[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I mean, her entire mid fight potential is healing

She was even then, when Ana was OP, she healed more in pretty much every rank.

SR exploits started only after invuln was added and that’s when mercy’s pickrate exploded

Lucio was the “best average rank healer” then since he had both a def/off ult and a considerable healing output

Anyhow, I’m gonna unsubscribe from the thread now. I just wanted to post those links and that’s it.

Back then ultimates charged 20% faster. Ultimates were quite literally always in play, except for maybe the first minute.

I realize you’ve stated that this is an attempt to end the discussion but I honestly think the best way to try and end it is to just…stop discussing it in the first place. I understand that it’s annoying to constantly see threads but at some point you’ve got to move past it and just let them be. I’m afraid that you’re only adding fuel to the fire

Your entire argument is being driven by motivated reasoning, so I am only going to point out that while you find this to be utterly solid and convincing evidence, others likely will not (and should not). Nor should they with anything else, in general.

Since we don’t have the data to prove those assumptions you just made in your reply, nor most other threads and ideas we post, it’s all conjecture.

The issue I have with your tact on the forum is that instead of allowing those who disagree with you to carry on, you are very vocal in your desire to shut them down.


Sounds like an LoS and Cast time would have fixed those issues. Then with Rez being counterable and “E” ability would provide utility without an Ultimate. Follow that with an increase in Ultimate charge from 1625 to 2200.

Like this:

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Legitimate question but why are videos from the professionals recommending this as a strategy not good evidence here.

Great and there was a fix to ultimate charge. Still don’t see your point? So wouldn’t that mean ultimates were in the process of being fixed! :thinking: Did anyone ever take into account the Mercy not Resurrecting in spawn nerf that went through? Probably not. :thinking: Looks like they were trying to nerf it but the loud crowd of MERCYS OLD ULTIMATE WAS BROKEN AND UNHEALTHY AND ENCOURAGES BAD PLAY. Was much louder back then. :thinking:

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Yet single point Rez didn’t make things any better now did it? So fix the problems with the Resurrection Ultimate and then do a cooldown ability that isn’t so broken.


You and I both know that vanilla (that is, no ults on either side) team fights are rare even today with the different ultimate charge. And there was still the issue of a meta where abilities that were useful to even out fights (many of these heroes had great synergy with Mercy too) were common. Again, what you are saying might work in a squeaky clean scenario with no variables, but most fights aren’t like that.

Yes we did. It was still broken on multiple points.

Ok. So now we are talking about ultimates in general. So if Mercys ultimate was up more frequently then ultimates that are supposed to kill enemies why wasn’t there a fix to that then? I’ll leave that question to start you off.

What do u mean? Not having the enemy team be able to be Resurrected from spawn was HUGE. In 2CP maps. Plus her 15M radius forced her to fly right in front of you from spawn. So yes it helped quite a bit.


I mean, anyone that played Mercy back then should know that only effected the final point on 1, maybe 2 maps if you’re lucky, and even then the strategy was a real crap shoot as your team is without a healer as you try to run around out of spawn.

99% of “Hide in spawn” res’s ended with Mercy having to run out and fly onto the point. The “no res from spawn” was obviously just a band-aid patch that they threw in as they were working on the rework, which was released only a few months after.

a good idea would have been for Blizzard to include a character with high mobility, possibly to flank and kill a mercy who would be hidden.

can you imagine that craziness, a hero made for flanking


I can honestly say that I have never played with a single hide’n’rez Mercy player ever… That said, I was always the one playing Mercy and I never ever did the hide’n’rez tactics since… well, my job was to keep my team alive, not to let them die… And tempo-rezzes felt better most of the time anyways. On occasion I was killed and managed to run back to the place where everyone had died before they respawned, in which case I was able to rez them but that wasn’t a hide’n’rez tactics, that was just a good use of guardian angel and some swift running…


The two major ones? Volskaya and Annubis.

I don’t think anyone should be able to use ultimate from spawn just an opinion. That would balance out 2CP maps entirely.

The biggest problem is them not taking into consideration the problems that people kept presenting them with Resurrect as an ultimate. Instead of tuning it and making the counterplay more in line with the other defensive ultimate we got an ultimate that was her beta ultimate that they had to fall back on which you are calling her “rework”. Stating in beta that the ultimate didn’t feel empowering to the player so they gave her Resurrect as an ultimate instead. Clearly, they were right in their judgement because Valkyrie doesn’t feel empowering at all.

Valkyrie belongs as an E ability. Serving the same purpose that Lucio’s AMP does. Increasing his healing/mobility/survivability in which Valkyrie would do the same for Mercy increasing her healing/DMB or Damage output and survivability. Which will give her something to do other than be reliant on her ultimate. Then making Resurrect harder to pull off on your own and making it more team oriented to revive multiple players and giving benefits to allies that are alive.


