Muh dream OW2 patch notes with the current meta in mind


  • Zarya
    (–) Energy gained per bubble damage reduced by 20%.
    (–) HP reduced by 50 (200 health and 225 shields).
    (–) Defence Matrix duration reduced by 1s
    (–) HP changed to 400 + 250 armor (50 armor convertion to normal)
  • Winston
    (–) Barrier HP reduced by 50
    (–) HP reduced by 50 (350 Heatlh and 150 armor)
  • Sigma
    (–) Projected Barrier HP reduced by 100
    (–) Projected Barrier HP regeneration reduced by 10/s (90hp/s)
    (–) Kinectic Grap damage to hp convertion reduced by 5%.
  • Doomfist
    (–) Power Block frontal damage reduction reduced by 20%
    (+) Power Block now has 0.5s of CC invulnerability on the start.
    (+) Power Block now reduces 100% frontal damage received for its first 0.5s
    (+) Seismic Slam’s slows targets hit by 25% for 1s
    (+) Meteor Strike vertical range on epicenter greatly extended.
    (+) Meteor Strike charge required reduced by 10%
  • Roadhog
    (–) Maximum HP reduced back to 600
    (–) Take a Breather now heals 300 HP
    (–) Take a Breather cooldown increased by 2 seconds.
    (+) Take a Breather now cleanses Roadhog of every debuff on him around its halfway point (after healing 200 HP)
  • Junker Queen
    (+) Carnage cooldown decreased by 2 s
    (+) Rampage now deals an extra 50 damage on impact
    (+) Rampage now allows for better control after cast, meaning better handling with left and right + distance you gain with back and foward.
  • Wrecking Ball
    (±) This one i’m not too sure about, he’d prolly be okay with a tiny burf, specially considering that Sombra is also gonna get bonked.
  • Reinhardt
    (–) Reinhardt can no longer be sped up while he has his Shield up.
    (+) Firestrike now does 30 melee damage with its swing.
    (+) Barrier Field’s movement penalty reduced by 5% (25% total)
  • Orisa
    (–) Energy Javelin cooldown increased by 2s
    (–) Energy Javelin impact damage decreased by 20
    (–) Javelin Spin cooldown increased by 1s
    (±) Now has two charges shared between her Javelin Spin and Energy Javelin
    (+) Energy Javelin can now headshot
    (+) Terra Surge now gives back one charge of Energy Javelin/Spin on conclusion.


  • Sombra
    (–) Hack’s Ability lock down reduced back to 1.25s
    (–) Hack’s auto-tracking reduced by 30%
    (–) Hack now goes on cooldown if connection is broken through any means (instead of just damage)
    (–) EMP damage reduced to 30% of targets current health.
    (+) Hack requires at least 15 damage dealt to break.
    (+) Cloak now goes first on Detected state for 1s if damage dealt is less than 15, then breaks on any hit.
  • Tracer
    (–) Fall off reduced to 10 - 18 m
    (–) Recall cooldown increased by 1s
    (–) Pulse bomb’s damage decreased by 50 points.

  • Genji
    (–) Damage per shuriken decreased to 28
    (–) Alternate fire spread angle increased by 1
    (–) Swift Strike’s hit detection range (hitbox) decreased by 20%.

  • Soujourn
    (–) Railgun’s secondary fire’s projectile hit detection size decreased by 0.5
    (–) Railgun’s secondary fire now consummes 4 ammo per use.
    (–) Disruptor’s shot damage per second reduced to 45 (total 180)

  • Reaper
    (–) Lifesteal reduced by 5%
    (–) Death Blossom damage reduced to 170/s
    (+) Shadow Step cooldown reduced by 4s

  • Bastion
    (–) Mortar shot (ult) shots takes 0.25s longer to hit.
    (+) Self Repair reincluded - Now functions as following:
    Heals for a total of 100 hp in a span of 2s (50HP/s) has 8s cooldown, can fire while using it but gets interrupted by taking at least 15 damage while using it.
    (+) Mortar Shot now has two more shots total.

  • Hanzo
    (+) DPS Passive now makes it so Hanzo knocks his arrows faster by 25%
    (+) Dragonstrike total startup reduced by 0.7s
    (+) Dragonstrike’s arrow flies 10% faster
    (±) Dragonstrike’s Dragons fly 25% faster.
    (–) Dragonstrike’s Dragons disappear after traveling a total of 100m
    (–) Dragonstrike now charges 15% slower.

  • Pharah
    (–) Hover Jets movement speed reduced by 10%
    (–) Rocket Launcher explosion radius reduced by 0.3m
    (+) Pharah now takes 20% less damage while on Barrage.

  • Echo
    (–) Ammo reduced by 2
    (–) Focusing beam range decreased by 1m

  • Ashe
    (–) ADS recovery time increased by (not sure)
    (–) Semi automatic recovery time increased by (not sure)
    (–) Coach gun damage per pellet reduced to 5.4

  • Cassidy
    (–) Magnetic Grenade’s tracking ability reduced by 40%
    (–) Magnetic Grenade damage decreased by 70
    (+) Manetic Grenade explodes 0.4 s faster now
    (+) Magnetic Grenade now aplies a 25% slow for 1s on the stuck target, on explosion.
    (Thats about it for ideas for DPS but i know Junkrat needs a small rework, Symm prolly needs a bit more of love, so does Mei.)


