Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

But you do realize that this can’t work for every hero? Some heroes that are currently weak in OWL would absolutely destroy if buffed.

Widow is a pretty good example of a case where Blizzard’s approach works, because Widow has a high skill floor and ceiling. But Bastion, for example, is a far more difficult beast to tame. He’s pretty weak at higher levels, but is very strong at ranks where coordination ain’t that good. Or Torb, who’s considered a troll pick above plat, but is somewhat decent below that.

Even if she were balanced (which I find she still has a bit too much power), she is not an engaging hero which is never good game design.

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But at the cost of non-healing is damage boost going to be worth it? That’s what a lot of people ask when they mercy in my team even though I could have killed easily than have that extra heal for a longer fight. Just fearing if rez completely relied on healing it might turn many mercy to just heal all the time.

Wow never knew you could damage boost a dva bomb. Shows how bad I’m at mercy… ty for info

battle mercy doesn’t exist.

He is just pulling your leg after reading everyone’s reasoning for attention just ignore him.

First and foremost! I love you Eeveea you taught me everything I know about Mercy!

I suggested this idea before actually.

Resurrect (Q)

New LOS Requirement
New Blockable by Barriers (Because if you can’t kill a person behind a barrier why should you be able to Resurrect them from behind one)
New 1.75 Second Cast time with no movement penalty
15M Radius
New Resurrect will now heal allies that are still alive to full HP
(Added because Mercy was reliant on her team dying to make Resurrect useful)
New After the cast time, Mercy will have her health fully restored
(Instead of Invulnerability since Mercy was able to solo carry games with her old ultimate)
New Can be cast even if allies aren’t dead to fully restore HP to all allies
New 1950 Ultimate Charge Rate increased to 2200 Ultimate Charge Rate

Valkyrie (E)

5 Second Active time
15 Second Cooldown
Unlimited Ammo
Flight Speed back to when it was first released
New Uninterrupted Passive Regen Removed
New Either Stronger Single Target Beam 80HPS and 40%DMB OR Chain Healing/DMB will be 50% weaker so 30HPS and 15%DMB
Increased GA Range
New Beam Range distance reduced to 1.5x from 2.0x.
Guardian Angel (Shift)

Remains unchanged
I think this will put a new skill ceiling onto Mercy which is desperately needed. Resurrect as an E ability on a CD just feels cheap and wrong. It needs to be earned again. The changes to Resurrect as an ultimate will give Mercy more flexibility and freedom and bring back her game-changing aspect back which she desperately needs again. The New additions will solve the problems that Mass Resurrect needed in order to make it fair to play against. Cast time isn’t bad or unhealthy and will require a lot more skill to pull it off but the slow is just unhealthy and doesn’t flow with her kit.

Valkyrie as an E ability would work much better than an ultimate. It will give the Mercy more freedom and more playmaking options. I like the versatility that Valkyrie has brought Mercy and it’s a good addition to her kit. It should enhance Mercy’s SUIT and WEAPONS, not her ABILITIES! Having an E ability to use freely and effectively is what she needs. She needs to have something to use that she isn’t dependent on her ultimate and Resurrect to be effective.

Just some thoughts hope you enjoy the read!


Most of this I can get on board with expect taking away her chained beams. This is the only way she can group heal. When you consider the ults/heals of every other support, they all have some sort of group heal:
Lucio’s base heal is support and ult is a group heal
Moria’s orbs group heal and her ult group heals
Zen’s ult group heals
Ana’s grenade group heals (grants she has lots of her own problems)
Brigette even has a group heal with her basic attack and her ult.

This would immediately put mercy at a loss compared to the other healers. Here is what you have to consider to with a boosted healing beam during valk, you would essentially make one person invulnerable. There are already many times that I have kept my beam on one person and it already makes them much harder to kill, so could you imagine double healing on them?

On some of your other notes, I always thought that Mercy’s rez shouldn’t rez at full health. She should have to immediately heal that person after the rez, otherwise they should be shielded or able to bail. This might be another suggestion to not make her rez seem so powerful and force her to stay engaged in the player she rezzed, making her more vulnerable and have to make better decisions.

Overall I don’t really know how I feel, because I like the suggestions, but honestly, I also like where she is at. I think the problem is, people really don’t like healers in FPS games. A lot of people come in here with the COD/Fortnite/RB6 mentality of the only way you get healed is by running and hiding to heal yourself or finding a health pack. I don’t think people like their enemies being able to stand in front of them and “not die” due to someone else healing them, but that is the nature of this game.

I would assume either it does its calculations based off 30% of the damage the enemy took from it since thats how much she would have boosted it so a ults a soldier it deals 200 damage so 60 damage boosted is added to her and it counts as 40 points of ult charge

Agreed I feel like taking away chain heal might make her a little underpowered. Maybe reduce the chain healing/damage boost to be less than the target beam.


