[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Where am I salty? I’m pointing out the most basics of statics, that I’d rather play Moira or Zenyatta if I wanted an ultimate that heals very fast. It’s impractical to heal one target for 200 HP/s and only be able to heal without any other form of play, when there are other ultimates that do the job MUCH better with on a lot of targets rather than one. I point you to Moira’s ult and Zenyatta’s ult. One helps a lot in pushing, the other can negate damage of other ults.
This ultimate would being nothing new.

Mercy’s kit has always been inferior, though. Even when she had mass rez (which people claimed was super OP), she was F tier and D tier at best (after the invulnerability buff). Her kit is simply unspectacular. Now she has an OP ability on E and a boring ult. :confused:

Zenyatta’s life saving ult is attached to a hero who otherwise can’t heal more then 30 HPS a second and Moira is a more or less vulnerable target as her ult locks her other defensive abilities like fade.

Mercy has always had consistent healer with fun in a movement that made playing cat and mouse with the flankers a real treat.
Originally that was tied together with a moment of joy for you and your teammates as you bring things back with a moment of “not yet, get back in there!” And the cheers of the team whether it be a tempo rez or the occassional huge rez.

Now Valk is no longer that huge moment in any capacity it’s also taking away from that base kit by making Mercy both too survivable and doing the healing priority for her, and that is the problem I want to fix.
Statistically she is balanced so we need to give buffs to the active parts while to make it more engaging.

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I agree on everything you sayed, except for the part where you say that we need to buff the active parts… I feel like balancing with buffing and nerfing in this specific case is pointless…

Valk as you described it too it’s not something that highers Mercy’s skill cap temporarely, so you can’t really put “more effort” or “more knowledge” into it and expect to see a change, yeah you could buff her numbers but with the way it works you would just make her pretty OP.

I sincerely think the only way to balance Valk is by scrapping it, or reworking the character “ex: Macster’s idea is wonderfull, you can see it up here in the thread” or at the very last havily altering Valkyria.


When I say buffs and nerfs all I’m trying to say is that Yes as the people who are adamantly oppposed to the idea of Mercy getting touched ever again like to tell us. She is indeed balanced. So if we give her more power without taking it away in other places she will be OP again.

All I’m trying to do is raise awareness to the fact that there are three facets of the ult that blizzard could nerf and it’d have a net positive effect on the over all feeling of the ult.
Secondary Beams

If someone still wonders why they haven’t merged EeveeA’s post in here, I’m afraid that it’s because they are only waiting it to die. They know that throwing it here would be very controversial and probably would lead them to many problems. However, if they just wait, it will simply vanish and they will be allowed to throw it here too or simply remove it.


I see one potential issue with the idea in terms of possible perception…

Perceivable Problem:
Mercy could get more value from allowing large health pool teammates to die, and then Rez.

That would not be good idea to do since those large health teammates are also your teams’ protection, but it could be perceived as such.

Resurrected teammates are brought back with a max health of 300HP.

Both burst heal on live teammates and health brought back on Rezzed teammates is the same therefore there is no greater benefit innately to allowing a teammate to die.

Counter argument:
Teammates who have health already can be burst healed are advantaged over teammates who are down being brought back from no health.

Counter to the Counter argument:
Burst healed teammates may be advantaged, but that is the risk with Rezzed teammates.

I’m afraid that some would take it that “its better” to allow teammates to die still since Rezzing could bring back a tank at full health.

I do not believe that would be a good strategy; I’m more looking at how it could be preceived and I think it might be better to stay that its same max health restored.

What do you think?
Beneficial to limit the max health restored by Resurrect or that the argument against it would stand well?

Another note, thou this one is in naming only.

What if the idea is called “Valkyrie: Resurrect” to distinguish it from the old Rez and current Rez since it works differently?

Naming is important because it sets apart different ideas.

Also the “E” ability being called may be “Valkyrie: Flight” so that its more clear that the ability is working differently.

Would look like this:

Much to why I say it should be reduced to short duration cooldown ability. I was glad to see Valkyrie’s duration nerfed since it got me out of it faster. Flight is fine, but its not really meaningful when it lasts so long and its not something I find worth charging up.

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our road to 20k!
Keep ignore Blizzard! What a great developers you are!


They call themselves “Blizzard” for a reason.


I sincerely hope people will remember that Blizzard is not made only by the Overwatch team… Yeah… this devs are bad at balancing and disrespectful with their playerbase but with the exception of the Overwatch team Blizzard is still the great company that accompanied us troughtout many of our lives…

Don’t hate all the company because of it…


Sadly, OW is my first game of Blizzard. Sadly, it could be the last.


I completely understand your point and it’s fully on your right to think so of it, it’s their fault their behaviour managed to do this mess… But from someone that have stayed almost 2 decades with them i would suggest you to try any other of their games if you feel tempted by them… they are really a great company… i’m just waiting the day they will replace most of this team with someone competent…

Rumor is, one developer, responsible for balance, was moved to Overwatch dev team from HOTS team, due to some complications. So Overwatch team may end as last place for developers, that failed at other projects.


Dunno if it’s true, but I wouldn’t really be surprised considering the results…

I think Macster’s suggestion provides for a method that makes Rez remain a risk at not succeeding.


Mainly because she didn’t have a revert xd

Oh, and a language. They are checking it as well.

”Cold as ice”

That’s the point. People complained that there was no counter to Mercy’s ultimate, and this would make it so there would be a counter that DPS mains could understand.

Bad timing was its counter. But really, that could be fixed with small cast time.

That’s an A-MEI-Zing pun you made there!

Now on to feedback:

  • Resurrect at current is an unearned Ultimate that requires low thought and high gambling in regards to its payoff, but if Mercy dies then by time they are back then it is soon off cooldown which means the issues of the past are still there.
  • Valkyrie is an Ultimate that requires less thought to have influence on a fight and can be done while removed from the fight.
  • Valkyrie chained beams reduce the reward for good prioritization of teammates for healing and DMB.


  • If it is too “complex” to make Resurrect on an earned resource then the only way to make it earned is to place it back on “Q”.
  • If Valkyrie is too weak as an Ultimate without chained beams then reduce it further to fit into an “E” ability.
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