  • Ana
    (–) Biotic Grenade self healing reduced by 50
    (–) Biotic Grenade no longer ups the regeneration of Projected Barrier and Barrier Field (needs confirmation)
    (–) Nano Boost heals 50 less hp on activation
    (–) Nano Boost damage bonus and reduction reduced to 40%

  • Lúcio
    (–) Soundwave (Boop) Damage decreased by 10
    (–) Soundwave now consumes 4 ammo again.
    (–) Sonic Amplifier damage decreased by 2 per shot.

  • Brigitte
    (–) Rally overhealth gain speed decreased by 0.2s per tick.
    (–) Rally AOE reduced by 0.5m
    (+) Rally duration increased by 2s
    (+) Rally ultimate cost decreased by 10%

  • Zenyatta
    (–) Orb of Discord damage bonus dealt reduced to 20%
    (+) Orb Of Detruction damage increased by 2 per shot

  • Baptiste
    (–) Immortality Field health decreased by 50
    (–) Amplification Matrix damage and healing bonus reduced to 90%
    (–) Regenerative Burst instant HP healed reduced to 40 (HP>50%) and 80 (HP<50%)

  • Moira
    (±) Blizzard has been working on a rework for her atm, i’m also sort of at a loss on how to do with her… at least make her a bit more skill intensive i guess?
  • Mercy
    (±) This hero is so difficult to change since she is so popular… i do still think changing her ultimate and E abilities around with the right numerical change, would make for a more interesting design.

So…a whole lot of nerfs, yep, i believe that 1- the game’s plagued by a bit too much power creep 2- making it so the devs overbuffed the tanks and Sombra - 3 the time to kill is also a bit much so nefing is required instead of many buffs.

Aaand yes, i know you cant push that many changes at once and expect to have even the slightest bit of a balanced game, its overral all changes that i think would make sense in the long run, finding the right ones to implement at what time is the challenge.


You certainly have a unique view of how you think the game should handle… It would be interesting to test some of these out in custom games modes.

Tank damage nerfs i can understand a bit, but survivability and defensive options nerfs seem weird especially since they’re filling the shoes of previously 2 tanks.


woow! back to OW1 tanking! yay!

tanks in OW2 should be 1.5X stronger then they were in OW1 blizzard did a great job stop trying to ruin the worst role in the game please for me :smiling_face_with_tear:


Well, my point of view here is that innate survivability with extra health numbers is their most boring part of their kit, is a good reason why i target them and also their sheer utility and damage still can compesate the lack of 1 tank plus that alot of strong dps options + discord would get nerfed with them, increasing the overral survivability of the game.

While i do agree they have to be stronger than OW1 tanks, its no way a 1.5x increase that is the right amount, i believe, and again, because of innate power creep, the fact i’m nerfing their survivability together with alot of dpses/supps overpoweredness ends up on a much closer net neutral than you think i believe.

Im incredibly biased because I’m a tank player but even my most ration side think you did way too much here.

This is pretty much OW1 dva. How is she supposed to defend her team with a defense matrix that was meant to function with another tank?

I do agree zarya needs some changes especially because of diamond and below. Shes fine in high elo but I guess we need to bottom 99% too lmao.

She loses 20 charge in total. In combination with her charge nerf at the start of OW2 would mean her average charge would be around or even below OW1 zarya. I think that these changes would work a lot better

  • Charge decay is increased by 25% while bubble is active
  • High burst damage now charges Zaryas bubbles 50% faster
  • Low rates of damage charge zaryas bubbles 25% less
  • Bubbles now last 1.7 seconds down from 2.5 on allies and 1.8 seconds on personal bubble.
  • Cooldown on bubbles is reduced to 9 down from 10.
  • Secondary fire damage increased by 5 splash for every 25 charge gained starting at zero. Im not too sure about this one might be good to try 4 if 5 is too powerful.
  • Primary fire beam size gain reduced by 50% for each tick up in charge
  • Secondary fire explosion radius reduced by 10%

This makes her a lot harder of a hero and fixes some of the raw damage she can easily output from people with bad or decent aim.

And she stays fun and doesn’t feel like a wet paper towel


Yea i got the general vibe and see the appeal of slower or faster. i enjoyed OW1 and i also enjoy faster games as well so personally i’m fine either way :person_shrugging: .

I did misread the Dva nerf and though it said change Defense Matrix to 1 which i thought was a wildly hot take.

I think the cassidy nade changes are really interesting and would be fun to test, but at the same time a lot of people really just want nade to count tracer/genji and a movemsnet speed slow doesn’t really affect that most of their evassiveness comes from using a dash to get around/behind their target.

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AKJ wept

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Thats sort of fair, i’m a flex player so i dont really have much bias in terms of role strenght, more of a bias on the overral fun of the game i guess?

