Doomfist is useless

I think it might be racism. :smiley:

Acoording to a RockPaperShotgun chart, Doomfist doesn’t counter ANYONE. That’s a good summary of his current status.


It also gets countered by a CC, which is the worst thing about it. It should function like Fortify from front. It’s so stupid that he gets slept, hooked, hit by sigma rock, hit by Orisa Spear and can’t block these with his giant fist, but Genji can block these with a small sword through deflect.

CC Immunity during block dmg is the only Buff I think he needs and he will become viable.


He wasn’t made a tank to pad the roster. He was made a tank because his DPS design doesn’t fit in OW2.

He literally just needs his nerfs reverted and he’ll be fine.

Nah. Doomfist will be a great tank once he is tuned right. Do you remember that D.Va was THE worst tank at OW1’s launch? Defense Matrix was a one-off skill instead of a management bar, her cannon did terrible damage, and her Self-Destruct took like 5 seconds to blow up and could and often would kill baby D.Va. That’s what DF right now reminds me of, an undertuned tank that’s one reworked skill (Empowering Block) and a few buffs away from being a force to be reckoned with.

There are actually have much more fundamental concerns about how viable Junker Queen is as a tank consider her kit has so little control and mobility and that she’s barely above water on sustainability.


I think all DF needs is a way to actually use his power-block without immediately getting CC’d outa it and a better ultimate charge, pretty much this :

And some nerfs like the OP tanks + Sombra and hes golden. (also ive recently learned that power-block’s damage reduction is tied to how much damage is needed to power his punch so i would add “- Damage needed to empower his glove down to 50”)

The fundamental concern is on her shout really, that ability is just fundamentally broken and has to be kept in a big leash to be fair so they gotta buff her other stats instead.

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I’ll say what I’ve always said.

The concept behind Doomfists gameplay loop and concepts is fine.

A mobile brawler who uses a defensive mechanic to empower his kit.

In execution though- oof. Missed the mark, at least for me, big time. Even when he’s working- he’s not fun.

Rocket punch doing 70 damage base with a wall hit is abysmal. It being able to boop a couple people if they’re grouped up is, in most situations- a gimmick that rarely does much of benefit. Reins charge is currently a better rocket punch.

Hell Orisas spear does more damage, without the investment of having to charge the ability, or throwing herself at her opponents in the process.

Even when it’s empowered- it does a blistering 105 damage- wowwee. And when you consider the work needed to empower it? Even though empowering puts rocket punch immediately off cooldown, having to charge it in front of a group of enemies is a death sentence in most situations- instead you often have to scrub an initial encounter, and try to empower it where you can easily duck back behind a corner (have fun with the enemies, rest of my team), wait for cooldowns, and then try to use it later.

I don’t want him doing dps fist levels of damage- but what he does now is a joke.

I am literally seeing people (including squishies) regularly body block rocket punch to disrupt his mobility- that alone speaks volumes about how weak his signature ability is in many situations. What other hero has this type of interaction?

Power block being countered by every form of CC makes it extremely difficult to use in any coordinated environment- you’ll regularly be hacked out of it, slept, pinned, hooked, speared, rocked, or whatever else. It’s very difficult to pull off an empower, and the payoff is lackluster.

And meteor strike is still a joke. Your best target is widow or ana if they’re zoomed in. Meteor strike is still best used as an escape- which was fitting for dps Doomfist who often had to reserve half his kit to “escape” while using the other half to engage, allowing him instead to “all in” with his full kit- but for a tank whose job it is to make space? Nearly every other tank has a powerful zoning tool. Doomfists ult threat range is literally 2 feet. People don’t flee the area. They side step and then kill you in your recovery.

Doomfist IMO should have a charge mechanic like zarya- where he’s either ramping his abilities up on the way, or is capable of activating / entering an empowered mode when he’s near full- where his abilities (slam and punch) are augmented for a small window- allowing him to put out serious single target damage.

Again, not to dps fist days- but appreciable either way.

This could let Doomfist players FEEL like “Doomfist”, but it has to be earned, and has a limited window to do so.

Right now the scariest thing about Doomfist is the shotgun on his little arm, and not the rocket powered gauntlet that inspired his namesake.

This is wrong on many levels.


From what I’ve seen on Zbra streams and couple of my games, doom can work, but you need to be good at his shotgun. Most of his damage now comes from landing shotgun shots, so you need to be basically like mobile Reaper, jumping into people’s faces and land shots.

His powered fist is also very strong. It knocks people away, sometimes full teams and stuns enemies for long enough, to land shots without them being able to respond at all. Don’t underestimate the power of charged fist just because it’s not one punch into the wall. It’s still very deadly to get hit by it.

But I agree fully on his tank matchups being abysmal. No tank cares about doom and some can negate his value really well (like Hog or Orisa canceling his block). I still saw doom win into those tank comps though, because he is hard to kill (his extreme mobility keeps him alive). You are constantly harassing enemies, similar to Winston, but instead of shield, you have even more mobility. He is difficult to play, but I think he can work.

To buff him, I would give him frontal CC immunity on his block. It feels weird, that it doesn’t block Hook, Sleep etc, when Orisa Spin, D.Va Matrix, Rein, Winston, Sigma shields, Zarya bubbles all block CC well. Doom can’t hit back while he is blocking, why does it not block CC? If he timed it correctly, he should not get screwed by those cooldowns.

Also Sombra matchup sucks, and I feel bad for him. But tbh, most tanks suffer against Sombra, Doom is just one of the worst offender, as he is pathetic without abilities.

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All true, apart from the spelling.

Doomfist more like Coomfist…

They should have just kept him as dps.

He doesn’t fill any sort of role for a tank. He can’t really absorb damage for his team. he can’t protect his team with a shield ro anything. He can’t provide any support for his team like healing or damage increases or movement speeds.

For a guy named DoomFIST, his punches are nothing more than tickles.

good :smirk:

No just no, I do not care what DF mains think but he was the most annoying character by far… Not calling him OP but absolutely frustrating to play with and especially against.

Doomfist is just a terrible designed hero that should never even made it past the concept fase.

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you are supposed to play him with pharah and just peel for 2nd dmg carry

Dooms hand-gun is the most jarring auto fire in the entire game, it was designed to be used as a part of combo so his targets were either immobilized or knocked up in the air.
Aiming it at freely moving enemies was always suffering and now he has to go through with it all the time.


At this point they should just swap powerboick and deflect. God knows why genji has a better thank ability than tank doomfist XD

I don’t main doom but someone told me I was the best doom they have ever played against.

Doomfist needs more to be a tank.

What’s bad is the doom guy who refuses to swap off him in competitive.

I hope more people do this, tbh.

A lot of doomfist mains warned about this- “Yall want weak fist? No worries- Well remind you of that when youre playing WITH weakfist too”.

Play him. Lose with him. Struggle with him. Especially when theres no other tank - Everyone else is going to struggle too. Be mad, dislike playing with him. Because lets be real, his players are upset too. Voice how much you hate playing with him. Explain why you hate playing with him.

And get him the changes he needs so this isnt the case any longer.


I mean I dislike it but what can you do lol. Just heal n pray

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