[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

20k soon guys! feelsbadman

You have received plenty of feedback up until this point on how to fix your current mess of a “rework”. You have failed, in spite of that feedback, to deliver a satisfactory solution to it over the course of five months. Your newest patch beautifully illustrates the lack of competence on your part to resolve this fiasco; players waited two months since the last Mercy patch in hopes that you could deliver, and you reveal that the patch is simply a set of nerfs that could have easily been pushed live a month earlier.

It’s time to face the facts.

Since the reveal of the rework, assuming the current PTR goes live, here is the list of nerfs to Mercy:

  • Pistol damage increase in Valkyrie removed.
  • Pistol fire rate increase in Valkyrie removed.
  • Flight speed in Valkyrie decreased from 11 meters/second to 9 meters/second.
  • Resurrect’s cooldown decrease from Valkyrie removed.
  • Guardian Angel’s cooldown no longer resets upon using Resurrect.
  • Resurrect now has a 1.5 second cast time in which players cannot use abilities or attacks, and their movement speed is reduced to 25% of it’s normal speed. Valkyrie removes this penalty.
  • Valkyrie no longer removes the above penalty.
  • Valkyrie no longer grants an extra charge of Resurrect upon activation.
  • Valkyrie’s Guardian Angel flight speed bonus reduced by 50%.
  • Valkyrie’s duration reduced to 15 seconds.

All of these took place over four patches. Through those patches, here are the issues that may or may not have been solved:

  • Resurrect is OP.
  • Valkyrie is OP.

Here are the issues that have received no acknowledgement whatsoever through the words of developers or their patches:

  • The reasons for the rework were inherently flawed and unsupported in the first place.
  • Mercy has an E ability that can only be used once every teamfight because of how situational it is and its absurd cooldown.
  • Resurrect requires very little thought to utilize effectively.
  • Resurrect feels like a chore to use.
  • The slowdown from Resurrect goes against Blizzard’s stated philosophy that Mercy should be about healing and mobility.
  • Resurrect isn’t earned.
  • Resurrect is annoying to play against.
  • Valkyrie is an uninspiring and disgusting conglomerate of existing abilities.
  • Valkyrie is boring and unengaging. It’s a chore to use.
  • Valkyrie requires very little skill or thought to use effectively.
  • After learning how to use the very basics of Valkyrie (so in the first 5 seconds of using it for the first time), there is no way to increase one’s effectiveness in the fight, no matter how good they might have been with previous iterations of Mercy.
  • Valkyrie is annoying to play against.
  • Mercy’s skill floor and skill ceiling are at the same position.

And now we have the issues introduced to us from the incoming patch:

  • The Valkyrie movement nerfs once again go against Blizzard’s stated philosophy that Mercy should be about healing and mobility.
  • Valkyrie provides literally no reason to stay engaged with its Resurrect bonuses being removed, and feels like even more of a chore to activate.Very clearly, you don’t. Because if you did, you wouldn’t be ignoring the feedback and feelings of those who play/played her, and I wouldn’t be in the process of making another massive post.

Revert Mercy. Realize just how badly you !@#$ed up. Admit a mistake, and fix it.
“It’s time you woke up.”

  • The Queen of Junkertown.

I really hate that Jeff’s dev update when the rework happened he really stressed how they needed something for mercy that matches the impact of mass rez. Then nerfed it 9 or ten times. Obviously they are far from what they originally intended. These are bandaids on top of bandaids.
So now we are on the fifth mega thread with like 50,000 total comments but they say they want our feedback. No, no you don’t.The past near year and a half have been very painful for a lot of us. We have given plenty of good suggestions in the megathread but we all know it’s not taken into account, and before it’s stated that “we do read all your suggestions,” it’s clear you haven’t. It’s very clear you haven’t.

A lot of us think you guys just flat out don’t like her, you guys are constantly editing our posts or moving it so you don’t have to read them or see them. You may as well just re-name the Mercy megathread to “Can’t be arsed.”

Even non-Mercy players are asking for the other healers to be buffed a bit. They’re trying to help us. “Instead of nerfing her, how about we get X and Y done to Z to help up their performance.”

People hate playing against Rez, and with it being on a cooldown as her E, it was not fun to use, it was not fun to play against. We’ve all said it time and time again, Rez should be earned. It was perfectly fine as an Ultimate. No one complained. No one asked for Valkyrie.

Hide n’ Rez wasn’t even a huge thing. Say all you want, but the majority of us engaged in combat with our team so we wouldn’t have to hide. Yeah sure, those big 5x Rez’s were really nice, but it was never something we actively looked to achieve.

As far as hiding goes, almost everyone hides before their Ultimate. Some of the biggest offenders are Reaper and McCree.

“We just don’t want to die mid-Ult and we want to get the most out of it.”

Well, so do we. We’re no different than you are, and you’re no different than we are.