I’m pretty sure she has better spread on her cannons, better DM regen (dont quote me on that one) + better control over her boosters + better cooldown on her missiles and doesnt get booped as easily, i think thats good enough considering the other nerfs.

It would seem to me that Zarya is also incredbly powerful even on high master-gm lvl games, where even then highly coordinated Dive is not easy enough to counter her, so shes really quite way too good in literally every level… a bit of a big musculay pink-haired problem if i say so muhself

As for your suggestion, its… a bit too overcomplicated i think? where just a simple 20% less charge gained already pulls bk on her power while keeping her kit playing about the same, and shes still fun i believe, dont need to change her so drastically is muh take.

Interstin, interesting… i do believe this would overral slow down the game a lil bit , it really is quite fast atm and can def be pulled just a bit while still being fast paced and fun.

As for the Cass nade change, yea, like their movement speed still can play a part on how hard they are to track or kite so its not like its completely useless against them, y’know?


Maybe a proposed change but its the same.

I didn’t know. But ball feels better so maybe her too.

One second less makes a very very minor difference and I don’t think its worth cutting her defense matrix by a third.

Spread is nice but her biggest issue is lack oftankyness IMO. Id rather nerf her spread and dive potential than take away her ability to hard tank dmg.

She is good easily a top 3/4 tank. Her and sig are close but Dva and winston when paired with a sombra and tracer/genji are absolute raid bosses which is fine and even as a GM5 dps right now I haven’t felt overly pressured by tanks so far…

I gotta disagree with you. I think shes amazing on her maps and good on maps where dive is played same with the other top 3 tanks. But I think shes preys on diamond and below players terrible decision making too easily and is just too easy to get base value out of. She needs to be heavily punished for bad bubbles and should require insane tracking to hit her beam effectively. Plus secondary fire is something low ranked players heavily underestimate.

I think characters like reaper zarya hog and moria are just too easy to get base value out of. I made an entire thread about how OW balance should work especially taking into account the difference between low and high ranked games.

Also there was this goofball that commented.

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The better control i mean is that she can melee while on boosters, meaning better control on how to use it in that small sense.

Its not worth, but thats the point of nerfing her, shes way too powerful atm.

Well, i think she has to have some sort of weakness, and lack of tankyness is what it is, she does so much damage and has such freedom with her mobility, lets give some point on picking the more durable tanks like Rein or Sigma instead i say.

Well, fair enough, i’ve used “literally” wrongly there, what i meant to say was that shes too powerful in all skill ranks, she definetly has maps where or Sig are preffered.

Yeah, thats definetly one of the biggest issues OW balance has always had, is quite possibly what caused the downfall of the game with Brigitte getting base value wich was broken to smitherins while countering the fun out of the game.

What a guy…lmao, though theres alot to unpack there on the whole reworking characters to make them have much lower skill floors… its a complicated thing for sure.

Peoples have a hard time accepting that 1v1 tanks is more hard than before.



Bro what


True, in the lower level brackets people still think tanks are just as exploitable as they once were, they will learn like we did fo sure, just give em some time.

Though… tanks are a bit too gud atm. (some of em)

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Yeah I think that if we arent too careful with that thought process OW will just become cod with cooler throwables called abilities.

I think that a tank that does a lot of damage but without the ability to hard tank damage wont really work in OW2.

my opinion on tank balance is tanks should have the same damage potential as in OW1 but with a lot more defense and cool play-making abilities.

I don’t want tanks like we had in the last creator experimental… that was scary :ghost:

But I also really enjoy the more damage oriented tanks with some minor tanking buffs.

Wut, Dva is :skull:heckin :skull: op bro.


I get it its an adjustment and I think every tank needs some tuning and Zarya needs a soft rework to make her less of a pub stomping raid boss for diamond and below but besides that blizzard did a good job.

It also wont be as bad once the lower elo players who haven’t adapted get used to the new playstyles. Tanks didn’t have to adapt as much so they are able to exploit the bad plays that people who haven’t fully transitioned yet into the OW2 mindset.

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She’s not overpowered.

She’s strong.

Nerfing her matrix to the same duration as OW1… in a solo ranking enviorment is the most biased nerf I’ve ever seen.

D.Vas strong but her matrix is the only reason she’s decent at tanking. Removing that makes her the worst tank in the game.

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So much work done just to be shut down by total mayhem so much of this would break it and many play that mode alone.


Then the existance of say, Ball/Hog/Queen and Doom is off to you is what you mean? you might not be wrong there…

Thats the thing though, imo , being a strong tank is a good sign of overpoweredness, and i believe when we nerf (and we should) alot of the strong DPS/Supp options that are plagued with power creep/fit too well in the new scenario, we gotta pull back on them too.

Arcade modes need their own balance rules, this is for ranked play alone, all they have to do on Total Mayhem is nerf tanks on that mode.

Doom, Queen, and ball all have CCs/boops/abilities and help her team. that make a lot of space. Hog? Problematic… even as an Ex hog player ill say that he needs changes to his hook his heal and maybe get a nice new passive of some kind.

Also half of the tanks above need some buff to their tanking abilities because blizzard nerfed them too hard or never made them good in the first place.