time.

Torghast is bad from top to bottom. The Devs messed up and my OP remains true. They are detached with what is fun and have no idea what that looks like. They also for some reason equate annoying/time-gating with difficult, which also is dead wrong.

Something can be fun, difficult and FAST…that isn’t Torghast.


How? I got my legendary from doing like… 3 weeks of layer 2. Getting the legendary is like an afterthought for the whole process.

It really isn’t. It takes 5k Soulash for max Legendary. Then most people are crafting 3-5 Legendaries. That is 15-25k Soulash per character needed. That isn’t a small amount and is an insane time investment before you can start having fun.

I still only have 1 Leggo upgraded it. However desparately need my other main Legendary. It’s time-gated behind that gut wrenching experience called Torghast.

Most are crafting how many? I’d like to see those numbers cause that’s bananers. Everyone I’ve talked to (again anecdotal) has been like "Yea, Torghast sucks and I’m getting like one and …maybe upgrading it…maybe.

Is it the best you can have or an Ilvl 190 legendary?

I am not saying its perfect, but I thought it was fun crafting you own legendary.

Then you have no plans on being remotely competitive. Most specs need multiple legendaries and you do have to upgrade them since they are a huge stat stick because of iLvl.

I have 2 mandatory Legendaries for the content I do and 2 more that are vital in other builds and situations. Also can’t stress this enough… The game is meant to be enjoyed!! It’s an RPG and you are supposed to have multiple builds, sets and do different content.

You didn’t get by in Legion with 1 Leggo and you won’t in SL. At least not in any sort of remotely competitive scene in the wide variety of content this game offers.

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You nailed it.

Whoa. Easy there. I’m on your side.

I was just surprised that anyone was willing to deal with torghast that much.

Cool down.

It was hard too cool down when I have to do Maw daily and Torghast as someone that looks to eventually enjoy the game and be competitive. As I said I have to suffer to acquire the needed resources to eventually have fun. Just outlining why it is mandatory if I want to eventually enjoy the game.

With that said

At least they are addressing Torghast especially the duration and likely read most of the comments in this thread. Now I will test Torghast again and think about staying for SL if they truly can get it to the desired intended spot. These runs need to be fast.

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Fair enough. I get your passionate. I was trying to be silly, so I apologize for making light.

That would be nice if they made some changes to it.

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