Damage boosting will also help teammates get their ults faster (not to mention just helping them kill faster), so it is still valuable! How many times have you been in a team fight that you lost and you died close to ult? Imagine if you had a Mercy on your team who had damage boosted you, that could have topped your ult charge off! A good Mercy will keep her eye on teammates ult charges so she knows who she’ll get the most value out of damage boosting. Ults are everything in this game.

If something one-shots, Mercy amping does not gain her ultimate charge.

The idea of damage amping a D.Va bomb is people just outside their person lethal range to the bomb would then in practice increase the lethal range by 30%, inside the range of the bomb.

So say, A bog might live with 82hp, the damage amp would secure that kill. Or in the other wise of things, by the way, A hog vaping right next to the bomb at full health would live with 100HP, but not if the bomb was damage amped. That then would give the mercy 100hp worth of damage to her ult charge.

Hope this clears it up.


Ah I see thank you it does, I’m glad you took the time to reply to me I only know so much about Mercy myself and having the EeveeA reply to me is amazing!

Surprisingly, you are not the only one with mercy ideas/suggestions. There is actually so many ideas/opinions on mercy they made an entire Megathread just for it. This is a great place for people who want to make ANOTHER mercy topic but maybe have the courtesy to put it where it belongs instead of flooding the forums. Thanks for flooding the forums with more mercy spam.

Its the self rewarding capacity that feels lacking. Like how Moira is able to better get eliminations and decent ult charge when she kills which makes the player use the damage orb from time to time. Many new mercy Atleast until gold prefer the ult charge from healing. If the design could encourage mercy to damage boost often like how moira damages whenever needed then many of the mercy’s could require more attention to what their doing and have more options which are all equally valuable.

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I’m curious how this would work out. The #1 complaint I see from Mercy mains on these forums is that the Ult doesn’t feel impactful enough like the old mass rez or most other ults in the game. Even if it’s balanced, you never got that cool moment, you just kind of did what you were already doing but a little better.

While I do like the changes mentioned in the OP, I don’t think it would improve how it feels to play for Mercy players, and it has the potential to just be a nerf.

In terms of balance, The valk throughput change is either a nerf by merit of not being able to cleave heal or a buff if it’s strong enough to keep a focused target alive. If it can’t do either, yeah, no good. Perhaps keep the buffed single target but have all beams during Valk leave a buff to maintain the HoT/Boost for a couple seconds after the beam stops so you can swap targets for a moment if you need to without abandoning the last target completely?

The rest is fine, for balance. Discouraging battle mercy spam is good with the pistol. Earning rez makes enough sense, could either be more or less rezzing than now depending on how much damage the team is taking - although I say she should keep the rez readied at the start. Especially for non QP/Comp games like Elimination.

But back to making her fun to play. This doesn’t do that. It doesn’t notably change how she plays at all, she still doesn’t have “her moment”.

Basically anything short of a mechanical change to her ult is not going to satisfy most of the Mercy mains who have been complaining.

I once saw someone suggest the following change to Valkyrie:
While ulting, she can “scoop up” the souls of dead players [ala scrap, but requiring actual contact]. When she hits rez, it will then rez all souls she grabbed. Presumably around her, but if it needs to be the original location that works too.

Rez could still have the cast time, or not.
Duration could be altered to make this more feasible, or not.
Valk movement speed could be increased, or not.

Rezzing should end the Ult. So you can use it to maintain your team in a team fight like you can now, and if people start falling you can start collecting souls while still doing your thing [provided it’s not like a doomfist who wandered into the other team away from everyone else].

Basiclaly she does what she does now but with a means of pulling off a mass rez, but in a way that requires her attention and gives ample opportunity for the other team to stop it, meaning it may be safer to get a 2-man rez or something instead depending on the situation, and if she waits too long to try and rez people she may end up in a situation where she can’t get to cover to actually use the rez.


Honestly I’d prefer to have rez locked behind ult with 2 maybe 3 charges. I’m sorry but I think mercy has been devalued by reckless players that now refuse to learn to STAY ALIVE. “oh we have a mercy? great! now i’ll over extend all game!”


He put the magic “M word” in the title so it’s probs gonna happen lmao.

I didn’t like these ideas…

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If the forums were able to provide a pleasant reading experience while browsing large threads the mega-thread may actually have a use other than to ignore posts. But unfortunately the endless scrolling feature stutters when the forum need to load new content, and while stuttering it skips hundred messages or so; making it practically impossible to follow a discussion and therefore rending the entire thread useless for providing feedback.

The aforementioned reason is why we need to open separate threads for Mercy feedback. Once a thread has stopped being active it can be merged with the mega-thread for archiving, but until that happens the best place for discussions are separate threads. At least until they fix the poor performance of the forums or brings back pages instead of having the endless scrolling.


The point of these changes is to give her a moment like Zenyatta, Lucio, Brigette, and Moira. Plus, most complaits I’ve seen are that Valkyrie isn’t engaging/interactive enough.