[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I agree that it was some (if not most) Mercy players ruining it for the rest of you but you can’t say mega-rez was perfect when it was so easy to abuse. Playing with a good Mercy was, and still is fantastic. The SR changes did help but I haven’t seen any ideas that would totally fix the problem with the ult itself.

I haven’t seen a McCree ult wipe a team since the first month Overwatch came out, if there was a hero that could fly into the enemy team and instantly kill everyone it would be a fair comparison. As long as the Mercy player survived the fight it was extremely difficult to stop her coming in and rezing the whole team.

Nah… as many before me have sayed enough you just had to not waste all your ults and use a second one when they where ressed. For a couple of frames the ressed players can’t move so they can be easily killed off again.

In case you didn’t have more then one ult it’s even simpler… focus the Mercy, that’s it… that’s something that remained so much ingrained in the culture of Overwatch that even now we are focused a lot more then the other healers.

If you didn’t manage to pick the Mercy before the ult storm you deserved to be countered by her and that’s they way the ult should have worked. Yeah you could say that Mercy could have been hiding for all that time but as again many other before me have sayed they should have just used LOS since the beginning instead of reworking her into this mess…


That was after the nerfs to her ult and then she became really easy to kill, I don’t know if there was a balance they could realistically achieve.

Mega Rez was perfect as an ULT, I said it needed tweaking. We can’t even see what the changes would have done because they didn’t even wait a month before swapping to Valkyrie. (Also, Rez was only easy to abuse if you had no faith in your team mates or yourself. A Mercy competent and faithful in their abilities never needed to hide save for ducking for cover to regain some health.)

You must play with some crap McCree’s then if you haven’t seen one wipe a team in almost 2 years.

‘If there was a hero that could fly into the enemy team and instantly kill everyone’, you mean like: D.Va, technically Genji, Reaper who can drop down on enemies, Doomfist, Junkrat’s Riptire, and Pharah (who can literally fly?). Or do they not count because they can’t just zip to a dead team mate and do the mentioned ‘insta kill’?


i was talking about Mercy before the rework, tought it was clear by reading the last phrase, sorry if it wasn’t clear enough…


How about this idea?


Uhhh that’s Macster’s idea! i like his ones, they are very detailed and this one in particular seems the most enjoyable for me!

That’s why I quoted since that means you can it was theirs not mine, but I’ve had my own ideas too to fix Mass Rez, but Macster’s seems to be the most fair all around.

None of those ults do instant damage and a lot of them leave the hero super vulnerable. Junkrat’s ult is the closest thing but it’s slower than a Mercy and doesn’t have the same range as Rez.

In his particular case i would have recognized it even without the quotes, every post i enjoy on Mercy gets saved on my HDD and that’s one of those. Glad you did quote him tho!

actually Genji is not vulnerable but stronger, Reaper heals himself while he’s hitting the enemy and Doomfist is the same as always (and that’s a lot by himself). Considering you excluded Junkrat by yourself it remains only D.VA and Pharah, but D.VA is safe as the enemy will be running away/hiding from her ult and not chasing her.

I guess it remains only Pharah…

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I like the idea of having a weak valkyrie more often, 15 seconds might be a bit too short though, I’d have it charge like the other ults. I’m not a huge Mercy player though (who could have guessed?) so whatever changes make the ult more engaging to play.

Burst healing on Rez could help with the Mercy’s who just sit and wait, it’s a good idea but the Devs don’t seem to ever go backwards.

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That’s true, but it’s also true that the actual Mercy is bad… like awfully bad… and people from all ranks realized that… so even if the Devs won’t go backwards normally (thing that they did already couple of times in the past) still they wouldn’t have choice. Buffing Valkyrie would be stupid, Valk is OP but crappy at the same time, it’s problem it’s the overall concept and design. So whatever they do Valk needs to be scrapped or heavily altered.

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Its not a zero sum game… Reusing past concepts in new ways is moving forward.

