[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I don’t think so, unless something is flagged in here.

And then people are mad, because you didn’t res them. And who cared you were CC during it, shot to dead or simply it was on cooldown.


No. They put handlebars on the bike. They aren’t technically required to make the bike go forward, but they make it a lot harder to fall off and make maneuvering a lot easier. The people who did it the old way aren’t wrong, but now they don’t have to try as hard to do something as basic as turning, and now they have access to a lot more tricks while still being able to do everything they could before.

Maybe, except there has been an extreme drought for lore and not much is known.

Tell me how Omnics are made and then we’ll talk lore. As of yet, I’ll just assume they’re programs.

Bastion isn’t too special storywise (reminds me of a lot of other similar stories) and Zenyatta just feels like MacGuffin for Genji (is there anything about his lore not linked to helping Genji?). Orisa I actually absolutely love, she’s cute. I wouldn’t mind more omnics like her. Or the Null Sector Troopers, they’re cute too.

Or I can AoE heal as Zenyatta for much more than that with much greater results. Again, this isn’t at all a special ult. It’s just the same thing Zenyatta and Moira do. Much faster healing, but the only difference the value is lessened and only applied to one target.

And how exactly is that? Especially when:

  • Your effects could be easily negated if you did res in the wrong moment.
  • You could die just after performing it (which was one of the reasons for making 1.1 - immortality while casting).

What about returning the Ult to Mass Resurrect, and replacing the invulnerability frames with a damage reduction akin to Roadhog’s or Bastion’s with the numbers adjusted to fit?

Meanwhile Valkyrie, becomes either splitting the staff beams for a short time, or some sort of movement that doesn’t require a team-mate like GA does.

Alternatively, there could be a change to how Resurrect behaves during Valkyrie, making it a sort of AoE, that would Resurrect those near the main target, within a small radius. To compensate for the power boost to Resurrect, perhaps the chained beams could be removed, or just combined into a single, somewhat stronger than normal beam.

I’m fairly sure both of these ideas have been posted in some way earlier in this Megathread, but I figure bringing them up again is worthwhile. Also, for other much more complete ideas, look for posts by Titanium, Macster, and Silawatsi.


You mean such as this idea?

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Yes, very much like this one. Thank you!


to my knowledge, the BAD hiding, is the one that purposefully neglect healing or any other way to support teammates all the time in order to maximize the effect of resurrection’s broken SR system.

oh and…

after these two (or three?) months, i’ve seen that valk is the ult you can ignore and keep shooting as long as your own support is not down.
that’s sad, other Balanced heroes have this ult that you’d be stupid to ignore it, but not Mercy apparently.


Listen, Mercy was a victim of certain bad balance choices around her. Now hear me out. Ana was released onto the pc on 7/19/16 Overwatch Forums

then on 8/2/16 Anas rate of fire and magizine size was increased because they deemed her as a little weak. Overwatch Forums

On 9/2/16 Lucios’ amp it up on the ps4 was decreased by 30% due to him being a “must pick” Overwatch Forums

then on 10/11/16 everything started going downhill for Ana. Anas’ ultimate cost was increased by 20% and her grenade radius was increased by 3 to 4 meters Overwatch Forums.

Then on 11/14/16 Anas’ ult no longer gave speed boost to whoever she applied it to and Lucios’ Amp it up was decreased by 10 % while Blizzard claimed it made him a mandetory pick Overwatch Forums .

As the new year rolled around so did more nerfs for Ana decreasing her Biotic grenade healing boost by 50% as they claimed it had “too much healing” Overwatch Forums

In February which im sure it miffed a lot of people off is when, wait for it, Mercys’ invulnerability as she rez’d was implemented due to the fact she died a lot to use it. Overwatch Forums

On March 20, 2017 Ana again was nerfed(feels bad man), her damage being decreased from 80 dps to 60 dps to make her “less threatening”

After Ana was nerfed it looked like it was Lucios’ turn to face the music because due to him still being a must pick on April 7 ,2017 his area of healing was reduced from 30m to 10m , his hps was increased by 30% and self heals reduced by 25% because of his must pick status of raw healing it forced him to stay close to his team Overwatch Forums

That leaving Mercy/zen as in the support roster as the only main healers until mercys’ rework on sept 19, 2017( Moira wasn’t introduced until Nov 16, 2017).
(If I missed anything please let me know.)
(EDIT: I’m saving this post since we’re getting close to 20’000 posts , just in case they decide to make a new one)


Dudes… why are we even answering and posting opinions and ideas in this thread if they are just gonna ignore it? I mean, what if we actually posted them all into the normal forum and wait the Moderators to put them here, at least the devs and the mods will have to notice us and we would have an actual feedback… It just feels like there’s really no one reading this… if they would i wouldn’t even consider it as an option…

Guess because we like to discuss about Mercy.

yeah, and my idea does not contradict this feeling, i’ve actually proposed a way to improve visibility

Nobody LIKED hide and seek Mercy. In fact, hide and seek was what a bad Mercy player would do (no offense to those who did this, but it’s true. You shouldn’t have to be hiding and it may not have always been your fault, especially if your team mates were failing to protect you; that is a different story entirely.) because even Mercy players hated those who played hide and seek.

