[Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Did you know that you gain Ultimate charge for damage boosting a Pharah who does self damage.

Not that it matters much because Valkyrie doesn’t matter much.

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That’s the spray I got on Nerfcy Day. :disappointed_relieved:

I hope they revert mercy


I am so sincerely sorry for you.

Those are the only reasons Overwatch was worth looking into for me. Mercy is the only reason I gave Overwatch a shot. I didn’t know what she did when started playing, but I knew I wanted to play her.

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Remove Resurrect from Mercy. I don’t even want compensation because it’s removal would be compensation enough.

That was a frustration post but for the purposes of record I will leave it with additional response:

Resurrect in it current state works against Mercy’s concept of being a Mobile, Healer and breaks from the original concept that the Rework sought to “fix” in that Mercy stops healing in order to use Rez.

Here’s a better way to handle things (and a better reply to the current Rez mechanic).

That is my sentiment too. I don’t need Resurrect or Valkyrie. I don’t need damage boost.

All I need on Mercy is Healing Beam, GA, and Angelic Decent

This was a frustration post. I’ll leave it for the record, but it was not written thoughtfully.

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Did you ever play with Mass Resurrect? So Mercy before the rework? We must be playing 2 different heroes because Resurrect is the most inspiring thing Mercy does and gives that boost of power to your teammates when healing couldn’t prevail in keeping your team alive.

The moment you pushed Q every single ally on your team Thanked you for saving them from the effects that death would’ve had. Nobody on your team treated your ultimate as a burden to play with because they were always happy when they got Resurrected.

If they enjoyed it so much and hated the enemy team doing it then Que with a Mercy main so you can reap the benefits of having a Mercy player that was good at the game all the time.


I told you that such thing won’t happen and why. Blizz knows that Resurrect is too important for Mercy to entirely remove it. She has sprays, potg animations, poses, achievements and almost all her lore around it, involving different characters like Genji, Soldier, Moira and Reaper (these two in a different way to the others). Even the OWL statue of Mercy is using Resurrect! If they remove it, they will have to deal with an army of complains, so the problem won’t be solved at all. Resurrect is by design an ultimate. It was her ultimate, and it needs to return somehow to that place.


Would you say Mercy has supportive output equal to most other healers now? If you say yes, she’s balanced - Okay - Now by pure nature of practicality, sense you’ve agreed that she’s balanced, whatever hero can survive the best will be the most favored, because who wants a vulnerable healer? Moira Brigitte Lucio and Ana can all take self defense into their own hands, Mercys defense is left at the hands of team mates given to her by a joke called matchmaking. This is why many want Valk as E but still there is compromise. I’d like her to have a self defense E–her highlight intro Battle Angel. A Ariel version of Fade, but instead of invisibility, maybe a self heal with the immunity old res gave her and current fade gives Moira.

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Mercy is in the 2nd tier of heroes (only behind the tier with Moira/D.Va). She needs more help?


Pick-rate is not a measurement of fine. It’s a measurement of viability and role. Mercy is a viable main-healer, but she’s not fun. Something is wrong with her current kit, and it needs fixing. So get rid of rez, get rid of Valkyrie and give her something that makes her fun and engaging again.


Mercy isn’t balanced for a lot of reasons.
Go the ‘‘Megathread’’ that Jeff ignore.
Read a little bit ( there are a smart people there that saying why Mercy needs a buff/revent/rework. )
Thank you.


That’s weird so many people play her in a game when the goal is to have fun if she’s supposedly not fun. Are 95% of the players under masters playing the game for their job?


mercy is fine, very easy to play.


She’s balanced. But she isn’t fun. Everything is made simple and easy.

You want to rez? It’s basically given to you for free. You rez if it’s safe, you don’t if it’s not.

You want an ult? Press Q, press space, press rmb or lmb. Maybe duck behind a wall or pillar.

She used to be a hero similar to Lucio - easy to pick up, hard to master. Not so much anymore. Everything is basically cut out for you.


She dosent have an ‘‘Ult’’ anymore.


The only thing that’s keeping Mercy viable is her consistent healing. She is literally a heal bot.

Mass rez added a strong urge to fly out and heal that overextending genji so you could gain rez in time for the next fight because it was a game changer, unlike valk.


Considering the elitism and competitiveness of a lot of players I would say they prioritize winning over fun for sure. Personally I stopped playing Overwatch 2 months ago.


So she’s basically the 4th most played hero for 95% of the players, but she’s not fun? Why are so many people playing a hero that’s not fun? There’s over 20 other heroes to play.