I’ve suggested a few times that we get 1.1 Mercy back but have it simply require LoS, there. Hide n’ Rez solved. Maybe just maybe, add the cast time to it but leave the movement speed de-buff out.

I think it’d be a good idea for you guys to bring these changes up with the Mercy players first, get their thoughts and feedback on said changes, and go from there.

There’s just gotta be some give n’ take here. All you guys are doing is taking.

It’s just… awful.

This re-work was not a success, it was far from it. All it did was make everyone hate her more. Please… stop saying it was a success, you’re not the only ones who play this game.


Couple of corrections.

Math doesn’t match up.
11 mps -75% = 2.75 mps
2.75 mps - 50% = 1.375 mps which is only slightly faster than walking.

1.75 seconds.

Are you serious??? Read my reply to that post please.

That’s a fair point. I am leaning more towards the side of Macster’s way being the better changes.

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Sorry, this thread is mess, saw it now. I’ll put it all together to unify at least something in this thread. Just keep in mind that I’ve seen similar posts here before with later replies from those posters that indicate malice in their posts (thou that does not appear to be the case with yours).

Also did you read my direct reply?

Yes, though I disagree about Valkyrie but agree with the res.

Fair enough, but I would have you consider this:

Thou I would consider the EeveeA suggestion on the Blaster:

Hey I came back to just throw it out there, with the introduction of Brigitte, playing Mercy has become even more awful to play. She whips me away while rezzing, auto-stuns me while rezzing, it’s just getting worse and worse to play Mercy overall.

The fact that you had to handicap the uniqueness of her ult, and the general feel of power and objective power of it all to have a clunky and gross E ability rez hurts me more than ever before.

Please do something, there are so many suggestions.


I was looking through YouTube videos while eating a snack and nearly choked in laughter when I saw one about Mercy.

Why did I choke? See the video description!

Mercy is in a fantastic place right now. She’s balanced. She’s fun to play and she rewards skill. But what about Brigitte? How will she change the Overwatch meta? Let’s discuss the support meta.”

We must be playing a different game to him!


Agree with second part and parts of first

Happy 19,243 comments everyone

20k getting closer and closer every time I come back lol

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What’s wrong with the first one?

Why did they think that? Right, because of Resurrect. Now that this is gone i can mostly see why they didn’t used Valkyrie for the release version of the game.

But you are not making the play. It’s someone else. Without that player DmgB would be useless.

I do agree with that but GA can’t really change the fight. Sure, you can annoy the s*** out of DPSs, but it can’t change the match.

Hey nothing against Uprising! It’s fun for at least 3 players.
(I don’t think i need to say which players)


Well, she is fun to play against because she is no longer a threat for anybody. Trying a rez? Find her (hide and seek) and kill her, you have too much time for that. Ulting? Come on! Is amp it up a real threat for you?

Also, are you okay? You are saying that characters should be balanced in order to be fun to play against? Okay, let’s rework Genji and Tracer, they are horrible to play against all the times, I’m sick of being reflected or having to deal with such an annoying mobility in both cases, huh? That’s a nonsense. Characters MUST be balance to be fun play AS at first.

If you played so bad, that was your fault. If you played her well as any other normal Mercy, hiding was not a realistic option.

What was the solution? Fix SR so stupid SR exploiters would fall to bottom bronze and real good Mercys could climb properly. Task finished!

Are you alright? I think you are imaginating things because I have seen no one saying that stuff. In fact, the only thing I have seen similar to that statement is:
“We miss old Mercy”
Who was old Mercy? Of course, pre rework one, the one with mass rez, the one who had between 5%-0% pickrate during two seasons (2 and 3) even with Pharah in her best days, while Lucio and Ana had around a 85% pickrate. The one who was considered a troll pick.

Troll pick = OP must pick??? Interesting…

Do you know the counter for Genji’s deflect? Jeff answered people who complained about it with this statement:

“Just don’t shoot him”

No, it isn’t. As it is now, yes, of course. It is the most selfpunishing ability by very very far in the entire game, and has nothing to do with Mercy’s concept of mobile support, it contradicts her nature. However, as an ultimate? There were millions of different ways to balance it. I’ll only suggest you a few changes. You can choose only one or a combination. Tell us if none of these would work:
1- LoS (no rez through walls)
2- Little cast time (1-1,5 sec, the time her reverted ult voice line takes, you know, that “Heroes never die!” that has nothing to do with her current ult)
3- SR fix (already done but never tried on her mass rez. As the pro player Taimu admitted, SR system was the only real problem with old Mercy as it encouraged hide and rez, so no reward for it, no climbing and no more hide and rez)
4- Decay system with high cap in order to prevent both hide and rez and rez until rez is gone (this way a good engaging Mercy could have her ult ready in the right moment, but a hiding one would be forced to grab her pistol and deal with a 1vs6 duel in order to rez).

Blizz already stated that rez will always be part of Mercy’s kit, so they won’t remove it.

