Suggestions for Mercy from someone with too much time on her 📝

You’ve made your point, you repeating it doesn’t make your point any more interesting or helpful.


Whilst some of these changes are interesting none of them will save the team when healing is needed most and these alterations just enable her to do more of what she does normally. Nothing special.

She’s still lacking a true ultimate ability. :frowning:

Good vids by the way. :slight_smile:

Where it’s impossible to find anything.


It addresses not the fundamental problem of her Ult.
The idea for Val is overall good. Healing and Dmg management was always very important to play Mercy properly and Single target beams encourage that. The stuff which is more unnecessary is the Fire Rate Increase and the Ult cost increase. The better Fire Rate would cause more Gunner Mercy’s than Infinite ammo because of the higher burst Dmg and more Ult charge is really just like an excuse to say that it needs more thinking.

But back to the fundamental problem.

It’s still a Transformation Ult.

Mercy needs and Ult which has an instant impact. Like Reinhardt, Sombra, LĂșcio, Zarya or D.Va (just for some examples). The problem with Valkyrie is that it doesn’t change her playstyle. It’s just the same as before with the exception that you can fly. Other heroes with Transformation Ult’s get the opportunity to play very aggressive or in a diffrent way as they would without their Ult. Mercy is just the same with a bit better survivability and (with your changes and how it is now) little playmaking potential.
If it’s Mass Res (with cast) or something else with instant impact. This is what Mercy needs.
Something which works with(!) her kit, not that makes it stronger.

Oh and by the way.
I don’t know if you read the Mega Threads but the thing with giving E res a resource was dismantled many times already. It’s not really a good idea.

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Better than current Rez.
Better than current valk.


But wouldn’t this turn your valk beam into a better version of nano?

Is she even that bad? I was having a blast on her last night. Granted it was mystery heroes but she felt plenty capable IMO. Haven’t played this game in months and i know people think she’s in a bad place right now but not sure if that’s even the case. Maybe it’s just because Moira is so good? At least Moira seems really good.

Bastion can actually be very powerful at high levels when the team comp supports him. Refer to Junkertown in Overwatch League. Torbjorn is going to be receiving buffs soon to put him in a better spot.

The idea of balancing at all levels of play is to make Heroes playable at the highest levels of play, while making sure the Hero isn’t oppressive at lower levels of play. This can be a difficult task, but blizz wouldn’t have it any other way.

Have you considered you complaining about spam is spamming this thread


If youre making res earned and then make valk worse as well then I recommend instant cast
 I dont like the cast time on it at all. It breaks her mobility based gameplay too much I think.


Though Zen has 300 hps group heal and is impossible to kill as he is invulnerable, and apparently there’s no problem with that.

If Mercy replaces chain-heal (potentially 60 HPS x 5) and reduces the duration of Valkyrie, the power need to go somewhere
 90 HPS single-target heal with scrapped self-regen would definitely make Valkyrie the worst ultimate in the game.

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highest pickrate support in OWL again even after the “overnerf”. she is fine.

The problem with instant cast is that the enemy team can’t react to it at all. The cast time needs to stay.

Nano persists even if Ana dies. If Mercy dies during ult, that’s it.

Once Ana nanoes, she can use everything else in her kit during her ult. Nano provides 50% damage boost and resistance at the same time to one hero for 8s. Mercy would have 12s and only be able to db or heal one person at a time, as well as have other things to spend her ult doing.

Ana’s ult cost is 1650 points, with the proposed 20% increase to Mercy’s ult cost, it would take Mercy 2310 to charge Valkyrie.

I feel like these distinctions help differentiate the ults enough.

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Nope it doesnt. You still get rewarded for killing her as she cant charge it anymore.

Something from a high level mercy, that raises the skill cap, that isn’t just “GIV MAS RES” on these forums?

Have I entered the twilight zone?


Or rez need to be replaced entirely, which is what I propose (see my earlier post in this thread)

Then remove the slow and increase the cast time to a full 2 seconds. All the slow does is cater to people that can’t hit a moving target Cough My Allied McCrees Cough


I kinda feel bad for Mercy players.

Their hero is fine balance wise, but they don’t have fun anymore. Playing a hero shouldn’t feel like a chore. I hope Blizz addresses the outcries from Mercy players.

Maybe this thread will help.


Valkyrie’s hps already is too weak, it’s almost always out damaged, why would you want it reduced more?


Why wouldn’t your McCree just flashbang her?