Sombra nerf idea

Just heccin revert the lockout, its the least fun part of her kit, making it so she cant rehack people makes her clunkier to play instead.

NAH she needs to be dumpstered tired of her annoying ahh hell

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She does 9 damage with hacks. She used to deal 8 in OW1. Without hacks she deals 7 right now. Just keep her at 8 and call it a day. Shes just currently deleting players, she needs to be detectable by turrets whenever she goes for a hack too. Torbjorn in OW1 is a perfect counter to sombra, its silly blizzard buffed sombra so much to the point the turrets cant even detect her when she hacks the turret or another player.

But reverting it then puts her back in the state she was in the beta which did not feel great to play hence why they buffed it. Because she was underperforming. She needs the extra .75 lockout to bring her to equal footing with squishies she engages because once their abilities are up she usually has to back out again.

The blog post summed it up, the tanks are the biggest losers of chain hacking and being locked out for so long.


I agree with this, torb turrets can’t see her but sym and bob can? Sounds like a bug tbh. All turrets should see her.

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nah 1.75 hack is horrible. It is the worst thing in the game to play tank against

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Imo she was okay on the beta, they jumped the gun cuz peeps were still on the learning phase, same thing they did with Soujourn, doubling her right click size.

She did not need the help, who needed to get nerfed were these other squishies (namely Gengu,Tracer and Reaper guy).

So they should nerf her hack duration and other squishies, and boom shes less hell to play against and still competetive with her peers, two rabbits with 1 shot.

Something like this would work imo, take into consideration the whole patch btw.

I think she’d be extremely bad then, people were calling her low damage already, imagine low damage + no ability lock

Also just in case her damage is 9.8, might as well be 10

I’m pretty sure this is a bug, unless they intend for her to counter torb now, because sym sentries and Bob still detect her

I think that the “goes on cooldown in any cancellation” wouldn’t work, hack is not as consistent in that regard

Many people like to compare it to ana sleep (why) when it’s more like Zarya bubble, a target ability, imagine if bubble went on cooldown because you weren’t targeting anyone

Now it could be fine with hack from invis but I don’t think the clunkyness is worth it, specially when you wanna switch your hack target

Oh okay i think i see where you’re coming from, but in that form it wouldnt go into cooldown if u manually cancelled it by letting go of right click only if you broke the connection while holding right click, so you still have some control over it.

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Right click hack needs to be removed completely. Her ult should be the only hack in her toolkit. If she wants to keep the perma invis + translocator duration, she shouldn’t keep an invisible hack that increases damage taken by 40% like who thought that was a good idea?

The current hack makes much more sense in ow1. Now there’s only 1 tank and you can just hack them to take them completely out of the game. It’s miserable for the person playing against it and overall bad for the game.

She is a perfectly fine disruptor + assist assassin without the hack. Just make it so her right click only works on health packs.

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Then shes just dogwater invisible Tracer tho.

Disruptor without an disruption ability, only ultimate? Her tickling people woulndt be much of a disruption i dont think.

Dont get me wrong i think she deserves nerfs but making her just invisible Tracer woulndt be a good idea i dont think.

You can compensate buff her in other areas that are far less problematic. Ult charge rate, damage, faster invis breaking. The hack is invalidating too much of the roster and if the sombra is good, the enemy tank can’t play the game. That’s not even to mention the the game could do with 1 less backline flanker that is making supports miserable to play.

Even if she’s perfectly “balanced” at 50% winratae (she isn’t) the hack is way too frustrating from a design stand point for enemies to warrant it being in the game.

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As a doom player this is too real

Hack does more than just the ability lockout wich is by far the most frustating part of it, they just gotta cut down on it and i think it would be fine, she never needed that +0.5s duration increase, i for one would like if she also needed to aim the darn thing a bit more but baby steps i suppose.

If u strip her out of that without giving her something else and just increasing her numbers, she becomes a bit too dry a character, as i said just Tracer that goes invisible.

Her damage on hacked targets is 9, without hacked targets its 8. On overwatch 1, her damage was 8. Its clear sombra breaks the game at 9 damage, reverting back to 8 is what I feel is good enough. Idk why anyone thought sombra was bad in OW1, her damage output felt fine. People just hated how coordinated you needed to be to play her but thats also kind of the point of playing high skill heroes. Sombra right now can actually out damage a support if she attacks someone thats hacked, considering she also stops ability use for 1.75 seconds, its overkill. Sombra shouldn’t be able to easily hack a zen and melt him if he’s near his team. Her damage on hacked targets makes her the ultimate flanker.

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I mean, that was the compromise for making her CC pretty shid.

I think they gotta target both how easy it is to aim hack and how long the silence lasts instead, her weapon damage is the least frustating part of her kit, while the dmg is high its still somewhat survivable with a bit of help from your team.

Think the best action to try is revert her being able to remain sheathed while hacking a target, or perhaps a half-way point where detection range is increased greatly after hacking or recent combat action.

1.75 is not bad at all, it makes a massive difference especially on a tank. Not to mention her hacks can also completely negate ultimates like sigma or even lucio.

Her damage is 7
With hacked targets it’s +40%

7+40% = 9.8

Tbh it was pretty good, the only reason in my head is that people weren’t good as sombra, so they usually stayed on invis for too long, new sombra heavily encourages going for kills and it’s much more active


The number of people who don’t know how much damage she does, or don’t know the amount hack buffs, but want to get in on the balance talks with numbers is way too high.

This is right, which gives you…

  • Damage per second: 140 while firing (95.45 overall w/reload)
  • Damage per second: 196 while firing (Hacked Target) (133.63 overall w/reload)

If all the shots hit, which against a non tank, they won’t.

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