Exactly, Resurrect is 1/3 of Mercy’s identity and her whole signature aswell. It’s also one of the Ow’s icons, Mercy’s lore is almost all around that ability. She has sprays, potg, poses and even her OWL’s statue based on that ability. Blizz knows that, so they don’t want to remove it. If they change it, they possibly will try again with it as her ultimate.

Just fyi, during game’s development, Blizz already tried something like this current design, with valkirie as her ultimate. It was such a huge failure that they decided to bring her something healthier and better for her, and it was her original mass rez, which finally they had to turn into instant because they tried it with even heavier restrictions than current one, so she was always dying. After that, she only needed QoL changes.

Sorry, but it is clear that this statement is false. All the pro Mercys are complaining about her, not a single one is satisfied. We have the pro player Ark statement that he tries “to play Mercy selfish” and his better statistics as a proof that this is already how she is better used now, something that is truely bad design. We have tons and tons of posts from players of all ranks, even t500s, all complaining about her, and a lot of them admitting that they still play Mercy despite the fact that they can’t enjoy her anymore.

Summing up. No. There is not a small minority claiming for changes. Quite the opposite. People saying that she is fine are a very small minority.

I’ll take that as a joke, despite the art linked is real. That was the original concept of Mercy. It didn’t work (let’s say this) so Blizz turned that black man into the adorable sweddish doctor we all know.

P.S.: If you look at him, he is more or less similar to Doomfist but with less muscle and more dressed. The pose is exactly the same.

Just a suggestion about that, as I see you said “ignore me”. You can already delete your own posts.

You should read a bit of Ow’s lore. She is a pacifist. Indeed she got very angry with the Ana’s rifle design just because it could be used both for healing and killing. She didn’t want it to be able to kill people.

As an ability is not balanceable unless you start contradicting the character (immobile ability for a mobile support). A lot of people want it removed as her E ability, but placed again as her ult with QoL changes. In fact, funny fact, one of the most popular arguments for people to try to show the bright side of the rework was “Hey, why are you complainig? Okay, you’ll have no mass rez, but as an E ability you will rez even more!”.

You know what? They were true. The rework focused Mercy more on rezzing, something we didn’t need. Now rez is painful to use, but still 1/3 of her identity and her signature aswell, so they won’t entirely remove it. The only way left is place it as her ultimate and give it QoL changes or some kind of rework.

Not exactly, we are in the past already. Valkirie is a design from the earliest Ow’s days which failed so badly that they gave her mass rez just because it was better and healthier. Also, they never stated that they wouldn’t bring any type of mass rez back.

Well, they already could revert Mercy’s immunity the same way they reverted Dva’s defense matrix. Just an example, they could replace it by flat damage reduction.

Sorry, but that is not realistic. Zenyatta can have big plays. Lucio can have big plays. Moira can have big plays. Brigitte can have big plays (I guess). Ana can have big plays (very hard, but she still can, people complains about that matter btw). Mercy just can’t.

Indeed, now is the most unengaging form she has ever had, and Valkirie is bad design because it allows a bad player to make up his skills because if he is bad at healing, there is no problem. Just hit Q, disengage and everybody is being healed, you don’t need to priorizate or being aware of enemy flankers in order to not die. Valkirie does all the work for you.

I’m not saying that’s a bad idea, it could be interesting indeed. However, valkirie has great design issues like forcing you to disengage and usually hide. I think it’s more important to bring Mercy an engaging ultimate first, so she won’t be kilometers away from the fight. If you can add that to an engaging ability, then okay, that sounds nice.

Well, you know, it’s Stylosa. He is completely clueless about Mercy. He even tried her in some of his videos and made such embarrasing mistakes like boosting a heavily focused squishy dps resulting in his death. Bronze mistakes. In addition, he is not well know exactly for being restrained with his own words.

Yes, it’s extremely frustrating being boosting a Pharah and watch her failing every single missile she launches. That happened to me in a 3vs3 and in the end I had to deal alone with the entire enemy team just with my pistol. I won. It was incredibly funny how those 3 dpss failed all their shoots too (well, Junkrat was hidden). Sadly I didn’t save it, it could have been a good Wood tier story xD.


I won a 1v3 with Mass Res Mercy back then. All in the match were celebrating that, even the enemy. Now if i win with Mercy DM all they say is “Mercy op/Val is unfair” although i didn’t even used it.
The feeling of an incredible success other players gave me if i won a 1v3 or DM with Mercy is gone because of Valkyrie. All they say is “well… Valkyrie”.
And Mass Res wasn’t even a thing in DM and rarely in 3v3. So saying that i only had fun with Mercy because of Res is a voided argument, it wasn’t even usable in most of those modes and i still have way less fun with Mercy in them now.

I just hate Valkyrie so much…


I know that.

I want old rez JUST AS MUCH as anyone else. You’ve seen my posts on here. But I’ll take anything to make her fun again.

19k and no one care!
*Dance *