Also the idea there is to make Valkyrie not an Ultimate. Just make it a common ability with a short duration, semi-long cooldown, and Remove Chained Beams (chained beams take away from the activity of prioritization of healing and DMB, we Mercys can manage that ourselves quite well and those who cannot can learn from others :wink: )


While it’s true that Genji only does about 120 per swing (at about 1.144 swings per second, so one swing per second basically) he is still really fast and can dash out of danger and pretty much come right back to his intended target.

D.Va’s usually chuck their mech at the enemy, so unless she’s already surrounded; I’d say she’s pretty fine with hers. (Her Meka also does like 1000 damage, only a Roadhog can eat that and survive. Everyone else needs a barrier.)

While it can be unavoidable; a Junkrat who parks himself in a bad spot is a sitting duck. But if he succeeds in getting his Ult off, if he dies, his team is still up in advantage.

Doomfist literally drops down on his enemies and is immune to any damage or status effects (poison, sleep, and stun) until he lands on the ground. You know, when everyone he lands on is dead?

Reaper can out heal most damage unless significant focus is on him (good luck surviving long enough to kill him though) so unless someone can stun him, anti him, or sleep him; he’s more than likely going to wipe anyone in range in about 2 seconds. (Again, only Roadhog can eat something like this without a barrier.)

Pharah’s ult lasts 3 seconds, she does 40 damage per rocket at 30 rockets per second. That’s 90 rockets doing 40 damage each which totals to 3600 damage in one go at about 1200 per second. NOTHING is surviving that unless you stun her, kill her, or stack a LOT of shields.


that’s what i meant on my small post, i left Pharah out of the equation only because of how slow her rockets actually are. That doesn’t mean that a good Pharah can’t one-shot you tho… at all

Anyway, i do realize my posts are lacking a lot right now so i’m going to sleep, cya guys and goodnight!

Mercy has been through a lot, and it has been painful…


Here’s to hopeful resolution for all parties…

I think Mass Rez can be reworked to be fair with a trimmed down Valkyrie to reduce dependence on Rez, so Rez can be less reliable. And most important thing removed from Valk (chained beams).

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I don’t think Mercy is bad, she’s just (and hear me out on this) a bit like Torbjorn. In that she’s a really good pick on 2CP but there isn’t much to her kit and she’s a bit boring to play. At least she’s not Ana.

Oh okay, sorry I’m dyslexic af and missed the keys in the post. Obviously it would need a lot of playtesting and tuning but the idea is sound.

Dude, all of these ults have plenty of counterplay. Genji’s ult is probably the strongest of these but can be countered with other ults. D.Va is happy with getting a single kill as you have years to get behind cover. Junkrat has been discussed. Doomfist’s ult can be survived if you have any mobility whatsoever and it leaves him valnerable after he lands. Roadhog can just walk up to Reaper and shoot him in the head during his ult (sorry Reaper). Pharah can get a few kills but will likely die herself, or D.Va can fly in her face and she’ll kill herself.

Torbjorn is in bad spot, just like Symmetra, so it’s not a good sign. If hero is useful, only when other team ignores them, it’s terrible.

Yeah they do have counterplay, so be fair and let Mercy have an Ultimate that isn’t reliable like those, but if you do it at a good time it could be a big play… or it might just be a dead Mercy not quite getting that Rez, but they tried and were bested. I think that would feel better for everyone, and with that “E” that is helpful a Mercy doesn’t have to be reliant on Rez, so Rez doesn’t have to be reliable.

I think they duration reduction 66% and no chained beams help to fit it into an “E” ability. Maybe 15 second cooldown is too little if, so maybe 20 seconds. That’s just a matter of balance to get the right number.

Also the Resurrection Ultimate would require greater Ult charge in this case, so it doesn’t come-up so often which makes the play of it more meaningful for the Mercy, but be more meaningful to Mercy’s opponents if they shut it down during the cast time.