JQ and DF are balanced

other tanks are not. games with these 2 tanks are x3 times more enjoyable. i don’t like mini boss fights. i don’t like tank solo carrying games. i don’t like 3v1 a tank and losing. i don’t like the fact that losing your tank is a lost fight. bring other tanks to df and jq level. the game is much more fun.

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If JQ and DF are considered “balanced” then I don’t the other tanks being brought down to their level. Should be the other way around


It’s enjoyable when they’re on your team as well as the only tank?


yes. df v df is ow2 peak

Doom is the only balanced tank atm.

It’s weird he got nerfed when the other tanks got buffed.

spoken like someone who never played tank in its life :\


I mean theyre not balanced but theyre definitely the most enjoyable to play with or against. It really does feel like a good fight when theyre involved and not just “oh its zarya. Run away”.

DPS players when other roles exist: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:

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I actually sort of second this but only after JQ and Doom get some small buffs, then all tanks should be brought in line with Rein/Queen/Doom.

Sort of like this :

So whats the problem? And wheres an actual argument to support your claim…

Currently your argument is “change the game because i dont like it”

And are quite likely basing your opinions entirely upon personal bias and not actual logic or data…

I hate DF and even im not scared to admit, the “rework” (lets be honest, they just increased his health, replaced uppercut with block, and reduced his damage numbers) is a train wreck, i would only play to troll the person on my team calling me bad…

Zarya makes JQ and DF feel like wet blankets.


I keep picking zarya win every 7 games…

I dunno Blizzard gave me zarya I"ll use her.

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I mean it’s not like Genji or Sombra mains stopped using them lol.

They have balanced Tanks around Role Limits for 4 years.

Why reverse that now?

Nah, if more than half the roster is op and 2 fall out of that line, then the 2 are the issue and not the other way around.

If you brought all the other tanks to DF and JQ level, we would have 2 bottlenecks of support and tanks.

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blizzard changed the game because players didn’t like to shoot shields all day right? so what’s the difference between shooting shields and shooting tanks who are not going to die for 5mins straight bcs the healing is too high and their sustain is buffed? There is none.

That could also be attributed to many other factors…

For example bad map design. Such as having choke points with one or no flank route. For example first point. On blizzard world or kings row…

Or even a player knowlege/skill issue, its very common for players to think they are way better than they actually are, then when put into difficult to break situations. They attempt to blame the game, either because they dont understand whats going on and methods to break it, or they just can’t admit the other team might just be better players.

I mean if you try something that doesnt work why would you expect a different result on the 10th attempt at it ?