Mercy's Rez needs help

Doesn’t mean they couldn’t change her ultimate to make it harder to pull off.

I’d rather have Valkyrie as an ability that I can use frequently to sway the battle slightly in my favor without putting me in cement. But a much more difficult Resurrect ultimate to pull off which still has the same impact putting more skill into Resurrecting just like the ability.

Would you be up for current rez to depend on ultimate charge instead? I would.

Mercy is fine.

If you think her rez is a one-way ticket to death, then you need to learn how to rez.

If you think Valkyrie is a weak ultimate, then theres really nothing to say. You either understand the fundamentals or you dont.

Her stats are good.
The Pros use her often.
She doesn’t need any changes.

shes fine mass rez is gone get over it

This is how I want her kit to be. Which won’t wreck her theme of being a mobile support. Having her Resurrect be tied with her ultimate.


If you still die when trying to resurrect, you’re playing Mercy wrong.
You gotta learn the strats!

It doesn’t need fixed - it in fact needs to be removed.

I am not a rez hater, I was a Mercy main from Dec 2016 to last round of Mercy nerfs.

Mercy rez is a pathetic E that is so situational it has little use and it comes with risks attached that no other skill has in the entire game and and it doesn’t come off cool down on respawning.

I’d much rather single rez was removed and replaced with a useful E, that didn’t have all these annoying death sentence inducing strings attached,

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A good Rez can change the course of a fight, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
And it’s not hard to pull off a good Rez when you learn.

I do know what I am talking about and it can sometimes turn a fight. I’ve spent 400+ hours on her between varying accounts.

The fact is she could have a much more useful E, one without all the strings attached.

Rez is one of those abilities you’re either all in on or is so badly broken you can ignore it, developer wise.

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You just said you gave up on Mercy after the nerfs. So no, you don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m sorry. This and referring to Rez as “death sentence”.

She is in an healthy place. Stats show it, pickrates in all ranks show it, and even in OWL she has 80%+ pickrate.

also of course she is not has she was used, she is not a must pick anymore. I see this thread as trolling

Standing still for just under 2 seconds wasn’t the last round of nerfs to hit her. Valk decrease was. I mained her until the valk nerf. Sounds like you’re the one who doesn’t know what they’re on about.

I don’t main her anymore, but I still play her randomly. Until she has adjustments, I won’t go back to maining her.

P.S. you can argue all you want for single rez, but here’s the list of caveats:

  1. Affected by stun
  2. Stand still for just under 2 seconds
    3, 75% movement speed reduce
  3. Does not reset on respawning

The list goes on.

Anyone defending keep such a badly broken E and claiming it to be good compared to how other E’s work needs a psych evaluation. You’re either only doing rez out of combat, behind a shield or you take a big risk to do it in combat, but with those strings attached, it can be a death sentence easily. This is from personal and observation experience (of seeing other people using her.)

Any way I’m done debating with someone arguing to keep Mercy broken.

Yeah, the same round of nerfs that removed instant Rez from Valk.

You say those things because you don’t play her anymore lol. You’re just blind with hate that you don’t even give a chance.

There’s no problem on rezzing in combat, you just have to be smarter than your enemies. I do that all time. And it’s very fun because it tilts them. I smile every time I’m rezzing a flanker just behind a support (especially Zen), he turns his attention to me too late and I help the flanker to kill him.

And about “death sentence”, you should know at this point that ALL Mercy’s abilities envolve risks. Guardian Angel can get you out of position, Resurrection forces you to stand still, and flying carefree with Valkyrie against a hitscan is just not good. All these things can kill you. That’s what differentiates good Mercies than bad Mercies: knowing how to minimize the risks.

I think Mercy is nearly there in terms of balance, I just wish they would re-add the Rez cool-down reset when Valkarie is popped like she originally had.

Pulling off x2 Rez’s with a cast-time associated with them would be pretty hard in most situations now but would give ‘something’ that divides a ‘good’ from a ‘great’ Mercy player.

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I still want the animation changed - let her at least do what she does in her highlight intro and bend down to “raise” the soul, at least then she will be slightly more difficult to head-shot. Would also look way better and feel more natural.

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No hate, but more lack of enjoyment and lack of engagement from her character as a whole, for myself. Clearly you still find that in her, so I am happy for you there.

While I still play her sometimes, I’m mostly on characters where the E’s are instant, impactful and no strings attached and the ults are like new found land with big impact potential at any moment.

I want to see some changes come to Mercy. However that will happen, hopefully it will do so in a good fashion. Until then she’ll just be random pick for me, not a main pick any longer.

You’d be surprised at how many people focus on the bright cool glowing orb and the bright glowing angel.
That being said rez is fine imo.
Valk maybe could use an instant rez.
Speaking of valk, I’d prefer her to have her extra speed back, idk why they nerfed the ga speed and normal speed.
Valk is shorter and no more extra rez or insta rez, her speed didn’t need to be nerfed too. Her Regen, maybe. But her speed? Isn’t that what blizzard wanted mercy to be like? Extra fast and stuff?

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The current rez goes into contradiction with the characteristics of mercy, a very mobile hero who is steady to fulfill his ability. It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous that for a hero to make his own skills he needs the team. I’ve never seen an ana that needs the help of the team to do the sleep, I’ve never seen a moira that needs the help of the team to make the ball.
Mercy is no longer a hero, but a hero mate.


Rez should only be earned and inside Valkyrie. The regular “E” can be a burst heal or CC remover.