Mercy’s job, like any supports, is to support the team. Not to get her ult and hide away yelling at her team mates to dog pile on the objective to get a fat rez and steal PotG.

Mega Rez was perfectly fine; it was the players who abused little work arounds that thus made everyone hate the character. So everyone needs to stop acting like it’s the hero’s fault. Because Mercy isn’t the one making the decisions, the player is.

Was she perfect the way she was with Mega Rez? Obviously not seeing as cheeky players found ways to boost SR gain and hid when they should have been helping.

Is that grounds for punishing a hero for the mistakes of the ones in control?


Mega Rez as an Ult was perfect, however, some of its mechanics needs tweaking to put it in a better place so that people stop abusing loopholes. We already had a great start when they tweaked the MMR/SR gained from the constant Mega Rez, but it never had a chance to show how much of an impact it would have made.


Because streamers and pro players still cried for a nerf, and thus they got it without Blizzard even checking the data that would have told them what they needed to know with the change to the system.

Mega Rez and Tempo Rez’ing are Ult worthy. This little butterfly crap we have for an Ult is lackluster and unnecessary. Valkyrie failed pre-Overwatch, so I don’t want to even know why they bothered to bring it in unless it was a substitute temporary thing just to get the nerf criers to stop complaining while they think of something better. (Apologies if I seem bitter, but I’ve seen a lot of negativity today both Overwatch related and not.)

Regardless, everyone still cries for a nerf to Valkyrie, despite the only nerf they can do at this point is to increase cast time on Resurrect (I swear if that becomes a thing, I’m NEVER touching Mercy again even with a 400 foot long pole.), reduce Valk time to 10 seconds, decrease healing/damage boosting, slow her down EVEN MORE, or remove Resurrect (which they already said they’d never do).

Cry for nerf when something already feels useless? The point of Ults is to make a game changing move with one choice you commit to with the press of a button. Timing it right and combo’ing with a team mate yielded more favorable results. This is why Resurrect can ONLY be an Ultimate ability. Place it anywhere else and you would have to water it down to the point of drowning it.

So now I ask: why is it only fair when someone can press Q/Y/Triangle and wipe an enemy team and change the game in THEIR favor but a Mercy gets off a spectacular rez and suddenly ‘it’s not fair’? (I’ve seen quite a bit of this, people claiming it’s fair to wipe a team with one press of a button but a Mercy can’t change the battle in their teams favor? But it’s ok if say that Mercy’s McCree Dead Eyes and turns the battle around?)


They are asking for more nerfs not because they actually think Mercy needs it but because they either can’t play their job or just want to provocate some Mercy knowing them are frequently on the forums… basically trolls. I’m pretty sure Blizz isn’t going to nerf her anymore, mainly because it’s actually impossible to nerf something so disgusting, they would have to touch her basic kit (the staff) and if they do that the character would have absolutely 0 pickrate.


I agree that it was some (if not most) Mercy players ruining it for the rest of you but you can’t say mega-rez was perfect when it was so easy to abuse. Playing with a good Mercy was, and still is fantastic. The SR changes did help but I haven’t seen any ideas that would totally fix the problem with the ult itself.

I haven’t seen a McCree ult wipe a team since the first month Overwatch came out, if there was a hero that could fly into the enemy team and instantly kill everyone it would be a fair comparison. As long as the Mercy player survived the fight it was extremely difficult to stop her coming in and rezing the whole team.

Nah… as many before me have sayed enough you just had to not waste all your ults and use a second one when they where ressed. For a couple of frames the ressed players can’t move so they can be easily killed off again.

In case you didn’t have more then one ult it’s even simpler… focus the Mercy, that’s it… that’s something that remained so much ingrained in the culture of Overwatch that even now we are focused a lot more then the other healers.

If you didn’t manage to pick the Mercy before the ult storm you deserved to be countered by her and that’s they way the ult should have worked. Yeah you could say that Mercy could have been hiding for all that time but as again many other before me have sayed they should have just used LOS since the beginning instead of reworking her into this mess…


That was after the nerfs to her ult and then she became really easy to kill, I don’t know if there was a balance they could realistically achieve.

Mega Rez was perfect as an ULT, I said it needed tweaking. We can’t even see what the changes would have done because they didn’t even wait a month before swapping to Valkyrie. (Also, Rez was only easy to abuse if you had no faith in your team mates or yourself. A Mercy competent and faithful in their abilities never needed to hide save for ducking for cover to regain some health.)

You must play with some crap McCree’s then if you haven’t seen one wipe a team in almost 2 years.

‘If there was a hero that could fly into the enemy team and instantly kill everyone’, you mean like: D.Va, technically Genji, Reaper who can drop down on enemies, Doomfist, Junkrat’s Riptire, and Pharah (who can literally fly?). Or do they not count because they can’t just zip to a dead team mate and do the mentioned ‘insta kill’?


i was talking about Mercy before the rework, tought it was clear by reading the last phrase, sorry if it wasn’t clear enough…


How about this idea?