Rez was probably the major mistake OW-DEV made. An ability can delete the coordination, strategy, skills, the use the multiple ults etc.

You need respect the skills/tactics of your playerbase

Then Mercy’s ult should have been reworked to demand engagement: just off the top of my head, they could have given it a LoS check, and a short cast time (no root effect) to punish hide n rez tactics from Mercies that abandon their team to die as soon as they get ult.

They could have made rez burst heal living teammates (maybe even give them the 2 second invulnerability that rezzed ones get) in order to make mass rez valuable/usable in more situations than just the reactionary “oh crud my team’s dead”.

A reworked version of Valkyrie as an E would push Mercy further into an involved, engaged playstyle. With no independent mobility to disengage on her own, Mercy is too vulnerable to be anywhere near heart of the brawl. She has to stay on the fringes of the action in order to stay alive and maximize GA, and back away further if she’s going to survive an ult that would kill her teammates.

Mercy’s excessive passiveness can arguably be traced back to the fact that she has no independence in her base kit.


You take the Reddit seriously?


THANK YOU! See I knew my idea would rub off on everyone! :smiley:

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I understand that Mass Rez is never coming back, and the devs are merely going to iterate on current Mercy, but there are still quite a few things I liked about Rez.

At the time of Mass Rez, we had nice interactions between the healers. We had a main healer with an offensive ult (Ana with Nano Boost) and a main healer with a defensive ult (Mercy with Mass Rez). On the flip side, we had an off healer with a defensive ult (Zen with Trans) and an off healer with an offensive ult (Sound Barrier). From my experience, Lucios primarily used that to start a push.

Also, Mercy having a defensive ult is completely in character for her, given that she is a doctor. She has the namesake Mercy because of her unwillingness to turn to violence. So Mass Rez was in character for her since she has brought people back in the past (Genji) and it fits her role as a doctor since her job is to save lives.

Another thing that I liked about Mass Rez was that while we had plenty of DPS and Tank ults who could wipe the team by pressing Q (Self Destruct, Grav with followup, Shatter with followup, Blade, Blossom, Barrage, Visor, Noon, etc.), with Mass Rez we had an ult that could bring those people back by pressing Q. So you would essentially counter someone’s Q press with your own Q press.

One of the complaints I have about how people view Mass Rez is the whole hiding bit.

When Mercy is not in the fight and is waiting for the right time to use Rez, she is “hiding”. Yet when Reaper stays out of the fight to wait for the right Blossom, or McCree is waiting for the right Noon, they are “taking cover”. How are these DPS players staying out of the fight to wait to use their ult any different than Mercy doing the exact same thing?

Also, I have seen a few people say that saving your ults to wipe again after Rez happens isn’t counterplay, but it is. It’s rendering the value of Rez to be practically useless. She swooped in to bring her team back, only for them to be wiped again. She essentially used Rez for no reason because her team just died again. I am pretty sure that rendering her ult useless is the definition of a counter. It also encouraged players to keep track of the ult economy. You don’t just go bursting in like the Kool-Aid Man and use up all of your ults. If you have a good feel for the ult economy and you think Mercy has rez, then you stagger your ults. Only use one or two of them to wipe the team, try to bait out Rez, and when that comes, pull out your other ult. Mercy uses her sense of ult economy to know when a big push is coming. Mass Rez encouraged others to have a similar sense of ult economy to know when to save ults.

Last thing I’ll say here: I honestly don’t pay attention to the people that are asking to revert Mercy’s rework because I know it’s not going to happen, but much of the complaints I have seen about New Mercy (and one that I have myself) is that she does not feel engaging. For the most part, the heroes in this game, while relying on teamplay for the most part (tanks and supports especially), they still have some part of their kit that can be performed on their own. Zen and Lucio can defend themselves without having to completely rely on their team. If Ana was dove on, she could use sleep dart to render the flanker idle for a few seconds. So she had that ability that could be used without relying on her team. And there are plenty other examples from tanks and DPS that I can pull as well. Mercy right now, however, does not have any part of her kit that cannot be performed without her team. Everything she does, from GA to Valk, relies on her team. And Valk right now feels more like a spectator mode than anything. When other supports use their ult, something about them changes. They do more healing, they enhance someone’s performance, something about them changes. With Mercy, how you play her during Valk and how you normally play her is the exact same. The only noticeable change at this point is the chain beams. Everything else is either minor or otherwise unnoticeable. So since they are not reverting her, I think that any change they can make to make Mercy more engaging would be appreciated by Mercy mains or just people that pick Mercy now and then.

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