[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Almost 20k! Let’s gooo ~

He also said that if the rework went live and it didn’t work out or people hated it that they’d go back. (and the only thing at that time to “go back” to was prior to the rework)

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Revised it because yeah that would be too much.

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I think the point is to “Rework the Resurrection Ultimate” not Revert to the old one because a simple Revert doesn’t solve the old issues and only some of the current issues.

Apparently they don’t want to put Rez on a resource system, so instead make it an Ultimate again, but diminish its “success” chances and increase its cost.

Then provide the “E” ability that is better suited to towards a cooldown.


I’m glad we are on the same page this is good! Nobody is asking for a straight up revert. We want Resurrect to be earned again whether that be harder to use in ultimate form we don’t really care as long as it’s earned again. We will figure out ways to learn and adapt we’ve been trained through this whole rework to do so anyways.

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Instead of go back how about go forward with a more fair Resurrect like this one:

Resurrect (Q)
New LOS Requirement
New Blockable by Barriers (Because if you can’t kill a person behind a barrier why should you be able to Resurrect them from behind one)
New 1.75 Second Cast time with no movement penalty
15M Radius
New Resurrect will now heal allies that are still alive with a 300HP Burst Heal
(Added because Mercy was reliant on her team dying to make Resurrect useful)
New After the cast time, Mercy will have her health fully restored
(Instead of Invulnerability since Mercy was able to solo carry games with her old ultimate)
New Can be cast even if allies aren’t dead to fully restore 300HP burst healing to all allies
New 1950 Ultimate Charge Rate increased to 2200 Ultimate Charge Rate
Valkyrie (E)
5 Second Active time
15 Second Cooldown
Unlimited Ammo
Flight Speed back to when it was first released
New Uninterrupted Passive Regen Removed
New Either Stronger Single Target Beam 80HPS and 40%DMB OR Chain Healing/DMB will be 50% weaker so 30HPS and 15%DMB
Increased GA Range
New Beam Range distance reduced to 1.5x from 2.0x.
Guardian Angel (Shift)
Remains unchanged
I think this will put a new skill ceiling onto Mercy which is desperately needed. Resurrect as an E ability on a CD just feels cheap and wrong. It needs to be earned again. The changes to Resurrect as an ultimate will give Mercy more flexibility and freedom and bring back her game-changing aspect back which she desperately needs again. The New additions will solve the problems that Mass Resurrect needed in order to make it fair to play against. Cast time isn’t bad or unhealthy and will require a lot more skill to pull it off but the slow is just unhealthy and doesn’t flow with her kit.

Valkyrie as an E ability would work much better than an ultimate. It will give the Mercy more freedom and more play making options. I like the versatility that Valkyrie has brought Mercy and it’s a good addition to her kit. It should enhance Mercy’s SUIT and WEAPONS, not her ABILITIES! Having an E ability to use freely and effectively is what she needs. She needs to have something to use that she isn’t dependent on her ultimate and Resurrect to be effective.

@Racillian use this one haha! I fixed the mistake for you!

I love all of this except for the chain beams on Mercy’s E. I worry that it would charge rez too fast.

What if instead, Valkyrie empowered Mercy’s beams with additional buffs? Healing during Valkyrie would shorten enemy debuff timers, and damage boost would provide a tiny movement speed buff (just enough to kite enemies, or prevent them from doing the same. No more, no less).

Buffing teammates is a very “pure support” thing to do, and I think it would be a good thing to bring the high stakes decision making that people love about rez into Mercy’s base kit. The Mercy would be constantly be faced with the decsision whether to use Valk for the mobility or the buffs, and whether they should use it proactively or be super defensive with it.

The thought process behind it is that ultimate charge increase that will account for Mercy charging ultimate fast.

The other part of it is beam prioritization. Where we would be stuck in the air doing the same thing on Live which is boring and unengaging and I was figuring out a way to counteract the boringness of Valkyrie. So having the chain beams do less damage and healing will require Mercy to move her beams around more.

Those are valid points, and it may come down to a difference in what playstyles we prefer.

I’m in love with the idea of a smart Mercy being a good counter to cc (which is on the rise, and Zarya alone can’t hard counter it) and being able to create big moments by speed boosting with valk at just the right moment to help teammates pull off things they normally couldn’t.

The value of the valk beam buffs would be dependent on how observant and cunning the Mercy using it is.

Hmm? I wonder if she was able to provide CC immunity to surrounding allies but don’t heal them? That could be interesting.

Oh? :eyes: How would it work?

So main beam will heal/DMB and surrounding allies would get the CC reduction but no heal/DMB

:mag: But what if there are no allies close enough to the one you need to apply cc reduction to?

It would be on the main beam target as well.

So… chain beams and beam buffs in Valkyrie? I’m worried about possible balance issues (and the fact that area-of-effect speed boosting is Lucio’s shtick).

One of the reasons I was so exited about trading chain beams for extra buffs was that target priority becomes very high stakes. You’ll only be able to buff one or two allies, who needs it most?

There’s also the concept that Valk having two functions (flight+buffs) makes it multi purposed in ways that are only matched by Ana’s grenade.

  • Should Mercy use it early in a fight to get to a safe perch on high ground?
  • Should she save it to bait out a diver? She’d get away, but flying away during the midfight would make her highly visible!
  • Should she save it for the midfight, to rescue a teammate from cc or kite a close range enemy?
  • Should she save it for the latefight, to help allies chase down fleeing targets?

Valk would have a cooldown high enough that Mercy would only be able to use it 2 or 3 times per fight, so she’d have to choose wisely (and face harsh punishment for choosing wrong)!

Yeah probably balance would be hard for it so I’d stick to the reduced chain beams.

Aww, fiddlesticks. I wasn’t able to lure you over to my side :joy:

Yeah sawy! :frowning:


789 votes, 93% upvoted


620 votes, 89% upvoted

Top upvoted comment (103 net upvotes):


541 vote, 93% upvoted

Literally has 3 sections about hiding.

There were more similar threads but they didn’t get nearly as much traction as these.

Also, there were literally multiple “mercy hiding spots” guides out there.


And here’s a good example of it in one youtube video. In fact, there’s quite a few more examples of it in other videos, most involve either hiding away from the fight and then swooping in once everyone died or just hiding near spawn or even getting killed and then getting taxied to point by someone.

“Plan: Everyone go and die and I’ll get a huge rez”

The entire thing was super-cancerous and I’m super glad that it’s gone. It should never come back. Any form of anything that gives mercy an ability to strongly impact the fight after things already happened has no place in the game. And designwise, giving the main healer something akin to a defensive ult is a bad design practice. Especially if the character has an extremely low skill floor (And ceiling) compared to other supports.

What’s the point of this thread? To prove that everyone hide & rezzed while letting their team die? No. Just to show that it wasn’t really some fringe scenario as some people like to claim that it was. In fact, according to various guides, it seemed to have been the “proper” way to play her. Because there are daily threads popping up essentially downplaying the whole issue and claiming that it was a myth or that it didn’t happen frequently, which simply isn’t true. It happened in every ELO quite frequently.

And here’s the famous video from our “villain” Seagull that illustrates it well: